New players (Bad gear)


Well as the title states new players are on the rise which is good but mainly are baring nothing but bad gear with the exception of those who have done their research etc now the bad geard players everyone has seen them and everyone has been them at one point in twinking, and you see people shouting at them telling them to gear but what if they dont know what the best gear for them is, people are just assuming that they know about this site which isn't always going to be true, so basically what im getting at next time you see a player who could use help with gear instead of raging at him telling him to leave send him to this website tell him to check guides for his class and get to know the community because it will sure do alot more help than shouting at them.
last time i told an undergeared 19 about to find out about the best gear he told me to shut the **** up he didnt care and he was going to hunt me down and kill me
I always recommend Twinkinfo to new twinks I see in Gold Shire for instance, but in BGs it's just ******* annoying with people asking where I got my trinket, or my LFH etc..focus should lay on the game, then I'm ending up giving them a troll-answer or direct them to
Yeah but back in the days it was just randoms(people who just played bg's throughout lvling)p-We would expect ungeared people. Now there's xp off, and really it should send a msg to them that these are ''Twinks'' i.e they should gear up before entering. Of course we get mad bec they are a downset to our team. I have tried to help them but they talk back to me like ''Bro I have fiery weapons i'm a mother****íng pro- I don't need advice. Kids need to learn to gear up first, that's why we afk them out, to teach em a leason.
this should be stickied so we don't have to see a new thread like this every week

oh and
last time i told an undergeared 19 about to find out about the best gear he told me to shut the **** up he didnt care and he was going to hunt me down and kill me
not great attitudes from people and i do understand that they can be dicks at times ive seen people saying there unbeatable when there gear is terrible and makes me want to be sick but if we just keep reporting them afk then they will eventually not que and i know ur thinking oh then we wil have this **** out of our bg but if they disapear our que times will suffer then what?
Chílls' seal of approval is not on this thread.<3
Honestly, **** em - they have no place in exp-off BG's. You're all lucky that the Brazilian epidemic that the 70s bracket is currently facing has not reached 19s.
there is always going to be trash dont even try and help them, just report afk and tell them to stop Qing, their a bunch of retarded baddies that dont want the help so why give it
there is always going to be trash dont even try and help them, just report afk and tell them to stop Qing, their a bunch of retarded baddies that dont want the help so why give it

NO! Adeus how could you! you are an experienced twink, please stop spreading such detrimental propaganda!

do you say "i'm not going to give money to red cross because asians will always be starving anyways"? NO

do you say "i will never have sex, because theres always going to be STDs"? NO

i feel like i have an obligation to carry out and continue the legacy of this bracket! the time is nigh, twinker friends, to STOP saying "you're all trash" and start saying "you can all improve!" it is time to put aside our peni's'es, to hold hands and say "NO LONGER WILL WE BE IDIOTS!"!

i have a dream, that i can one day wake up at 7 in the morning and experience twink bg pops, but this will not EVER happen, if the current state of bgs stays the same! we need to be friendly, we need to be helpful, look to the bible friends, look towards moses who led the way across the red sea! look to the great leaders of the world, do you think Obama got in that office by saying "**** California, they're all fatties"? NO!

join hands, join forces, make guilds, have fun, live life, play WoW

such is our legacy.
last time i tried to to tell someone about gear i got "lol cuz 19s are hard" the same guy left 5mins later saying "omfg horde are all twinks".

if the guy seems nice i point them @ TI, if not i cba with em.
all the new US players are terribad.... besides a select few that were there during the vanilla/bc days... pizza, twiggi, fortt, and all the other greats that are out there playing mains now cause bads have taken over this bracket

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