New Exploits (list + help)

Haha I tried this like an hour before you posted and this is what I got


woot woot haha collectable ftw :p
yea thats what i saw when it appeared in the mail but that went as soon as it was repaired and such
how do you do the process with white items that have no durability? like that picture someone submitted a couple pages back
Are people being banned for this? I know it's way over-powered, but is blizzard taking action and banning accounts? Im currently leveling up a hunter, and a pair of pants with 75 Ap 22 Crit would be so hawt :p But im not going to risk getting banned just for a little easier leveling lols
Fearitself said:
how do you do the process with white items that have no durability? like that picture someone submitted a couple pages back

You don't, I looked back and if you are referring to the Ruby Shades with +30 spell power +20 crit rating it actually has 20/20 durability.

Spooksters said:
Are people being banned for this? I know it's way over-powered, but is blizzard taking action and banning accounts? Im currently leveling up a hunter, and a pair of pants with 75 Ap 22 Crit would be so hawt :p But im not going to risk getting banned just for a little easier leveling lols

No one has ever been banned for gear exploits to my knowledge. If someone reports you the worst that will happen is it will be taken away from you. (if someone has been banned for gear exploits before please speak up before this guy goes and gets banned from my false information)
To my knowledge the only way to get banned from exploiting is if you try to make a virtual profit off of it.

basically, dont sell them or get caught selling them

then again, this is just from what i've heard so if you want to push your luck go for it
If it works I'll take a screen shot. However, my internet connection is acting really crappy the past two days. So not sure I'll be able to stay connected to try it right now.
The ZG-enchants do work btw.


These days are sad for twinking and are even worse than Enti's.

I don't wanna blame anyone, but this site does make the loopwholes of the system for everyone available.

It's not fun anymore to 2v2 and face semi-twinked people with Windfury-enchanted weapons who insta-gib you down in like 5 seconds.

If this continues I'm off for good.
Natasya said:
The ZG-enchants do work btw.


These days are sad for twinking and are even worse than Enti's.

I don't wanna blame anyone, but this site does make the loopwholes of the system for everyone available.

It's not fun anymore to 2v2 and face semi-twinked people with Windfury-enchanted weapons who insta-gib you down in like 5 seconds.

If this continues I'm off for good.

I'm with you here. It is starting to get out of control. But i won't quit, I'll just start leveling up alts and my main finally. I'll just use these exploits to gear up my alts and such to help them level faster. I can just imagine my level 13 human rogue wielding 2x daggers with windfury. It'll be nuts!! I'll run through my 'red' quests in a breeze!!

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