New TI Rank

Many of us "OGs" have changed names and have had to register at later dates for various reasons.
I have been a part of TI since before it's current iteneration. In fact, I remember voting for/against the current banner that TI now possesses. I am sure Conq can remember that.

If this is legit, I'm sure it would have a 5 year membership requirement, rather than it being strictly for people with memberships before <insert date>

Much like how Vet requires 3 or so years.
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As a vet I think this is going a bit to far for a forum. I mean we are not in a guild with ranks and we don't role-play. It is just there and for what reason? there is nothing special attached to it, it is just a colour and they don't say a thing about the person at all. The vet subsection is dead so.. long live the shoutbox? whoohoo? The only thing I can think of is that its making people give a fake feeling which makes them feel better about themselves.

I am not against this but please enlighten me. I am not seeing any value in this.

Also, [MENTION=2126]leotseddap[/MENTION]
Same reason we get achievements and titles for having been around for a wow anniversary or event. It's just something that people deserve for having stuck to something for so long. It's like a milestone. Also like how a company would reward an employee a bonus of some sort or tickets to a game for being around and contributing to the organization. It is very personal to people and is probably very encouraging to a site owner, seeing dedication to a certain degree. Although some don't care much for it, if it has no actual effect on the person's limitations on the forum or in-game, what does it hurt? There is value a lot of small things like this :p
I'll just bring it up again by tagging [MENTION=5141]Shane[/MENTION] in this post. I don't know if he's had a chance to read all of you guys's additional comments.
Only Shane, master of all sub-forums could make this happen, but when the twinks needed him the most, he vanished :(

I'd really like this to happen, it'd be really nice to get a new TI rank available, even tho my account wouldn't be "grandfathered" or whatever name they choose.
Is there still an hope for this? Or dead in the water?

Very recently, like within the last day or two, Shane made a post in the Staff section asking the staff to make him a list of all the things that needed his attention, and this matter was brought up again and this thread was linked to him. Shane has unfortunately been very busy with some real life matters, but he is making every effort to catch up with the different requests that have been made, so I am confident that this will be looked at and considered soon enough. I appreciate your enthusiasm and keeping this idea alive!

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