NWL: End of summer 3v3 Tournament w/ community raised prize pool

Would really like to see some cool comp set ups unlike the other 3v3 tournament. WW's are rediculously OP now so they should definetly get the ban hammer completely. I like the rule of BM monks and warriors not being allowed to be on the same team that's definetly the right step to take imo.
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Would really like to see some cool comp set ups unlike the other 3v3 tournament. WW's are rediculously OP now so they should definetly get the ban hammer completely. I like the rule of BM monks and warriors not being allowed to be on the same team that's definetly the right step to take imo.

huge shout out to [MENTION=24447]UbexHD[/MENTION] for providing 1k Gold and Void-Shrouded Satchels to the winning team!
[MENTION=26237]Makhno[/MENTION] aka sensei just threw in 25k!
One healer/off healer spec per team rule added.
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Where are the rules

Original post

Fury Warriors can only wield ONE Crusader enchanted weapon. They can NOT use Berserking or Landslide at all.
Arms Warriors are permitted to use ONE weapon enchanted with Crusader.
Retribution Paladins are permitted to use ONE weapon enchanted with Crusader.
Brewmaster and Windwalker Monks are NOT permitted to use Berserking or Landslide
Rogues are NOT permitted to use Landslide or Berserking enchants
Balance Druids are permitted to ONLY use Elemental Force.
Only healing spec classes are permitted to weapon swap
No Toys
No Feral druids
Best of Three
Arms Warriors, Brewmaster Monks, and Windwalking Monks cannot be on the same team
One healer and one off healer spec per a team only, boomkins don't count as off healers.
Cannot have more than one of the same class on a team.
Pretty nice can the arenas be specific? Like Dalaran Sewers? i found an exploit in there the first arena i played with my f2p. oh and if it was WSG i would win ezpz
whats the reasoning behind warriors being able to use one crusader but monk cant use landslide at all? both are just as stupid honestly
whats the reasoning behind warriors being able to use one crusader but monk cant use landslide at all? both are just as stupid honestly

Longer matches.The no LS rule could be looked into more. Are you saying warriors shouldn't be able to use crusader at all?
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If anything ban the usage from both Warriors and Brewmaster monks. make the wars use elemental force, would be interesting. if any one is looking for a Horde shammy or boomy (in progress), Alliance disc.

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