Trending Official blizzard response on the bracket seperation

So everyone is mad because it’s locked again and we can finally have US BACK and EU cmon guys all that leveller shit was for casuals and now will see if these so called “twinks” will stay and rock with the new competitive WAVE !
This will kill the community 19s/20-29s etc. Partly to blame from people playing complete BS builds (incin ammo etc) if you look at the complaints from non twinks it’s the oneshotting that was annoying them. Non-twink players seem to believe that the only reason people play low level is to the oneshot etc. Where as for most of the community it’s more about queueing into opposing faction twink teams and tryharding to win, not kill focusing. all that needed to be done was to nerf stuff like incin ammo/crusader chant etc. Even putting template stats back would of been fine with most of us. It’s the lack of queues that will kill the brackets not lack of oneshotting.
I don’t think people actually know what’s happening ?? Xp will be back to the way of WoD twinks will join with other twinks the way it’s meant to be? What’s so sad about this ?? It’s not going to destroy anything stop being pussys you causuals
So everyone is mad because it’s locked again and we can finally have US BACK and EU cmon guys all that leveller shit was for casuals and now will see if these so called “twinks” will stay and rock with the new competitive WAVE !
exactly, makes me wanna play wow again

I understand that shit's a rough hit to brackets that aren't super populate but fk come on down to 29's and it'll be a blast. honestly the levelers ruined gameplay for me. my favorite map av will now be competitive once again! hardcore pugging is back boys
I don’t think people actually know what’s happening ?? Xp will be back to the way of WoD twinks will join with other twinks the way it’s meant to be? What’s so sad about this ?? It’s not going to destroy anything stop being pussys you causuals

I wanna kill backpedlers people.. LEAVE ME ALONE
Xp will be back to the way of WoD twinks will join with other twinks the way it’s meant to be? What’s so sad about this ??

How many games has there been today? Yesterday?

2? 3? Since the patch?

The convenience of not having to set aside 1 timeslot once a week was a nice thing. Or are you a cable guy?
How many games has there been today? Yesterday?

2? 3? Since the patch?

The convenience of not having to set aside 1 timeslot once a week was a nice thing.

Because like it has been said multiple times, not everyone check Xpoff daily. Tryharders from back in time probably did stop and just come to see news once in a few. Just wait a few times before discord are getting spam again (cuz they pretty much were dead due to all competition being useless) by everyone who cares about their bracket for doing revivals, to queue at specifiques times and much more. It's just a matter of time but as always, people will strife for pops no worries.
listen I can’t lie this thread I ain’t replying to no new names if no vet + badge, I’m airing u.

Real talk
With all these social networks blizzard has given us, community chats where there’s AT least 100 members in it. Just face it all these casuals crying now making excuses. Yes it might start rough like any other new relationship. But we have the utilities to network and perfect something to help queues.
If there's enough queueing they shouldn't NEED to. There's not even enough random interest to pop a game.

Games should be happening anyway. By themselves.

have you seen how many people did quit the game just because they couldn't kill backpedlers anymore? Well prolly around the same amount will prolly resub within the few days/weeks. Like I said not everyone is aware of that and yeah things has to be somewhat reorganised. I doubt anyone is actually queueing right now cuz everyone busy on this forum so yeah that's also one of the reason it doesn't pop :D
I cringe every time someone says it will be at WoD levels... WoD, seriously that was the highlight for you lot?

Yes. Of your "hundred in community chat" how many don't want to? How many did you lose?

Looking by your badges you are new here, you've no clue about what you're talking about. Those things already happened, I ain't worrying for the retail players. Either u cry with everyone and unsub & quit forever either u strife for competitive gameplay as of today
Been here since vanilla... seen what happens before. Im glad you think it'll be different this time.

But the simple point remains - all brackets don't have the means to maintain activity. The ones that do will be scheduled only. That's fine! But if your particular bracket is so active as you claim then there should be random games going now.

There aren't. Everyone here knows... why aren't any games going?
I cringe every time someone says it will be at WoD levels... WoD, seriously that was the highlight for you lot?
wod pugs were the most competitive pugs at 19s compared to every other expac

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