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Ive been twinking for nearly a month now, and I have learned a lot about my class. One thing that still kind of gets me confused is state priority, and if certain things are better than others.

I like to keep my character above 1650 health, and thats just a preference.

I dont know if I should be going Int > Vers > Haste (12) > Crit --OR-- Int > Haste = Vers > Crit

Or even some people prioritize Verse > Int that Ive seen and I dont see that is good for much except for FC.

Also, Is black Widow Band actually worth the purchase? IF I were to buy it and keep my health over 1650. I would probably swap my trinket with Defending champion and then have lorewalkers ring with BWB.

Thank you :)

Ive been twinking for nearly a month now, and I have learned a lot about my class. One thing that still kind of gets me confused is state priority, and if certain things are better than others.

I like to keep my character above 1650 health, and thats just a preference.

I dont know if I should be going Int > Vers > Haste (12) > Crit --OR-- Int > Haste = Vers > Crit

Or even some people prioritize Verse > Int that Ive seen and I dont see that is good for much except for FC.

Also, Is black Widow Band actually worth the purchase? IF I were to buy it and keep my health over 1650. I would probably swap my trinket with Defending champion and then have lorewalkers ring with BWB.

Thank you :)

Int > Verse > Haste > Crit is the most common balance priority. Some people prefer haste > verse > crit and some prefer verse > crit > haste. All the secondaries have some use for balance.

In general...
  • Verse is always solid. More damage, more heals, and damage reduction.
  • Haste is really good for druids, as it helps your DoTs, casts, and GCD. It also makes ele force proc more often. Having your dots tick more is great for general damage. Spread damage puts a lot of pressure on healers, and dots are also great because you can apply them and then do something else (cast, kite, offheal, etc). Lowering your cast time and GCDs are nice as well, though not as hugely noticable. It can help with getting burst combos off quicker to secure kills.
  • Crit is nerfed to do 150% damage in pvp (instead of normal 200%). Thats why crit is the lowest stat for many classes/specs. That being said, crit is still solid at 150% - especially for bursting through heals. Druids have a good burst capability, which means crit is a decent option. A lucky crit can secure a kill, so thats nothing to scoff at. If you're in wargames or play with a group, you may know that you are the burst damage (or not the burst damage) and can decide accordingly if you want crit.

For most people, I'd say go with Int > verse > haste > crit and don't stress too much about it. Most of your gear is fang gear anyways, so there aren't too many slots where you need to choose.

I'll also note that verse affects ele force, while int doesn't. So that may be why you see some people preferring verse over int. You can do some napkin math to figure out how much verse is equialent to 1 int. Usually it ends up between 2-3 verse with some very rough math (that focuses only on spells and not ele force), but it depends on the class/spec. Ele force is slated to receive a nerf in 8.1.5, so verse may be less of a priority then.

IMO, Black Widow Band is not worth the price. Without price taken into consideration, its a good glass cannon piece and I'd love to have one in a glass cannon set to stealth to and nuke the EFC. But I'd probably use other rings (WSG ring and BG crate ring of adaptability/aurora) most of the time.

For health, keep it wherever you feel comfortable. It'll depend on how well you feel you can survive a rogue opener (and be able to heal/run/kite afterwards) or being focused by a MM hunger or arcane mage and live long enough to do what you need to do. It'll depend on playstyle and who you play with.

If you don't have mana issues, then you can also consider getting the new haste trinket from BfA. Give you an on-use for a slight bit of extra haste. Otherwise the current trinkets or defending champion are good.

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