P2P "Things to do" checklist for your 7 Free Days


[US+EU] P2P "Things to do" checklist for your 7 Free Days

Hi all,

Those of us with inactive P2P accounts would have received the email from Blizzard giving us 7 free days to claim before September 19.

Of course it's already been suggested to use the 7 Free Days to get whatever mounts/pets/titles we can for our F2P toons.

So far I can just think of...

TITLES: (Mount - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft)
- Do some Archy and get that Assistant Professor title (1 rare artifact)
- Do some heroics and get your The Patient title (this can go hand-in-hand with the Faction rep grinding, kill 2 birds with 1 stone!)
- There's a total of 7 titles awarded for killing Lv85 raid bosses (see here under Dungeons and Raids: Title - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft) But finding a guild/raid willing to carry you through could be the hard part.
- Jenkins title in Blackrock Spire - super easy at Lv85
- If you have epic Flying, "The Explorer" is totally within your reach too

MOUNTS: (Mount - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft)
- Raven Lord, dropped by Anzu (Heroic Setthek Halls Lv70 dungeon - 1 week will give you 7 attempts)
- White Hawkstrider, dropped by Kael Sunstrider (Heroic Magister's Terrace Lv70 dungeon - 1 week will give you 7 attempts)
- Fiery Horseman Reins, dropped by Attumen the Huntsman in Karazhan (Lv70 raid, boss soloable. 1 attempt)
- Honor mounts 2000 honor per mount, 7 of them to collect. If you BG a lot it could be possible. When I afk-botted AV I was yielding about 3k-4k honor overnight (in about 10 hours). So if you manage to bot 2000 honor per day, that will give you the whole set by the end of the week.
- Getting all the Lv40 faction mounts (tabard dungeon rep grinding - get The Patient title at the same time!) 10 gold each
- Getting the basic + fast wind rider/gryphon mounts (just a matter of gold, they are fairly cheap) 50g and 100g respectively
- Camel mounts (2 of them, 80g each, requires Exalted with Ramakhen. Do the introductory questline to unlock access to the tabard, then grind dungeons to Exalted)
- Armored Razzashi Raptor + Swift Zulian Panther (dropped in the new Lv85 Zul-Gurub 5 man. Heroic version. so you get 7 attempts. If you go in as a pug you'll be rolling against randoms)
- For around 17-20k gold you can also pick up a Mechano hog from the AH!!!!!!

PETS (Companions by source - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft)
I'll list some of the easy ones
- Core Hound Pup, just add a Authenticator to your account and it'll be sent to you in mail
- Phoenix Hatchling, dropped by Kael Sunstrider (Heroic Magister's Terrace - 1 week will give you 7 attempts)
- A few pets only purchasable in Dalaran (Ghostly Skull, 40g / Blue Clockwork Rocket Bot, 50g)
- Mana Wyrmling, sold by Dealer Rashad at Netherspire (it's 40g, so out of F2P price range)
- Time your 7 free days with DMF and you'll be able to pick up the Jubjub Jubling orange frog pet too
- Crocodile pets from Terrokar Forest fishing dailies
- Tiny Flamefly and MORE MORE MORE. See the link for a full list of pets you can obtain!

Any other suggestions? Please need contributions from you guys to help fill up this list!!!!
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Purse, as always you're a big help and advocator for the F2P community :)

I don't remember if you were a bracket manager when the title was still around, but you're the closest this forum has to one.
- Do some Archy and get that Associate Professor title

You'll probably have to grind like mad for this.
If you go only for this for 7 days, you might get it.
As I remember, getting 10 rares is not such an easy task (and this comes from someone who has 21-22 rares on main :D)

There is no way getting that title and rest of things you mentioned together tbh.
Purse, as always you're a big help and advocator for the F2P community :)
I don't remember if you were a bracket manager when the title was still around, but you're the closest this forum has to one.
Yea, I also thought Purse had some form of recognition at some point or another.
You'll probably have to grind like mad for this.
If you go only for this for 7 days, you might get it.
As I remember, getting 10 rares is not such an easy task (and this comes from someone who has 21-22 rares on main :D)

There is no way getting that title and rest of things you mentioned together tbh.

Oh sorry I meant the title that's only 1 Rare!!!!

I think its Assistant Professor >_< I'll edit the main post!

Yeah 10 rares is out of the question hahaa... but 1 rare is definitely doable within 1 week!!!!
Oh sorry I meant the title that's only 1 Rare!!!!

I think its Assistant Professor >_< I'll edit the main post!

