Damn busted. Yde Num Won Elitist Worlde.
have you noticed that the way to get MVP on this site is to troll the crap out of other people and inflate your epeen?
I sure am doing that.
Data for you to play-dough with if you want it:
Random Bad Shaman (Draenei)
Warsong Gulch battles: 150
Warsong Gulch victories: 88
Warsong Gulch Honorable Kills: 3,659
Deaths in Warsong Gulch: 417
Arathi Basin battles: 73
Arathi Basin victories: 42
Arathi Basin Honorable Kills: 1,690
Deaths in Arathi Basin: 227
Warsong Gulch flags captured: 55
Warsong Gulch flags returned: 9
Frequently goes /afk if real life calls or bored with games, but equally out of losing or winning BGs. Possibly even slightly more out of winning games because the bad shaman does not like being on a team that farms and holds off on third cap and will leave those games.
Does not graveyard farm.
Mostly queues alone, sometimes with one other person. (But the other person could possibly sometimes be Earl. Maybe. So could be getting carried but admits to nothing. >_<)