So, I joined a group for Mythic Antorus. The group was not big (about 12), got through the first bosses but they tried Eonar and wiped. Every. single. person. bailed. Now, I'm locked to that, right? I sat there for 5 hours waiting, and people would join in 1s and 2s, and pretty much leave right away. Someone at some point changed it to 'Eonar and Beyond'. 5 hours (I did other things, ofc). When I go into the instance now, it says "5/11 bosses defeated. You will be saved to this instance if you stay." What options do I have? Do you think a viable group would join into a random where the first five bosses are already dead? If it's not 'full run', most commonly I see "First 2 Last 2", and people fill those quickly.
Find someone with the Eonar skip who doesn't need a full run but last 1/2 bosses. Advertise as Aggra + Argus quickrun, use their skip to skip everything (skip to Burning Throne) and just do those last 2 bosses. This is your safest bet of actually getting something more out of that lockout.
Now, in general for Mythic ABT you want to have the skip for yourself. This means getting the quest and killing Aggramar 4 times on Mythic. At that point you do one of 2 things:
1. Make a "full tmog run, skipping Eonar" group and actually lead it properly at a calm pace. Wait for everyone at bosses, state at start any ninja pulls will get kicked (and follow through). Get the full 20, anyone who wants to have 1 of each class only can go make their own group - this way you have buffer against leavers.
2. Make a "full tmog run, including Eonar". Same rules for leading follow, but make sure you know and explain how Eonar works. It's been heavily nerfed and just needs 4 people who can do the mechanic - one of those could be you.
Not leading your own M ABT groups is just leaving yourself open to casual "raid leading" and essentially risking your lockout and loot chances. Don't do it.
FYI currently Eonar mechanic works like this:
1. Designate 4 people (ideally + one backup in case someone dies) to be the ship group. Mark them, preferably choose people who have done it but if not tell them you'll explain, they just have to listen.
2. Go to the platform with Eonar's spirit (where you talk to start the fight and where the loot box spawns). Everyone else is killind adds as usual.
3. Go to the BACk of this platform and wait. 4 flowers will spawn on the ground 4 times during the fight. Each of the 4 people walks over a flower and you get teleported to the legion ship. There is an NPC in the middle - nuke it quick, 120s can 2-3 shot it. Then there are 4 crystals in each of the 4 corners of the room. Each of you clicks it, and then you all run to the NORTH of the ship and use the jump+flight ability to get back to the platform. You can leave from the SOUTH too, but then you have to fly around the ship and it's riskier.
4. Repeat this 3 more times. Any fail on this mechanic will wipe the raid - people will leave so don't wipe. Deactivating a crystal gives you one of a few possible debuffs, one of which is just annoying - you can get one that tosses you in the air a lot so be ready to counter the fall damage. None should kill you even as a 110/111 but you can always ask for a healer to keep an eye on you.
6. Loot and go on with the raid. It takes about 10 minutes so I usually prefer skipping it, but will do it if most of the group wants to.