US player tier list

from playing in US comparing to watching EU.
US is a little better alright.
Locks aren't rly good no.
Nice to see u too bro.

Player quality is the biggest problem with EU, the issue is instead of fixing it the good players just move to US and make it worse. Can't fault them for it, but it is unfortunate that we can't keep both ecosystems going at the same level. A lot of the Legion Twinks still remain (And aren't looking likely to learn how to objectively / awarely play WSG), and even in WoD the quality of EU games was definitely lower than US. I'd let the dust settle, let the new guys learn how much they have to learn (And decide if they wanna learn it), and hopefully there won't be a mass EU exodus before the game quality starts going up.

Yeah lock just doesn't have the oomph it had in WoD (Can't comment on Legion). Because of the way MM's damage functions, it's kinda taken the old destro warlock role and merged it with the WoD SV hunter role. If you want a caster who pumps high sustained single target, has access to CC, and is also made of absolute fucking paper, then your best bet would be mage.

EDIT: Just do the whole bracket a favour and don't just play arcane.

Cheers guys, appreciate the clarification.

I'll do some digging and see if I feel its worth a resub.
What bout aff/demo, garbage or playable?
I get bored too easy with the other classes, at least I used to, so I'd still be playing my locks :)

Also good to see you again Eclips, doing good ?
Lolpzlate #1


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i remember when i started out playing 19s, player tier lists were a goal for me to reach. they motivated me to improve and get better.

since theres a lot of new 19s getting into the competitive scene, i think starting to make these tier lists would possibly have the same effect on them that they had on me.

let's limit the tier lists to players in post-8.1.5 pugs.

fc: me
boomy: lucas/natur, no difference
rsham: buns
ele: buns
rogue: phobia
priest: revo
mw: ras
hunter: stabilt
mage: ripduck
Hpal: me
Cheers Quack good to see u still around! :)

Locks are in a bad state ? wow, thats a first iirc ?!

US better then? Got acc there aswel I could resub.. Got studies next month anyway so need some alternative entertainment ;)

eueueueu jk dog games
Let's make this simple, maintain 60% winrate or above and don't use anything external and you might actually become good at one point.
ive returned to say that all of these people suck complete f word a word.

anon rises once more
fc: mvq/buns
boomy: lucas
rsham: buns
ele: dunno
rogue: dunno
priest: revo/rook
mw: rasmus idk
hunter: fancy
mage: ripduck

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