New players (Bad gear)

They have mains?
Just joined this community and WoW in general after playing another PvP related game for many years. So hey, what up guys?

OT: After reading 3 pages of nonsense the only person i would really agree with is Chill and others with the same viewpoint, so far in exp on BG's and a couple exp off BG's on an arcane mage the majority of people really do try and give a solid attempt to win the BG. I've never understood the whole "I am 1337 all n00bs get on my level" ****, at one point everyone sucks at every game, only with experience and knowledge gained from either a site like this or other players does a player himself get better.

I personally want too stay at the 19 bracket for quite some time to farm some BoA items and simply gain a further knowledge for the game mechanics in pvp and how to master the small skillset that is available to 19s. The general knowledge for the style of pvp on this game picked up in xp off BGs is far greater than questing/grinding imo, nevermind the gear that can be obtained. Maybe theres many others with the same view, be a teamplayer not an elitist ****** imo, knowledge is everything in pvp and should be shared freely. With a little guidance even the worst player can be an asset to any team in time...
Why do people care so much about gear, it is so overrated. I'm sure 700 hp rogues with 1 dagger and a spirit/int offhand are just as viable as a stam stacking surv hunter.
Well, as I am new to the 19 bracket, I have a ret pally with roughly 1200ish health unbuffed, I can say I am not BiS, but I can still say I am very good compared to most of the people I fought. o.o

You just need to know how to be useful to be good, but the people who have UNDER 1000 HP unbuffed aren't useful most of the time. I see 700 HP baddies fighting in the middle with an ambush, and end up getting owned.

I would help them, but in a BG, you hardly have the time to give them useful information as the spirit healer is only 30 seconds, and once you ressurect, you can barely chat at all.

What I'm saying is, the people who have under 1000 HP are usually unexperienced with twinking in general, and need to do research, and atleast queue once they have above 1000 Health. I would have been a baddie if I never came from another twinking bracket. Lol.

But yeah. Whoever is new to twinking and stuff, inspect other twinks, pay attention to people's health, their stats, and try to match others who have atleast 1300 unbuffed. You are pretty much a dead weight, not to be rude, to the bracket until you chase down the EFC, help our FC, and can withstand one-two crits.

Don't be rude to them, they could potentially be the next skilled player the bracket needs if we help them. Just tell them to gear up to a respectable length before they queue again.
fact is you dont even need to know about a site like this, all they need do is go to wowhead set a filter for 10-19 gear and bam, if they cba to do that pointing them here won't help.
It all depends on my mood really, Sometimes, I use my polite macro and whisper the person. Explaining that I noticed they were undergeared they should check out twink info, and then give them directions to get to the correct guide. Other times, I tell them got to twinkinfo gear and gtfo till you do.. But a lot of times I just get people I know to help report them

If you're serious about wanting to help, just make macros and call it a day.
Why do people care so much about gear, it is so overrated. I'm sure 700 hp rogues with 1 dagger and a spirit/int offhand are just as viable as a stam stacking surv hunter.

stam stacking hunter will wipe a 700hp rogue you mention with ease

was in a BG today and a 800ish HP rogue was in the BG. he had all the BOAs, and rest of slots were greens from like level-8 to 11 zones. no one flamed him, but about 2-3 minutes into the game he started flaming, saying WTF, complaining and whining about how he is getting wiped, etc.

turns out he was the typical XP-on BOA leveler who was owning new account ill-geared players with ease, decided to turn off XP thinking he would be doing the same thing. and still facing/farming new account players, i had to inform him that he was overgearded vs levelers.....he is now in a XP-off bracket and now vastly undergeared
It all depends on my mood really, Sometimes, I use my polite macro and whisper the person. Explaining that I noticed they were undergeared they should check out twink info, and then give them directions to get to the correct guide. Other times, I tell them got to twinkinfo gear and gtfo till you do.. But a lot of times I just get people I know to help report them

If you're serious about wanting to help, just make macros and call it a day.

Derna tink knows the deal
The best is when you see that 250hp naked lv15 gnome mage. And we still won that game.
there is no such thing as wasted effort. best case scenario, the guy ups his game and learns to play. worst case scenario, he calls you a ***. if it bothers you that somebody in a video game calls you a *** you should probably reconsider your priorities in life.
not great attitudes from people and i do understand that they can be dicks at times ive seen people saying there unbeatable when there gear is terrible and makes me want to be sick but if we just keep reporting them afk then they will eventually not que and i know ur thinking oh then we wil have this **** out of our bg but if they disapear our que times will suffer then what?
i would sooooo rather sit for an extra hour even (how you think i have such high fishing and cheevo points lol) and end up with a pro team than have a queue pop in 3 minutes and 4/10 of the team sit below 1k hp I tell these people all the time that they just took the spot of our 2k+ geared beast fc with there400 hp and ask if they think thats fair to us. .
there is no such thing as wasted effort. best case scenario, the guy ups his game and learns to play. worst case scenario, he calls you a ***. if it bothers you that somebody in a video game calls you a *** you should probably reconsider your priorities in life.

Just because it's a video game it doesn't mean that people insuling you when you try to help shouldn't annoy you. And when it annoyed you enough you stop doing it and let those people stay as bad as they are.
worst case scenario, he calls you a ***. if it bothers you that somebody in a video game calls you a ***

if someone did that IRL i'd send em to A&E.

do unto others has you would have them do unto you. Luke 6:31

just get in first. -saint 20/1/2012
Just because it's a video game it doesn't mean that people insuling you when you try to help shouldn't annoy you. And when it annoyed you enough you stop doing it and let those people stay as bad as they are.

yes, thats exactly what it means. smile, embrace life, act your age, pretend you dont give a ****, all that turn the other cheek deal. i maintain, that if you can reach 20% of the scrubs, its worth taking the 80% beating from the others.

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