Thanks man! 99 green staves and 16 rares and yet to see an epicI'd just like to congratulate Vianco on, after countless hours, finally being given a Foamspittle staff by Bestworld.
So made a nelf warr, did elwynn, dun morough, teldrasil, going through darkshore now, and this is my luck, all have same stats :/
I'm 19 so wetlands is out also doing then all there's weapon rewards.Why do those? Darkshore, Bloodmyst, Loch Modan, Wetlands, Ashenvale, Stonetalon Mountains are the only ally zones worth doing.
Finished the horde quests on my rogue. Ended up with...
- 2 pairs of 6agi/9stam boots that aren't better than my
- Marauding Belt (6agi/9stam/8crit) and belt of beginnings (6agi/9stam/6crit)...which isn't too much better than (blindwatcher has 5 verse, but at the cost of 5crit, 1 agi, and 1 stam)
- A 8agi/13stam/8crit chest and a 8agi/13stam chest. Neither of which is better than my TF'd invasion chest.
- 5agi/7stam ring...which is nice, but not sure its better than an ideal stat quickblade ring from BG crates or random dungeons
- Boulder pads and Feathered Headdress
Most critically though, no weapons =(
So now I gotta figure out if I want to xfer to alliance to do those quests...
What's better, feathered headdress or the green lens?
Interesting, epic Juno’s
Best upgrade ever.
Interesting, epic Juno’s
That’s a dungeon boe and off multiple mobs I guess
Edit: armory says it can upgrade.
"Interesting" is an understatement... this is the only example I've seen of a dungeon "drop" upgrading (thank goodness we have Blizzard's site to verify this sort of thing).
I'd presume that it still only drops from a single (trash) NPC, it's just the AoE-looting that makes it seem otherwise.