Destro lock OWNS.
I would just like to say, no they are not useless, not at all!
look at this game from 19s the other day;
a lock with 120k dmg and a mage with 90k, and it could easily be the other way around.
so locks and mages start Q´ing!
(SS is not mine btw)
Screens are not acurate, these are from before 5.4.
Some screens from a f2p lock aswell, it's definitely a lot more viable than people think it is. Obviously not every game goes as well as in the screenshots, though. You get targeted by hunters, rogues and whatnot a lot, but if you know how to use your spells in an efficient way, it is a good class. Really good, fun and challenging class in this bracket IMO.
Screens are not acurate, these are from before 5.4.
Sure but then tell people that you had pocket heals now it looks like you have great survival skill, which locks dont have specially destro.Still want to emphasize that these screens are just to show what a lock can be capable of,
Sure but then tell people that you had pocket heals now it looks like you have great survival skill, which locks dont have specially destro.
Btw is that lock that jajaxd, makes me wonder if you had a forced name change ?
You're right, one or both of the screendshots might be from 5.3. I have 5.4 screens aswell, but realised the SS's weren't cut after I uploaded them so just added these 2. It doesn't make too much difference though, as (afaik) all changes that destro went through in 5.4 was increased immolate damage.
Here's one that's from 5.4 for sure:
Still want to emphasize that these screens are just to show what a lock can be capable of, I don't take screens from every game and not every game goes this well. Just figured I'd post it since people didn't appreciate OPs ss from 19s
not bad, if ppl dont consider u had premade with ur pocket healers and gy farming.
Premade yes, pocket healers no, gy farming no. GY farming and mid/gy control are two different things. We had one FC, 3 locks, 1 healer (for all 3 locks, not just me, so doesn't qualify as a pocket healer imo.). Also if you think I was GY farming, where do you think I got my returns? Their FCs came to their own gy 3 times just to drop flag for me to return?
When will people understand that GY/midcontrol are the most effective strategies under the current metagame? Probably never in this bracket
EDIT: Due to people QQing about my SSs being taken from a premade, I decided to try out a bg on my own and this is what I came up with in the first bg:
What excuse will people come out with next for locks being shit @ 20? Please go on, I'd be happy to hear
buuuuuuu u sakk
Messika i know're that guy that fears ppl right ?
or do they fear him?