Yeah 10 rares is out of the question hahaa... but 1 rare is definitely doable within 1 week!!!!

hehe yea, 1 is easily doable.
imo just go and do all the Eastern kingdom diggings.
The fossil rares were easiest to get (at least it was when I was doing arch)
you might even get the Fossilized Raptor as 1st rare and kill 2 flies with 1 hit :)

(check on net before hunting rare though. I might be wrong since I have done it a long time ago)
Is it certain you can't get anything from EU to US?
Is it certain you can't get anything from EU to US?

you can't
I searched on numerous topics in both EU and US blizz forums about this and most of folks said that its impossible.
Basically regions don't interfere with each other, I also think that if you would like to play on US and you already have EU account, you would have to buy US account also (I didn't check this however).
As I recall there wasn't even 1 blue post about this in those topics, but if it was possible, someone would have written about it already in those topics.
Feel free to google it but you'll prob get same answer
Tabards and Cooking recipes via Reputation grinds. Even though the achievements are account wide, the actual rep isn't so you can't buy the rep rewards (unless i'm mistaken). A couple reps can be ground out in well under 7 days. So even if you have the rep and achievements on your moth-balled main, you should consider grinding these out for your alt if you want the items:

Grind Sporregar rep to Neutral for the cooking recipe, Exalted for the tabard.
Grind Mag'har / Kurenai to Neutral for 4 cooking recipes. Exalted for a tabard.
Timbermaw is a fast rep, but no usable reward.

also, any flight points that need summoning that you might not already have.

btw, has the REAL email offering the 7 free days gone out to everyone? i get a bogus one like every day and have stopped looking at them. What's the time frame that we can use the 7 free days?
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The one I received appears to be legit, from blizzard.com and appropriate links to battle.net source URLs.

Prepare for Pandaria with 7 days of FREE game time for your account! Simply click below to claim your time... but act fast, as this offer will expire on September 19.
I think the title Guardian of Cenarius can fit very well with some names and is worth grinding out for your 20s. If you're guilded, make sure you pick up the rep increasing Guild Standards (Banner of Cooperation - Item - World of Warcraft, Standard of Unity - Item - World of Warcraft, Battle Standard of Coordination - Item - World of Warcraft). They don't share a cooldown, so you can rotate multiple ones to speed up rep grinds considerably.

Cenarion Circle:
Kill the Twilight's Hammer mobs around Cenarion Hold in Silithus. They award 10 rep per kill and drop Encrypted Twilight Text - Item - World of Warcraft, which can be turned 10 at a time for 500 rep. I usually just bounced between the two camps to the southwest of Cenarion Hold, they'd usually respawn fast enough. Make a "/tar Twilight Prophet" macro and spam it every couple minutes while you're flying, that mob awards extra rep and always drops 7+ texts.

Cenarion Expedition:
Grind the Zangarmarsh Heroics/Dungeons (Underbog, Slave Pens, Steamvault). When I was grinding this out, I'd do H Underbog (good for Sporeggar rep too), H Steamvaults, then normal Steamvaults til the instance lockout. Slave Pens is kind of annoyingly organized and the walk back to the entrance at the end always annoyed me, I'd recommend doing it if you're looking to finish this in one day though. You can either do this grind daily, or just wait for the instance lockout to be up and keep chain running Steamvaults.

Hmmm, what else.
Deathcharger's Reins - Item - World of Warcraft could also be a good mount to instance grind for, considering its more repeatable than the ones in BC heroics.


Seriously, the talbuk mounts are glorious. They're probably my favorite ground mounts in the game. I've been using Reins of the Silver War Talbuk - Item - World of Warcraft on my mage recently, I get complimented on it like every other game (and rightfully so, I think its absolutely beautiful).

There's probably boatloads of other things worth grinding for, I'll add if any pop in my head. If any of the repeatable guild rep boosting quests are still around/working (I think the chicken one still works, not positive though), you may be able to get a Reins of the Kor'kron Annihilator - Item - World of Warcraft (or the Ally one that I don't feel like looking up/linking).
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i didn't get one :( i took a cata trial already though and i got SoR'd during cata so that may be why
Logging into Battle.net over clicking on email links is always the best way to do it. When I log into mine I get:

In the bottom right corner you can see that there's a 10 day trial, which isn't available to click yet, but I had similar trials during LK before Cat was released and during Cat. Also, the recent SoR2 update gave you a free Cat level account upgrade. This account is currently frozen, but at some point they will likely offer a Panda trial.
i didn't get one :( i took a cata trial already though and i got SoR'd during cata so that may be why

I also got SORd during cata. Check on the official site under "account" as others have said!!!

Hope you get your 7 free days!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Queuing ZA/ZG for the 3 mounts is not like soloing a BC heroic. You can LFD queue as many times as you want and get heroic ZA/ZG over and over
Play 85 random bgs - very fun using more than 5 buttons! I heart 85 fire mage.
I didn't get one either. Not sure if its related, but I used a Wrath trial from an expired license on my account that ended 3 days ago. I rolled a Death Knight on a high pop server and played the AH to get 14k for a Mammoth (Horde side, Goblin with discount from the first lvl 25 guild I saw doing invites.) I also did the higher learning achieve for the Kirin Tor Familiar. (Got the last book with 2 hours of time left.) If you get this offer you won't be able to time it for the Darkmoon Faire as it expires before it comes around again, so you would need to use it immediately.

Another option to consider. If you use it late in the day onSeptember 18th, the day before the offer expires, in theory you should be able to log in on the 25th as your last day when MoP launches and buy pet battle training for 100g that from what I read is account wide. I'd hope that lets people on f2p do pet battles too.

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