Pizza and Beau Sabotage

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Rivfader said:
"He who boasts much can do little"

-African Proverb

Ever hear of Einstein. Really arrogant guy. Thank him for the base structure behind every theory made in the past years. Tesla too. In regards to my tuffness. Tyson, ali, etc /end thread.
honestly this thread is pointless. random trolling/flaming that does nothing to help this bracket.
dakoduh77 said:
You're annoying. Stop

And you are?

EDIT: Are you mad because I answered in your useless post in the 15-19 Section?
bankbeauty said:
And you are?

EDIT: Are you mad because I answered in your useless post in the 15-19 Section?

Hi, I am Dakoduh.

Nice to meet you!

Why would I be mad about that useless feedback. <3
Goma said:
who else remembers when beau was a troll pizza look alike on arthas or was it bleeding hollow anyway beau is retarded

and hes trash as well

can anyone confirm that seruka is alive or dead

i called him pizza a lot
dakoduh77 said:
Hi, I am Dakoduh.

Nice to meet you!

Why would I be mad about that useless feedback. <3

Because you, obviously, are mister!
gawd i wish beau and pizza would put their big girl panties on and speak for themselves instead of having veil act as designated mouthpiece
Modified said:
gawd i wish beau and pizza would put their big girl panties on and speak for themselves instead of having veil act as designated mouthpiece

Shhh you cannot expose their plan you may provoke them to do something rash. <3
Modified said:
gawd i wish beau and pizza would put their big girl panties on and speak for themselves instead of having veil act as designated mouthpiece

Hollah, thats exactly what I thought too.
wtf are u doing here modified
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