Oliks' Arena Grand Master Boosting Service

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Re: [WTS] Arena Grand Master

1 agm = 25,54$
2 agms = 44,69$

50 bucks for 2 agms >.<

You guys should keep a customer count on the original post just so I can laugh at them.

I thought the point in an AGM was the stories from farming them that came with it :(

And for US servers, I forget their names but there used to be people selling agms for 12kg (or 1k per trink).
Re: [WTS] Arena Grand Master

Why dont people just make a dk on a rp server and inv their twink, since they are not crossrealm, gurubashi is almost dead at all times
Re: [WTS] Arena Grand Master

Okay, i'm closing the service since I don't have the time for it anymore. I will finish up the 2 last buyers i have and then that'll be it.
Requested locked.

Re: [WTS] Arena Grand Master

Locked per OP's request.
Re: [WTS] Arena Grand Master

I am opening this up again!
I will be boosting for the next 10 days!
First AGM gets 25% discount! (also works if u buy 2)
Add me on skype OliksDK.

~Thread will stay locked. Contact me on skype or PM~
~Also i lowered overall price a bit. Price that counts is in OP~
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