Need some data. Please contribute

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as you know, i am working on a formula that tires to guestimate your skill level based on your stats, it won't be rediculously accurate but it will be within the ballpark.

please provide

Armory link
WSG played
WSG won
WSG honor kills
WSG deaths
AB played
AB won
AB honor kills
AB deaths
WSG flag caps
WSG flag returns
Do you afk out of losing games often? 
Do you graveyard farm in WSG often?
Do you group/sync queue often?

you can find all of them under statistic on your armory page.

must have at least 50 WSG and 50 AB played to qualify.

Average WSG HK must be less than 65 to qualify.

must be a F2P, you cannot be 24, you cannot be P2P.

if the result is less than 0.9, then you are a below average player, at least, you do not play as objectively as possible (on that toon).

if the result is between 0.9 and 1, then you are an average player, but the higher the value, the more you lean towards good and objective play (on that toon).

if the result is greater than 1, then you are a good player that always plays objectively (on that toon).

this formula awards: objective playing/solo queueing/queueing on the losing faction

this formula punishes: HK farming

formula is:

sqrt((WSG win ratio/(max(Global
Average WSG HK, your Average WSG HK)/Global Average WSG HK))
*(AB win ratio/(
(max(Global Average AB HK, your Average AB HK)/Global Average AB HK))^(-1))
*(min(0.5, WSG win ratio)*2)

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If only there was a 'How many times you've had the 'Deserter' buff' stat, this might actually work.

i will try to calculate that based on the average WSG HK per WSG and average AB HK per AB, because you can't technically farm HK's in AB like people do in WSG.
so the last batch of slave hunters I made when I moved to ap ( had went about 2 packs of em on daggerspine)
Statistics - Community - World of Warcraft
this guy had23 bg deaths(even tho I clearly remember botting him once for WSG neck/ttrinkets so he died 2-3 times there) 1776 kills wow 77/1 k/d ratio must be good hunter,I barely afkd, only in the end when I was specifically looking for kills on specfic people and bgs bored me,
Gynightmare best hunter world, even has a 60% win ratio when I have NEVER played my games to cap a flag.
please follow this format

[URL=""]Armory link[/URL]
WSG played 170
WSG won 119
WSG honor kills 7131
WSG deaths 447
AB played 58
AB won 29
AB honor kills 1900
AB deaths 151
WSG flag caps 37
WSG flag returns 335
Do you afk out of losing games often? nope
Do you graveyard farm in WSG often? nope
Do you group/sync queue often? nope
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Lets see. If your formula is accurate, it must say I'm really pro!

Armory link: Mialu @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft
Race: Blood Elf
WSG played: 705
WSG won: 465
WSG honor kills: 32539
WSG deaths: 3376
AB played: 217
AB won: 157
AB honor kills: 9595
AB deaths: 960
WSG flag caps: 374
WSG flag returns: 428

Armory link: Mialo @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft
Race: Orc
WSG played: 302
WSG won: 255
WSG honor kills: 14531
WSG deaths: 1195
AB played: 139
AB won: 113
AB honor kills: 6470
AB deaths: 592
WSG flag caps: 123
WSG flag returns: 230

Armory link:ì/advanced
Race: Draenei
WSG played: 190
WSG won: 136
WSG honor kills: 11409
WSG deaths: 931
AB played: 21
AB won: 13
AB honor kills: 756
AB deaths: 76
WSG flag caps: 32
WSG flag returns: 107

Do you afk out of losing games often? Sometimes. Not based on losing or dieing tho. Its more about being farmed, my teammates are farming or if I got to go/lag issues.
Do you graveyard farm in WSG often? Never. In premades we used to control the GY, but it never went on for more than 8 mins. I usually used the rule "don't leave the GY, don't get killed".

3 characters with a whole different history of playing with the same player behind it. If your calculations should be right, the result should be the same for every character, right?
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3 characters with a whole different history of playing with the same player behind it. If your calculations should be right, the result should be the same for every character, right?

yes. the difference will be within the margin of error (which is to be determined)
here you go folks, the formula is subjected to change/improvement.

must have at least 50 WSG and 50 AB played to qualify.

