MrCer's A-Team Premade - Looking for Participants

This seems like a worthy endeavor - hope people regroup after the recent changes and get back to it!
id like to see more ally 10 man teams rise to power soon we on silver hand are ready to premade whenever theres 10 man ally side teams jsut hit us up :)
it can be done, people say it cant be it most certainly can and its quite simple even, ive done it with AP before but... that was a while ago. i see no reason why ppl cant make a 10 man grp ally side.
Have you tried it, Verh? As far as I know, we've only tried it like twice, and it worked after a little troubleshooting. You have the ally team queue, then atfer a few minutes have the hordes start queueing until they make the ally team pop. It took the horde a few requeues to get the right pop, but it worked both times after only 10 minutes or so. This was about a year ago, but I don't see why it wouldn't work now. There was also a WSG weekend where we had 10v10's against AP horde pretty much all afternoon, because they were intentionally staggering their queue.
thats exactly right thats how it works. so clearly verh u do not understand fully how it works which is fine that doesnt matter. what matters is that it works u can have a 10v10 its just currently there arent any 10 man ally teams. thats the missing variable here an ally team.
Have you tried it, Verh?
thats exactly right thats how it works. so clearly verh u do not understand fully how it works which is fine that doesnt matter. what matters is that it works u can have a 10v10 its just currently there arent any 10 man ally teams. thats the missing variable here an ally team.
I'm not against AP Ally vs AP Horde. Though it's fairly difficult to perform with the amount of people queing up. Not to mention the amount of geared/skilled players that AP Horde used to have are now gone. And AP alliance has been in the gutters lately as well. Not to mention the F2P addon hasn't been updated so that puts a lot of stress on the F2P community.

With the situation with hpallys right now, specifically their holy shock's dmg; I don't have any current interest in "forcing" this idea back up. Until Holy Paladins get a hotfix on their holy shock damage, I am going to leave this on pause. If I were you, I'd take this time to Learn how to play with the new changes and gear your toon up.

I most likely will get back into endgame arena on my druid. I recently changed him to boomkin and I might even race change him and transfer him to a new server for pvp(depending on the situation on my home server).

Currently a lot of well-respected players stopped playing WoW to get ready for GW2. I have a feel that this will only be a phase like with the Diablo 3 release. People will eventually come back once they had their fill of it. And when that happens, you have my word that this will start back up :)

With the way hit rating currently works, I have no idea what setup to run. Currently Boomkins and Destro Locks are doing incredible damage but the spell hit that is required to even HIT a level 24 is too difficult to obtain. I have no idea what comp to run and I will get back to you guys on that later on.
Take notes! This was back when 20s couldn't viably be hit capped vs 24s.

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