Hawky, how do you get to timeless isles from pandaria?
Have you got access to a
http://www.wowhead.com/item=46109/sea-turtle mount or something like it that will allow you to run across water mounted? It's very similar to how I described getting to Vashj'ir, only you find the point in Jade Forest that is closest and mount up across the water to get there. I was lucky in that being a Vet I had access to
http://www.wowhead.com/spell=118089/azure-water-strider which I made sure I obtained before I unsub'd. I'm fairly certain it was actually easier than getting to Vashj'ir as it wasn't as far. But you'll die getting near the flight path on TI from crabs or sharks but never mind, you rez every 30 secs on the Isle so all good.
Also opinions; half tempted to upgrade to an actual account, half the fun for me is profs and fishing and being maxed at 100 is kinda drainer as is not being able to communicate/add people
Ok, this is something that needs consideration. If you plan to stay sub'd up and remaining a 20 you will have access to all professions. You will be able to get your primary professions and most secondary ones to 225, and fishing can go all the way up to 700 (without Legion and I believe you can get to 800 with Legion, though I would need someone to confirm that). But if you ever decide to unsub and become Vet, your professions will be bugged other than fishing. You won't be able to do archaeology as you can't loot fragments and your other professions will act as if they are 60 or 70 only, so apart from fishing which seems to work, all others will be gimped. You'll be worse off profession wise than if you had stayed F2P other than fishing. I'll show you some examples below :-
Everything with a lock next to it you won't have access to where a true F2P will. Though there are some profession perks :-
- Higher fishing makes it easier to fish at the Darkmoon Faire
- Having 225 First Aid, though you can't make hardly anything, you will be able to use http://www.wowhead.com/item=14529/runecloth-bandage which is the best scaling bandage for 20 - 29's
Obviously Vet's also have the same restrictions as F2P's when it comes to communication so you'll have to remain sub'd to do that effectively.
But, you also have access to better enchants and possibly better looms if you have the gold than if you stay F2P. Also bank space and Void Storage - big plus! So there are some nice perks of sub'ing up. Though I have some F2P toons, I do enjoy the perks of being Vet, so I'm quite willing to put up with the gimped professions for the sake of the additional perks

It's a choice you will have to make I guess. I know some people love the challenge of being pure F2P, which I get, but give me a cool transmog and I'll sell myself as a Vet any day
Edit : forgot to mention, Battle.net seems to work better on a Vet account than on F2P. While Vet and unsub'd, it literally works as if you are sub'd, but the moment I switch to my F2P account I can no longer see all my Battle.net friends while in game, so I guess that would help with communication.