Most skilled players of each Class 5.2 [EU]

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Hunter - Romella, Mesik
Shaman - Dash, Corporal
Druid - Pole
Paladin - Sam
Warrior - Alphasky
Priest - Lacien
Mage - Lunaii
Rogue - Myst, Shado/Gelato
Wlock - ?
Monk - ?
Death Knight - ?
Hunter - Romella, Mesik
Shaman - Dash, Corporal
Druid - Pole
Paladin - Sam
Warrior - Alphasky
Priest - Lacien
Mage - Lunaii
Rogue - Myst, Shado/Gelato
Wlock - ?
Monk - ?
Death Knight - ?

Id like to nominate Doodle and Dhenurd for Wlock spot.
I think its funny, I look at the list of people, (Most) people think are the best of their class. But there are so many people who don't have loads of HKS or are well Geared who are amazing at their class just massively under rated. Look at Hygea for instance... I bet most of you here don't even know who she is. I've had the pleasure of playing with her for some time now and I've witnessed some of the most lighting quick reactions to different situations from her. In AB me and Hygea had 6 DPS on us and she took and gave aggro perfectly and between us managed to take down these (well geared) DPS because of the timing of CC and the 'Communication'. She would give me breathing space just when i needed it and i would give her Breathing space. A lot of priests just Bubble and Heal and repeat. I understand that with time comes experience, but that isn't always true. I remember seeing a Mage who was a new player, doing Perfectly timed Pet Freeze and Blink and using the terrain like a Boss. Then i look at people like Cripz (sorry to name) who, Yes is a very good player with lots HKS but i've seen Cripz do the most Dumb ass stuff I've ever witnessed in BG's, the same for Canawho and others. So really the point im trying to get across is don't Assume that HKS makes the player the best of their class (or the Reputation). Nevmind is a great mage, but a lot of stuff he does on his video's can be done better. Again this is my opinion and feelings. :)
Amount of HK's and skill hasn't necessarly something to do with each other, as you say. You can have played retail for 7 years, and be as pro as fuck, then start a new f2p and fuck everyone up, even though you are a 'new player'. Then look at someone like Maratian still backpedalling with +250k hk's....
i wouldnt put dasha as 'outstanding'. good player yes, but not outstanding
Dasha is very good. You can tell a shaman is good when he can change his spec, from FC which he might already be the best at for his class, to enchance and still make a significant difference.

edit: sorry for double pos :I
Rogue- Shadostalker/Mysterios
Paladin-Smith (Holy)
Rule for best player threads: Present your own lists of best players, but don't pick out players other people selected and give your opinion on why they don't deserve it. Only results in off-topic arguments, hurt feelings and closed threads.
Rule for best player threads: Present your own lists of best players, but don't pick out players other people selected and give your opinion on why they don't deserve it. Only results in off-topic arguments, hurt feelings and closed threads.

Feisty ;)
Mfw this thread. TN and Aggramar players kissing each other´s butt cheeks.

I only really agree on Somort, Alphasky, Ranze, Javo, Dhenurd and maybe Dasha who stand out i guess.. The rest is just lol healer spam and awful players who are just slightly better at rotating 2 buttons and immediately stand out. The best players aren´t even mentioned in this thread, and there are too many to list to begin with.
On topic please.
It's not off topic, but as soon as discussion of the list turns into insulting one of the people someone else listed it's against the Twinkinfo Code of Conduct. I just don't want to hand out infractions.

Regarding the second 'on topic please': What is on topic about the last page of this thread? Neither Trialmop's videos nor concerns regarding p2p gear are the thread's topic.
On topic please.

I had to delete about 40 posts in order to get this topic without all the needless and idiotic trolling. Infractions will be given per stupid remark you make in this thread. If you troll atleast do it right, like this:

I couldn't even close it. People needed to mention me more. Can't have a "Most skilled players list" without having me on almost every class.
Tried to compile a list of people who haven't been mentioned yet:
Priest - Happ
Mage - Vnuz
Druid - Biscuitslayr (misspelt.. thought this was his name but can't find his armory D: )
Rogue - Irathil
Shaman - Vampyrrduvet
Paladin - Ligollas
Warrior - Beermuda
Hunter - Vandole
Warlock - Fmerlet
Monk - Jhoughqtpie (p2p, obviously)
Mage - Vnuz

This is true - Vnuz was clearly awesome on the (thankfully) few occasions I encountered them - although that hasn't been in 5.2.
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Omm well heres a good list
Priest - altomar
warrior - Alphasky/bestasky, Ftp
Hunter - Theclawer, Moonseeker , Cripzblood , Canashot , Flipzmytoast
shaman - Imblue , dasha
Druid - Maratian , Poledancer
rogue - Mysterios - shadowstalker
warlock - excog
mage - nevmind , excogin
Priest- Lacien
Mage- Trickynick
Druid- Masara/Poledancer
Shammy- Billymays
Warrior- Somort
Paladin- Visatorul/reham/Samscraftp
Rogue- Mysterios / sly
Hunter- Dashade / Flipz / lullabu (maybe miss-spelled)

It is interesting to think of all the good names and plyers for how they play.
Priest- Lacien
Mage- Trickynick
Druid- Masara/Poledancer
Shammy- Billymays
Warrior- Somort
Paladin- Visatorul/reham/Samscraftp
Rogue- Mysterios / sly
Hunter- Dashade / Flipz / lullabu (maybe miss-spelled)

It is interesting to think of all the good names and plyers for how they play.

I love the Lacien sisters :D great players, really nice personalities as well :)

My list would have been pretty much the same as yours there, i didn't really think it through on original post.

(off topic) have you got Skype sam?
Priest - Whatgoesup
Mage - Whatgoesup
Druid - Whatgoesup
Rogue - Whatgoesup
Shaman - Whatgoesup
Paladin - Whatgoesup
Warrior - Whatgoesup
Hunter - Whatgoesup
Warlock - Whatgoesup

Best list eva
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