NWL: End of summer 3v3 Tournament w/ community raised prize pool


The Nineteens Wargaming League Presents: The Summers End 3v3 Bleeding Hollow Tournament

All the other brackets are copying the initiative that 19s has shown, why is that? Because we take it a step further, every single time. Don't get me wrong, this is great, but its important that we set the gold standard of what it is to be the best twink bracket of all time. So i'm putting down 25k into the prize pool, and asking for a minimum donation from you guys of 1,000g from whoever can afford it, my goal is 100k - if we raise more, than that is would be really cool, donations on either faction are acceptable.

I've created a challonge tournament End of Summer 3s - Challonge. It starts September 19th, 2015 - 05:00 PM EST
  • Fury Warriors can only wield ONE Crusader enchanted weapon. They can NOT use Berserking or Landslide at all.
  • Brewmasters can use ONE landslide
  • Retribution Paladins are permitted to use ONE weapon enchanted with Crusader.
  • Rogues are NOT permitted to use Landslide or Berserking enchants
  • Balance Druids are permitted to ONLY use Elemental Force.
  • Only healing spec classes are permitted to weapon swap
  • No Toys
  • No Feral druids
  • Best of Three
  • Arms Warriors, Brewmaster Monks, and Windwalking Monks cannot be on the same team
  • One healer and one off healer spec per a team only, boomkins don't count as off healers.
  • Cannot have more than one of the same class on a team.
  • Arms Warriors cannot use Crusader
  • Windwalkers can only use elemental force
  • You are allowed a maximum of two different weapon sets/enchants as a healer (as stated above)
  • You can change spec's, but not characters in between games
Sign Up:

At least one member of each team needs to add Conq#1458 on battletag

Team Name:
Team Armories:

Good Luck and have fun, need streamers if we reach the 100k and 4 team minimum.

If you would like to put into the prize pool please send me a private message, post here, and/or mail the gold to Conq on Bleeding Hollow Alliance or Paragodx on Bleeding Hollow Horde

Prize pool: 112k + 3 void satchels

Still hoping to get this as high as possible.

Conq: 25k

Squidgy: 25k

Saxxon: 10k

Ubex: Three Void Satchels and 1,000g

Sensei: 25k via WoW Token

Fonzy: 9k

Charleysheen: 5k

Gokku: 12k
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Re: End of summer 3v3 Tournament

Teams List:

Team One
Name: Team UGGTW

Team Two:
Name: Team Beantown Bullies

Team Three:
Name: Team JGC

Team Four:
Name: Team Barb

Team Five:

Team Six:

Team Name: Team CSS

Team Seven:
Team name: Trump2016

Team Eight:
Team Name: Last Minute

Team Nine:

Team Ten:

(will add more)
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Re: End of summer 3v3 Tournament w/ community raised prize pool

looks nice, good luck :)
Updated to accommodate EU times. Start time is now 5 PM EST
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maybe take the initiative to be the first person to host a tournament with a rule against arms warriors and brewmaster monks

both 3v3 tournaments were pretty aids to watch seeing as more or less everyone ran the same comp over and over, surely there are better ways to showcase some good 19 arena gameplay to the outside world than mongo warrior/monk play. would be nice to see some people coming out with some different comps and not feel like theyre pressured into following the rest in order to stand a chance

maybe take the initiative to be the first person to host a tournament with a rule against arms warriors and brewmaster monks

both 3v3 tournaments were pretty aids to watch seeing as more or less everyone ran the same comp over and over, surely there are better ways to showcase some good 19 arena gameplay to the outside world than mongo warrior/monk play. would be nice to see some people coming out with some different comps and not feel like they're pressured into following the rest in order to stand a chance

I can definitely see a full-on veto of BM and Arms making games way more entertaining to watch and allowing people to choose different team comps. Even just seeing the same players play fury or WW with restrictions would be cool to see.

I really hope this will spark some more interest, and that alot of people that were watching might turn up and make a team for the next arena tournament if there will be one.

I would personally love to see a caster only tournament, the melee games are so fast and bursty from time to time :)

Caster only sounds interesting. But I think I prefer the idea of more restricted melee (as above) which can still give outsiders a more broadened flavour of the bracket.

I'd like to make a team on US for this tourny. Got alot of potentially viable and fun comp ideas in my head...

Spriest, Windwalker Monk, Resto Sham

Demo Lock, Survival Hunt, Disc Priest

Elemental Shaman, Fury Warr, Disc Priest

Balance Druid, Affliction Lock, Disc Priest

MM Hunt, Ret Pala, Resto Sham

Frost Mage, Enhance Sham, Disc Priest

Most of these could probably work (some obviously better than others) but it's just a shame that competetively we've genuinely not seen any of these comps for need of an arms warrior / BM monk. The next thing I guess would be pointing out how much bettter RSham and Discs are over Mistweavers and RDruids. I've let that slide just now cause I don't think it's worth trying to tackle to many things at once, but definitely something to look at for the future I reckon.
Great stuff as always, Conq! I would like to donate 25k to help make this happen.

Squidgy you never seem to fail to impress me, i'm glad we've had the chance to work together like we have. Now we're at the halfway mark <3
am sad if warriors get the boot entirely.. will still make a team for my hunter, but many sadfaces will be had
There could be a rule implemented that Brewmaster monks are BANNED from being in the same team as a Warrior of ANY specialization. That will force people to not just go for the full "in your face" TSG style cleaves, yet it means that a windwalker can be paired with a warrior and teams will have more of a chance vs that comp, yet it still would be viable.

It's just a thought.
Bump. still looking for teams and gold for the 100k mark. We are 50% there!
Bump. still looking for teams and gold for the 100k mark. We are 50% there!

why not just use whatever gold you raise and not make a cap?
Updated, 50k is definetly enough for a tournament, so it will happen no matter what, need teams and i'm still really hoping to increase the prize pool so throw-ins as little as 1,000g on Bleeding Hollow (either faction) are acceptable.

Also considering a rule against WW, Brewmastes, and/or arms warriors being on the same team. Would really like to hear some input, especially after the recent patch.
Updated, 50k is definetly enough for a tournament, so it will happen no matter what, need teams and i'm still really hoping to increase the prize pool so throw-ins as little as 1,000g on Bleeding Hollow (either faction) are acceptable.

Also considering a rule against WW, Brewmastes, and/or arms warriors being on the same team. Would really like to hear some input, especially after the recent patch.

All hail lord and savior [MENTION=1651]Saxxon[/MENTION] who has bestowed upon us not only his divine wisdom but also has generously donated 10,000g to the prize pool

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