Oliks' Arena Grand Master Boosting Service

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Re: [WTS] Arena Grand Master

wtb this on us ha
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Re: [WTS] Arena Grand Master

I just mean, how successful are you at getting people their trinkets? Is it a virtual guarentee?
Re: [WTS] Arena Grand Master

Gotta rate this service 10/10 ! It was just awesome, got my agm within 1,5 days without any problems :) He's also a really friendly and nice guy, i can highly recommend this service. Thinking about getting a second agm now - I would always buy this service again !
Re: [WTS] Arena Grand Master

I would have done this for free @ EU like i did with a lot f2p and guildies in the past. It certainly feels IATisch in here to charge money for something which is not yours but blizzards which makes this a scam even though op has best intentions $ for $ himself $ and of course a a lot $ for the TI $ community $couch$ and it's members to obtain an agm. Just do it for free Oliks, don't be like him :p
Re: [WTS] Arena Grand Master

I would have done this for free @ EU like i did with a lot f2p and guildies in the past. It certainly feels IATisch in here to charge money for something which is not yours but blizzards which makes this a scam even though op has best intentions $ for $ himself $ and of course a a lot $ for the TI $ community $couch$ and it's members to obtain an agm. Just do it for free Oliks, don't be like him :p

If he did this for free, or anyone for that matter, everybody would want in on it. So what if he offers this service and asks money in return? It's logical to do so and people are willing to pay for it, so why not? And this is not a scam, it's a service. A scam is when someone takes your money and gives nothing in return, that is not the case here. And what did you mean by this sentence:
$couch$ and it's members to obtain an agm. Just do it for free Oliks, don't be like him :p
, I couldn't make heads or tails of it. Think before you post, it makes life easier.
Re: [WTS] Arena Grand Master

Used this service due to a lack of availability at spawn times.
Worked great, nice guy.
2 AGM in 2.5 days.
10/10 would recommend.
Re: [WTS] Arena Grand Master

Went very smoothly he managed to get 7-8 parts in one night. I had the trinket in 2 days. Easy fast and safe :)
Re: [WTS] Arena Grand Master

And this is not a scam, it's a service. A scam is when someone takes your money and gives nothing in return, that is not the case here.
He has nothing to give in the first place because it is all blizzard's. All he does is giving protection in a game for an item (which is not his) and what gives a person the right to ask protection money like gangsters and the mob used to do with like for example stores.

You are telling me to think before posting but i do not have a problem thinking in the first place. It is just you, and a lot others, who can't see the difference between right and wrong :p

We are here to help each other making a community and characters that come with that community but that is not the case in this situation by asking money for this so called service which is just self interest. Like i said before I would do it for free because i place the twinking community before self interest.

Anyways, i said what i have to say and the choice is up to you if you want to pay 20 euro or just ask me for free.
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Re: [WTS] Arena Grand Master

Anyways, i said what i have to say and the choice is up to you if you want to pay 20 euro or just ask me for free.

Hey man, i'm sorry that you feel that way, but i am however not going to give away my time away completely free :) You are welcome to do this for free to anyone who would want that, i'm not going to stop you, but for my economical life to add up, i have to have a certain income contra outcome, and doign stuff for free isn't going to make that a possibility ;)
Also, yes this is a community, i would say that I acknowledge that more than most people and i have spent countless hours working freely on here, making lots of guides of different sorts, armory threads, theorycrafting and helping random people who had questions.
And also, i have done this for free for many friends :)

Anyway, you should know i take nothing of this personal, everyone is entitled to their own opinions :)
I'm gonna give you room to make a reply to this if you want to, and if I have more to add i'll PM you, but I just don't want my thread filled up with a discussion, and i hope you respect that :)
Also, anyone else, please don't jump into this discussion anymore :)
Re: [WTS] Arena Grand Master

Man..... I keep seeing comments that your prices are high makes me curious how much that is in US dollars
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