Average WSG HK must be less than 65 to qualify.

(WSG win ratio/(max(45, Average WSG HK)/45))/
(AB win ratio/(max(45, Average AB HK)/45))
*(min(0.6, WSG win ratio)/0.6)^e

if the result is less than 0.85, then you are a bad player.

if the result is between 0.85 and 1.15, then you are an average player, but the higher the value, the more you lean towards good instead of bad.

if the result is greater than 1.15, then you are a good player.

here is the result for mialu and mialo, merci isn't included because not enough AB played.

you are an "average player" according to my formula. you are better on mialo(0.95) than mialu(0.89) however.


@others, it's a complicated formula, just give me your data like mialu did, and i will tell you if you are a good player.
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Armory Link: Veinte @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft
Race: Undead
WSG Played: 360
WSG Won: 268
WSG Honor Kills: 16,193
WSG Deaths: 780
AB Played: 57
AB Won: 43
AB Honor Kills: 2,113
AB Deaths: 126
WSG Flag Caps: 55
WSG Flag Returns: 77
Do you afk out of losing games often? It depends on how I'm feeling. If I don't like the way the game is going, I will afk out of games my team is clearly going to win. I never afk out simply because my team is losing, but maybe because a 24 rogue hit me for ~1800 with eviscerate. If my team is getting farmed, I either run out of the graveyard and alt tab or afk. I haven't afked out of very many games, maybe a few times per month.
Do you graveyard farm in WSG often? No.
Do you group queue/sync queue often? The majority of my HKs are from group queueing.
Armory Link: Veinte @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft
Race: Undead
WSG Played: 360
WSG Won: 268
WSG Honor Kills: 16,193
WSG Deaths: 780
AB Played: 57
AB Won: 43
AB Honor Kills: 2,113
AB Deaths: 126
WSG Flag Caps: 55
WSG Flag Returns: 77
Do you afk out of losing games often? It depends on how I'm feeling. If I don't like the way the game is going, I will afk out of games my team is clearly going to win. I never afk out simply because my team is losing, but maybe because a 24 rogue hit me for ~1800 with eviscerate. If my team is getting farmed, I either run out of the graveyard and alt tab or afk. I haven't afked out of very many games, maybe a few times per month.
Do you graveyard farm in WSG often? No.
Do you group queue/sync queue often? The majority of my HKs are from group queueing.

0.99. an average player according to my formula.

you are somewhat better than mialu(0.89) however.

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need more people to provide their data so i can modify the formula as i see fit. the current 0.85~1.15 range is too big, trying to narrow it down to maybe 0.9~1.1.
need more people to provide their data so i can modify the formula as i see fit. the current 0.85~1.15 range is too big, trying to narrow it down to maybe 0.9~1.1.

As you so eloquently put, there is absolutely no sound backing to this formula, you have no idea what the data outcome should look like and intend to continue to change your formula until it supports your idea. Anyone can arbitrarily apply expressions to data and claim it displays some concocted statistic, you are not even extrapolating, you are just spitting out numbers to see what they look like.
Out of curiosity what is the forumla?
Verheilen @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft
WSG played 647
WSG won 417
WSG HK 28,443
WSG deaths 2,398
AB played 98
AB won 74
AB HK 3,555
AB deaths 296
WSG caps 385
WSG returns 261
Do you afk alot? No, not unless I'm late for something (like guru or food) or arenas are happening.
Do you farm? I did once, then I felt like a dick.
Do you group que? I would say ~10% of the time I do.
This may help with a ratio though cause this will probably be the biggest source of pugging you may get.
Armory Link: Lìl @ Misha - Community - World of Warcraft
Race: Night Elf
WSG Played: 2292
WSG Won: 1449
WSG Honor Kills: 104,357
WSG Deaths: 10,679
AB Played: 467
AB Won: 345
AB Honor Kills: 16,621
AB Deaths: 1,836
WSG Flag Caps: 919
WSG Flag Returns: 2227
Do you afk out of losing games often? No. Only afk out at the start of a bg if I see HC and I don't afk once theres less then 15 minutes left normally. However I do dc so maybe 1/50 bgs I get deserter
Do you graveyard farm in WSG often? Used to til 20k hks. So 20k with farming and 90k without. I'd say maybe 1/10th was gy farmed
Do you group queue/sync queue often? No. Maybe once in every 25 bgs

