Not sure if yall know...

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Drayner said:
Cite your source.

A GM said it was likely to be changed soon, but he did not say it was a mistake. I remember reading the blue post myself.
A GM said it was likely to be changed soon, but he did not say it was a mistake. I remember reading the blue post myself.

From a technical point of view they are merely setting the "cannot gain XP" flag on a character when it reaches 20 on a trial account. This is incidentally the flag which is checked to separate the queues. There is no difference between XP off and free to play from what the queue system looks for currently. While maybe not a mistake, it was clearly an oversight on their part.
While maybe not a mistake,

Indeed. I don't really see a favourable alternative for Blizzard than the current format, given their long term stance on low levels. On the one hand, making their precious trial players fight big nasty 24 twinks is unattractive, but on the other they do not want to encourage twinks to just play on F2P accounts.

If I were a Blizzard designer I would remove F2P from the locked and put them into unlocked, but I would remove even more privileges from trial accounts to make it appealing to a new player, but unattractive in the long term. Perhaps something along the lines of only allowing trial accounts to enter 10 BGs a week or something.
If they do plan on making the change in the future, then I will have to get my dirty hands on a F2P account >:3
A GM said it was likely to be changed soon, but he did not say it was a mistake. I remember reading the blue post myself.

I was looking for it but i am not able to find it. Afterwards i mailed and just asked. I kinda got the same answer, mistake but unlikely to be changed soon.

And lol, i was allready looking for these posts in the original thread. Hence i thought i was going more crazy then i allready am.
I kinda got the same answer, mistake but unlikely to be changed soon.

This is the kind of thing that pisses me off about Bliz, convinces me they're incompetent and up their own asses, and nowhere near as good a group of developers as they make out/believe. Especially when compared to the people who work for companies like Valve or CCP (who make EVE Online).

CCP have a blog somewhere* about a group of devs who work on a project called something like 'Death by 1000 paper cuts', which is about fixing a lot of little annoyances in the game that all add up to make it less enjoyable. Those issues were suggested and voted for as to the attention priority they should get, by the players. The patch after that project was started was a really good one.

They also have a lead developer who turned up to the Alliance Tournament (live streaming, and a huge event for EVE) for his interview, in a shirt saying 'Fixes, not features', clearly showing that he wasn't going along with what marketing wanted.

Meanwhile Bliz spend months working on an entire raid, because they can plaster screenshots for it all over the web, but can't do a few simple 15 minute fixes like shifting the level cap on trials up a little, or moving the starting level for some of the abilities around to overcome the chronic sub engame class imbalance they introduced with cata. Also since the Activision takeover, about the same time Ghostcrawler came along, the game has been dumbed down and made to cater for the masses, with him raving about all those changes. He's clearly a very marketing focussed lead developer, and I bet that **** Bobby Kotick who runs Activision-Blizzard just loves him (google his name to see what he thinks of game players and how games should be developed

'Power to the people players!'

Your resident commie bastard,


*They have lots of blogs about what they're developing. Something else that makes them better than Bliz.
I suppose it depends whether you think F2P purely exists to attract more paying players to WOW or whether Blizzard are actually interested in allowing people to play a damn good game (WSG @ 20) for free.

I think the former is true, therefore anything which ruins the long term fun for the F2P people will not be fixed. Same as P2P low level PvP hasn't been fixed. Their answer to any problem @20 will be "buy the full version". Reminds me of their constant mantra of "PvP will be balanced at 85". LMFAO 'cause otherwise i'd cry.

I don't think Blizzard meant to create a F2P WSG@20 game, it was an unexpected side effect and thanks to their glacier like development process, we've had the time to enjoy the situation. It wouldn't surprise me if they further limited F2P BGs.
I'm also of the opinion that Bliz are idiots if they don't try to monetize F2P, because there are plenty of people who simply won't or can't pay a subscription, but there are other things they may be willing to pay for, many of which already exist, such as transfers.
From memory, their exact words were that level 20 trials being XP off was "an unintended consequence" which is not the same as it being a mistake, and certainly not anything they plan to change.
I'm also of the opinion that Bliz are idiots if they don't try to monetize F2P, because there are plenty of people who simply won't or can't pay a subscription, but there are other things they may be willing to pay for, many of which already exist, such as transfers.

Yep, a lot of the f2p twinks WOULD pay for transfers
Twice probably.

There's a lot of gear everyone would like to get from the other faction, race changes to get access to a couple more recipes, not to mention people could xfer to a low pop server to get their AGMs.
You do realize if they put trials in xp on BG's we will see more "twinks" who are leveling through BG's and more poorly geared players who are also leveling through BG's? It will only have 2 effects;

-Eliminate 24's and have games be stupidly easy or

-Force 24's to GY camp and never cap flags to avoid getting exp.
20s having the option to turn XP off would eliminate all of the above. I think there'd me more pops in XP on. XP off has plenty of noobs too, so I can't imagine XP on being any more noob than what we already have.
Except it really wouldn't eliminate all the problems, 24's will always follow us because we give them queues. Believe me when i say 20-24 exp on is more derp than trials get currently. I can't see it being a good thing if they change it from how it is now.

If it does turn out none of the 24's want to try exp on BG's the community will die because almost everyone on AP only plays F2P because it's a challenge being all equally geared which you wont find if it's exp on. Either that or the community will thrive because you're all a bunch of hypocrites who love rolling newbs and farming HK's which is completely different from GY farming but has the same effect on the BG.
it's a problem either way.

knowledgeable players building F2P 20 twinks destroyed true trial account players

P2P 24 twinks destroy both

QQing about it unless you are a true new account never played WOW player is hypocrisy

making their true prospective trial players fight big nasty 20 or 24 twinks is not going to add subscribers...imo
I don't think anyone is crying about anything, I know I'm not. It is what it is. I also don't expect Blizz to change anything, so any form of complaining is pointless. As active as AP is on these boards, AP is a tiny fraction of my experience of the bracket. Anything people say here, even if there is some consensus, is not going to be representative of F2P at large.

Personally, I'd like to get 60s back to the way they were. It was my favorite bracket, although the new talents etc. have changed everything really. 20s have a similar feel, and I quite like it. I'd really like to see the bracket capped at 20. Obviously that's unlikely, but I think it would be good if it were.

The game is what it is. Blizz change it constantly, sometimes for the better, mostly it just changes. Either you enjoy what's on offer enough to keep playing or you don't. For now, the challenge of 20s is enough for me.
also activision is not the owner of blizzard...........both are owned by the Vivendi Corporation in europe. have been for a long time. VC is a world fortune 250

ever wonder:

-why the world first 70, 80, 85 was in europe

-why europe gets the game 3 times in a row before the US

-why there has been a poor excuse from blizzard and double talk concerning time zones?

-why questions about this on the wow forums are deleted and players banned?

-why even suck up mmo-champion will delete/lock and warn on posts on any of the above?
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