Pizza and Beau Sabotage

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it's as if playing wow wasn't lame enough.

some of you kids are taking shit to a whole new level and embarrassment.
Pizza said:
If you're looking to start drama, you're going to be disappointed.

It is doubtful the OP will be disappointed, nor will the community at large, for exposing you and Beau for the worthless pieces of shit you actually are. Your pretentious veil of being the game's only worthy Ambassador has been lifted. It's not as though it took this exposure for the community to be convinced, however. It has simply reinforced beliefs that have long since been held as truth in the eyes of many.
Hotbot said:
people might take a liking to you, until then stop embaressing yourself champ

I don't need people to like me, actually I want the opposite and it's clearly working =]

I do NOT freebase cocain.



Turdel said:
I don't need people to like me, actually I want the opposite and it's clearly working =]

Fine, I don't like you today

Maybe tomorrow, will let you know
Phedre said:
Fine, I don't like you today

Maybe tomorrow, will let you know


Sàxxon said:
this kind of drama is exactly what the 19 bracket was missing

PSHHHH you call this drama? No one is getting banned and no posts are being deleted. I miss old BG forums :(
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