Multi-boxers, 24s, retard PUGs, etc. How do you enjoy it? Are you having any fun?

Well from experience in MoP pre 5.1 and post I found it extremely fun playing my hunter as they can still bring someone down no matter if healers are present (dem ccs yo).. Getting heals isn't a problem seeing that hunters can safely give a healer enough room to heal and for the most part stay away from damage. Agree that the op healing capable classes are boring to play except for ferals and paladins that still hold up pretty well in terms of self healing and ability to get kills going through. This bracket still has potential. Just get the ball started rolling again in full throttle. Also i find it shocking people saying AP horde went down since 4 weeks ago.

No I just think it is sad when BWL out performs an AP 15 man with a 5 man in AB.
Not really talking about the quality of players but more of the population size. If it has the numbers then its just a matter of pushing players and the overall community to the right direction.

edit: agree with Lecavalier, pretty ignorant to generalize. SallyG too, Ive been in fail pugmades myself. Lost but lold about it.
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Not really a generalization when I have been on AP since it began and tbh nowadays the pugmades aint so great.
The best and worst things about any MMO game are the people. Some games your side is so OP it's boring. Some games the other side is, or your team are a bunch of morons and you're wasting your time. Some games are so much fun and are the reason you put up with all the others. If you're not enjoying a game, leave. If you're not enjoying the game generally, do something else. It really is that simple.

This thread isn't about me qqing it's about how other players deal with it and have fun. I already know how you deal with it, but thanks for your input.
The best and worst things about any MMO game are the people. Some games your side is so OP it's boring. Some games the other side is, or your team are a bunch of morons and you're wasting your time. Some games are so much fun and are the reason you put up with all the others. If you're not enjoying a game, leave. If you're not enjoying the game generally, do something else. It really is that simple.
Welp it seems we have reached the end of this thread.

This thread isn't about me qqing it's about how other players deal with it and have fun. I already know how you deal with it, but thanks for your input.

not playing at all
rolling a 24
rolling an op class
rolling an op 24 class
l2pvp (more inclining to dealing with what the bracket will dish out and learning how to react)
accept the bracket and all its folly's
If i missed anything do tell.
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This thread isn't about me qqing it's about how other players deal with it and have fun.

I severely lost interest when I realized the MoP changes and have been playing much less for various reasons including but not limited to the game itself.
ME in EU alliance i just go into bg find bunch of 24s, play 2 or 3 bgs agaisnt 24s and quit... Well its time to go do some PvE.

The game isnt all about BGs, u have many places to discover with ur mates and war games to play.

Im starting to think that the best bgs to play are at 7:00-12:00 when the pugs are playing atleast some bgs are challenging.
Its fun to play at 01:00-6:00 when the kids are sleeping but too many 24s...
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I found myself having to completely change my view of this bracket when MoP came out. I went from being on top of the world not being scared if I see someone coming towards me to now having to run from any healing class as well as most hybrid classes..

Once you accept the healer dominance then you can learn to accept the 2nd phase of your completion (the bads). They are overrunning us and now you should be more surprised when you see 1 smart player instead of 9 bad players. Once you change your thinking and start getting happy when you see someone else who knows how to play/speaks english or had a toon before MoP you will start to find the things you enjoy again.

It's all about how you view it.. Sure there maybe 20 things wrong or bad about this bracket but if you realize them and stop worrying about hoping they will change and if you start focusing on the few good things it will become "fun" again :)
Um, yeah I see f2p multi-boxers which is completely inconsiderate, and is considered a cheat! Just like p2p multi-boxers which are ridiculous

24's stop complaining about, they will never change as long as Blizzard can keep the interest.

EU is 'ok' at the moment but Horde are winning way to much, no idea why.

But if you are really sad play 15-19 brackets or even better 10-14, these brackets are funny and "face-roll" most of the time. :p

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