Opinions on Best in Show? Positive / Negative feedback wanted?

Why don't you stop dancing around it and call us poopy heads already. I feel like that's about the level of your trolling attempts right now.
Honestly, I don't care what anyone has to say about my guild anymore. I have got a lot of positive feedback and some negative feedback as of being a drama queen I don't really complain when someone has something negative to say I just correct them, everyone entitled to there own opinion.

Boots, I was all for transferring my hunter to your guild, I'm all for helping other guilds it helps the bracket out when you have transfer because people here about it and they transfer etc.. it helps the bracket out big time, guess you got mad and removed me from your real ID. dunno what I did. Ohwell, I don't really care.

Wow is just a game, we all play it for fun. Some a little more then others, we all pay our $15 dollars a month so I guess we're entitled to do what we want. After viewing Ironmans premade last night I guess a new strategy we might inherit would be keeping the 24's who could change the game around at the gy for a guaranteed win... See ya in the gulch Emerald Dream.
Honestly, I don't care what anyone has to say about my guild anymore. I have got a lot of positive feedback and some negative feedback as of being a drama queen I don't really complain when someone has something negative to say I just correct them, everyone entitled to there own opinion.

Boots, I was all for transferring my hunter to your guild, I'm all for helping other guilds it helps the bracket out when you have transfer because people here about it and they transfer etc.. it helps the bracket out big time, guess you got mad and removed me from your real ID. dunno what I did. Ohwell, I don't really care.

Wow is just a game, we all play it for fun. Some a little more then others, we all pay our $15 dollars a month so I guess we're entitled to do what we want. After viewing Ironmans premade last night I guess a new strategy we might inherit would be keeping the 24's who could change the game around at the gy for a guaranteed win... See ya in the gulch Emerald Dream.

You asked for this to happen, This is TI not some care bear forum.
Honestly, I don't care what anyone has to say about my guild anymore. I have got a lot of positive feedback and some negative feedback as of being a drama queen I don't really complain when someone has something negative to say I just correct them, everyone entitled to there own opinion.

People apparently aren't entitled to their own opinions if you feel the need to correct them. Might as well request this thread be locked if you can't handle any more flak from people.
Oh I know, I been apart of twink info since it was formed.

I use to twink at 19 and came to 24 about 3 months ago.
I haven't ran into a complete premade of your guild yet, but there have been games where I would queue and would be up against 2-3, sometimes even 4, of your guildies. Beat them every time. But like any guild, those could be the trashy players. So not going to say you guys are good or bad based on that (like most people do).

On the other hand, I have heard positives and negatives of you guys, but I hope to run into you all one day! Not going to say how you all are until I see it with my own eyes.

Best of luck to your guild, hope it works out! Would like to see some more 24 twink guilds grow like there use to be before almost all of them had died. Will be fun having some good competition again!
If grave yard farming can help you win, what's the problem?
Farming the GY prevents the other team from entering the game, and is actually a good tactic (in SOME scenarios).

Honestly, I'd say that your guild should do what it takes to win, and fuck anyone who cries about it.
If grave yard farming can help you win, what's the problem?
Farming the GY prevents the other team from entering the game, and is actually a good tactic (in SOME scenarios).

Is this you saying this or are you quoting someone?

My stance on the opponents GY, which anyone that's read my care bear views already knows, is as follows:

1. If the opponents flag is in or near the GY, my ass is there too.
2. If the team we are playing is being outplayed to the point where our team could GY camp them, they I will A) run flags to hurry the game along or B) stand on the other side of the road and if any get by, kill.

Being ass deep in the graveyard to farm just as they spawn is a dick move. It's not strategy.

I believe a team should give the other team the opportunity to rez, buff and either jump down to their death or chill in the GY while the other team moves the game along.

GY Camping as a strategy is another waty of saying, "I am a dick and I want to call GY farming something else so I don't look like a dick".
Played with a few members of your guild today, game could have turned into a shitfest of us farming horde but they kept the flags moving and ended it. seem like the guild has decent enough people to not farm with the flag

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