I think group queuing should get more of a factor because someone who group queues will have a higher win ratio as well as a lower hk ratio (seeing they don't farm) so their number is going to be alot higher. Ex. A premading toon has a 70% win ratio with 30 hks/bg while a pugging toon has a 60% win ratio with 40 hk/bg. Numbers greatly favor the first and premading
Armory link Svumpukkel @ Al'Akir - Community - World of Warcraft
Race - Night elf
WSG played 251
WSG won 133
WSG honor kills 10611
WSG deaths 1369
AB played 62
AB won 22
AB honor kills 1645
AB deaths 258
WSG flag caps 101
WSG flag returns 105
Do you afk out of losing games often? No, not often.
Do you graveyard farm in WSG often? Hate being GY farmed, so i dont do it myself.
Do you group/sync queue often? Rarely.
Armory link : Visatorul @ Thunderhorn - Community - World of Warcraft
Race : Human
WSG played : 671
WSG won : 542
WSG honor kills : 39880
WSG deaths : 2081
AB played : 241
AB won : 183
AB honor kills : 10684
AB deaths : 509
WSG flag caps : 511
WSG flag returns : 639

Do you afk out of losing games often? First of all I play on EU and Horde has 90% of the dedicated 24s in the bracket. Depends.. If my team is full of 600 hp - 900hp players and the horde team has some well geared 24s and we are getting farmed since min 1 .. yes. If the team doesn't give a damn about winnig .. or they start to farm ( and I dont have the flag ) when there are 10 minutes or more left.. again yes.
Do you graveyard farm in WSG often? Never! We are sportsmen.. not butchers...
Do you group/sync queue often? Never.. I play only PUGs... unfortunately :D ... No time for other character on another realm. (8 - 10h job)

I love my turtles !... all of them
He posted the formula, it just divides the WSG/AB win ratios now and devalues their contribution slightly if you average more than 45 HKs/game.

My p2p horde mage (only individual character I have with 50 ABs played) is 1.48, its broken. The only thing that shows is that I pugged Horde AB while Mialo/Veinte played a significant number of CtA premade ABs. (I did pug into an AP 12 man once though!). I'd also suggest a p2p modifier since you're tailoring it to this bracket. To guesstimate, could compare based on spell/attack power. I typically ran about 225 sp vs. a f2p around 150, so 2/3's sounds like a good number to make up for it. Puts me at 0.99, in range!

Data, so you can factor in the games I'd die 20 times autorunning through mid against 7 hunters when you update the formula to include deaths.

Swôôps @ Vashj - Community - World of Warcraft
WSG played 640
WSG won 432
WSG honor kills 28,095
WSG deaths 3,195
AB played 103
AB won 47
AB honor kills 3,182
AB deaths 479
WSG flag caps 98
WSG flag returns 511
Do you afk out of losing games often? no
Do you graveyard farm in WSG often? my sexy stump dancing when I was trying out a more....revealing (ok, revolting) mog often made allies drop dead in their GY. (clarification since you tend not to pick up on jokes: no)
Do you group/sync queue often? no
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He posted the formula, it just divides the WSG/AB win ratios now and devalues their contribution slightly if you average more than 45 HKs/game.

I thought the formula like divided hks and all that and was more then just WSG/AB.. Common glance it went from WSG-AB to WSG/AB? inc WSG*AB

Wanna see how the formula changes to factor in the 5 data sources that just got posted instead of the first 2 who obviously premaded alot
You have to factor in premades as well because these give you a huge advantage. People who pug a lot (or even occasionally) can't be compared to people who only bg in premades. Nice try tho.
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