New players (Bad gear)

all the new US players are terribad.... besides a select few that were there during the vanilla/bc days... pizza, twiggi, fortt, and all the other greats that are out there playing mains now cause bads have taken over this bracket

Bro you forgot Killahuntah #1 cyclone hunter.
cut out the grumpy old man attitude ladies, start working for your own sake.
I must say that I cant recognize the situation bout undergeared players act like elitists.. Not saying it never happens. But if you direct them with a friendly attitude, instead of the: Go TI, gear up or GTFO! It might work out better:) At least I've never experienced the attitudes depicted here.. So, yeah once again, totally agree with Chill! Help new players, get more players get more games - all profit:)

NO! Adeus how could you! you are an experienced twink, please stop spreading such detrimental propaganda!

do you say "i'm not going to give money to red cross because asians will always be starving anyways"? NO

do you say "i will never have sex, because theres always going to be STDs"? NO

i feel like i have an obligation to carry out and continue the legacy of this bracket! the time is nigh, twinker friends, to STOP saying "you're all trash" and start saying "you can all improve!" it is time to put aside our peni's'es, to hold hands and say "NO LONGER WILL WE BE IDIOTS!"!

i have a dream, that i can one day wake up at 7 in the morning and experience twink bg pops, but this will not EVER happen, if the current state of bgs stays the same! we need to be friendly, we need to be helpful, look to the bible friends, look towards moses who led the way across the red sea! look to the great leaders of the world, do you think Obama got in that office by saying "**** California, they're all fatties"? NO!

join hands, join forces, make guilds, have fun, live life, play WoW

such is our legacy.


i just dnt see the point of trying to help these ppl when about 80% of them dont give a ****

the last time i tried to help someone i saw them a few days later with the same gear, its annoyong as hell, if i see a decently geared twinker ill help them but i think im done helping the horrible-geared 500hp kids they obviously dont want help.

if the twinker had 1khp ill lend a hand, if he doesnt i report afk
maybe if ppl have more success helping the 500hp kids ill change my mind and try to help but for now i cant be bothered
I must say that I cant recognize the situation bout undergeared players act like elitists.. Not saying it never happens. But if you direct them with a friendly attitude, instead of the: Go TI, gear up or GTFO! It might work out better:) At least I've never experienced the attitudes depicted here.. So, yeah once again, totally agree with Chill! Help new players, get more players get more games - all profit:)


Eh, my short experience in this bracket would have to disagree with this. I generally whisper undergeared players saying, "Hey, you only have 700 health and you are just gonna get one shot by about everyone, you should probably go to and look at some gear guides for your class

They generally reply in bg chat saying a variation of "No you suck, Skill>gear"

And I'm for sure not acting elitist towards them, if anything I'm overly nice >.<
Eh, my short experience in this bracket would have to disagree with this. I generally whisper undergeared players saying, "Hey, you only have 700 health and you are just gonna get one shot by about everyone, you should probably go to and look at some gear guides for your class

They generally reply in bg chat saying a variation of "No you suck, Skill>gear"

And I'm for sure not acting elitist towards them, if anything I'm overly nice >.<

Just Luke Murphy newbs
I must say that I cant recognize the situation bout undergeared players act like elitists.. Not saying it never happens. But if you direct them with a friendly attitude, instead of the: Go TI, gear up or GTFO! It might work out better:) At least I've never experienced the attitudes depicted here.. So, yeah once again, totally agree with Chill! Help new players, get more players get more games - all profit:)


It could be just as easy as making a macro to whisper said individual and directing them to this web site so that they could improve their character. This way the only effort would be just the click of a button. Granted it is all on them to invest the time to make the improvement, I am sure some would appreciate it.
last time i told an undergeared 19 about to find out about the best gear he told me to shut the **** up he didnt care and he was going to hunt me down and kill me

lol, happends alot 2 me, foos dont take it lightly./
Remember your first WSG? I'm sure you were complete trash. I once was too. I actually remember Hassassin calling me trash, he is Hass now lol. I actually remember a lot of people calling me trash that i bested later in my wow life. If you decide to say they suck and need to quit in WSG go ahead. The ones that want to be here will get better. If you want to refur them to this site, so be it. The ones that want to be here will the take time to learn how.
all the new US players are terribad.... besides a select few that were there during the vanilla/bc days... pizza, twiggi, fortt, and all the other greats that are out there playing mains now cause bads have taken over this bracket

I am playing ^.^

Unfortunately I've lost some of my swag along with my DISPELS.
I must say that I cant recognize the situation bout undergeared players act like elitists.. Not saying it never happens. But if you direct them with a friendly attitude, instead of the: Go TI, gear up or GTFO! It might work out better:) At least I've never experienced the attitudes depicted here.. So, yeah once again, totally agree with Chill! Help new players, get more players get more games - all profit:)

you forget that most of these kids are literally 10 years old so you can really expect them to react logically.
all the new US players are terribad.... besides a select few that were there during the vanilla/bc days... pizza, twiggi, fortt, and all the other greats that are out there playing mains now cause bads have taken over this bracket

twiggi is not a top tier priest... ur lost

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