Fix your internet connection then.
This bracket in general is a joke, take it lightly.
This bracket in general is a joke, take it lightly.
Well from experience in MoP pre 5.1 and post I found it extremely fun playing my hunter as they can still bring someone down no matter if healers are present (dem ccs yo).. Getting heals isn't a problem seeing that hunters can safely give a healer enough room to heal and for the most part stay away from damage. Agree that the op healing capable classes are boring to play except for ferals and paladins that still hold up pretty well in terms of self healing and ability to get kills going through. This bracket still has potential. Just get the ball started rolling again in full throttle. Also i find it shocking people saying AP horde went down since 4 weeks ago.
No I just think it is sad when BWL out performs an AP 15 man with a 5 man in AB.
No I just think it is sad when BWL out performs an AP 15 man with a 5 man in AB.
pretty ignorant to generalize. SallyG to, Ive been in fail pugmades myself. Lost but lold about it.
The best and worst things about any MMO game are the people. Some games your side is so OP it's boring. Some games the other side is, or your team are a bunch of morons and you're wasting your time. Some games are so much fun and are the reason you put up with all the others. If you're not enjoying a game, leave. If you're not enjoying the game generally, do something else. It really is that simple.
Welp it seems we have reached the end of this thread.The best and worst things about any MMO game are the people. Some games your side is so OP it's boring. Some games the other side is, or your team are a bunch of morons and you're wasting your time. Some games are so much fun and are the reason you put up with all the others. If you're not enjoying a game, leave. If you're not enjoying the game generally, do something else. It really is that simple.
This thread isn't about me qqing it's about how other players deal with it and have fun. I already know how you deal with it, but thanks for your input.
This thread isn't about me qqing it's about how other players deal with it and have fun.
?? Just adding more and establishing the simple solutions to enjoying this bracket a bit more.That post you quoted from me wasn't aimed at you.
Why did I quit botting made me realize how shit this bracket is, lol.
This bracket feels like it has down syndrome.