So The other night while trying to get my guildies some Pitfighter trinkets Me, Bon, zham And Kron figured out that The DMF Chest will stay and can be looted by multiple people if you only take the pitfighter out it's personal loot rules implying the fact you can swap chars, ( NOt the orgiginal person who looted) They have to stay in. But others can relog other twinks or you can invite new twinks to come get it
Basically its Personal based which works a treat for us
Level one Twinks Dunemaul's NEW GM - Energy
Also little appreciation post for Bon making me Guild master of a guild i've worked absolutely years in, Thanks a bunch man. made a guy real happy
Didn't enjoy the house jump to prove im worthy though haha
Happy twinking, Hope you're all haing a great day
Level one Twinks Dunemaul's NEW GM - Energy
Also little appreciation post for Bon making me Guild master of a guild i've worked absolutely years in, Thanks a bunch man. made a guy real happy
Happy twinking, Hope you're all haing a great day