The Nineteens Wargaming League Presents: The Summers End 3v3 Bleeding Hollow Tournament
All the other brackets are copying the initiative that 19s has shown, why is that? Because we take it a step further, every single time. Don't get me wrong, this is great, but its important that we set the gold standard of what it is to be the best twink bracket of all time. So i'm putting down 25k into the prize pool, and asking for a minimum donation from you guys of 1,000g from whoever can afford it, my goal is 100k - if we raise more, than that is would be really cool, donations on either faction are acceptable.
I've created a challonge tournament End of Summer 3s - Challonge. It starts September 19th, 2015 - 05:00 PM EST
At least one member of each team needs to add Conq#1458 on battletag
Team Name:
Team Armories:
Good Luck and have fun, need streamers if we reach the 100k and 4 team minimum.
If you would like to put into the prize pool please send me a private message, post here, and/or mail the gold to Conq on Bleeding Hollow Alliance or Paragodx on Bleeding Hollow Horde
Prize pool: 112k + 3 void satchels
Still hoping to get this as high as possible.
Conq: 25k
Squidgy: 25k
Saxxon: 10k
Ubex: Three Void Satchels and 1,000g
Sensei: 25k via WoW Token
Fonzy: 9k
Charleysheen: 5k
Gokku: 12k
All the other brackets are copying the initiative that 19s has shown, why is that? Because we take it a step further, every single time. Don't get me wrong, this is great, but its important that we set the gold standard of what it is to be the best twink bracket of all time. So i'm putting down 25k into the prize pool, and asking for a minimum donation from you guys of 1,000g from whoever can afford it, my goal is 100k - if we raise more, than that is would be really cool, donations on either faction are acceptable.
I've created a challonge tournament End of Summer 3s - Challonge. It starts September 19th, 2015 - 05:00 PM EST
- Fury Warriors can only wield ONE Crusader enchanted weapon. They can NOT use Berserking or Landslide at all.
- Brewmasters can use ONE landslide
- Retribution Paladins are permitted to use ONE weapon enchanted with Crusader.
- Rogues are NOT permitted to use Landslide or Berserking enchants
- Balance Druids are permitted to ONLY use Elemental Force.
- Only healing spec classes are permitted to weapon swap
- No Toys
- No Feral druids
- Best of Three
- Arms Warriors, Brewmaster Monks, and Windwalking Monks cannot be on the same team
- One healer and one off healer spec per a team only, boomkins don't count as off healers.
- Cannot have more than one of the same class on a team.
- Arms Warriors cannot use Crusader
- Windwalkers can only use elemental force
- You are allowed a maximum of two different weapon sets/enchants as a healer (as stated above)
- You can change spec's, but not characters in between games
At least one member of each team needs to add Conq#1458 on battletag
Team Name:
Team Armories:
Good Luck and have fun, need streamers if we reach the 100k and 4 team minimum.
If you would like to put into the prize pool please send me a private message, post here, and/or mail the gold to Conq on Bleeding Hollow Alliance or Paragodx on Bleeding Hollow Horde
Prize pool: 112k + 3 void satchels
Still hoping to get this as high as possible.
Conq: 25k
Squidgy: 25k
Saxxon: 10k
Ubex: Three Void Satchels and 1,000g
Sensei: 25k via WoW Token
Fonzy: 9k
Charleysheen: 5k
Gokku: 12k
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