Most OP 2s comp?


Interruptspam purgespam no ooming, mage only needs 300 resi cuz mage armor is messed up and stacks 40% haste to get polies under gcd bugging los, spamming icelance like pros though
Oh yes, Offheal/offheal is fuked up, even retri spriest works...
2's = Disc priest + holy pally. or rogue + feral druid. or holy pally arms warrior.

3's = RMP ( if played right, perfect team.) Disc Priest + holy pally + war. Affl Lock + Spriest + Unholy DK.

5's = Mage, Warlock, Elemental Shaman, Holy Pally, resto druid.
Davetango said:
2's = Disc priest + holy pally. or rogue + feral druid. or holy pally arms warrior.

3's = RMP ( if played right, perfect team.) Disc Priest + holy pally + war. Affl Lock + Spriest + Unholy DK.

5's = Mage, Warlock, Elemental Shaman, Holy Pally, resto druid.

U do realize this is level 70 right? Dpriest holy pala? That sounds like a boring but certainly not OP comp... In 3v3 we tore the highest rated dpriest frostmage and some rogue apart on our first match and we play bad comp. Most OP 3s is definitly mage lock rshaman.

And for 5v5 there is no real op comp but the most retarded definitly goes to hpala rshammy rdruid arms warrior and uhdk.
Affli lock is rlly retarded, our fights against em they did like 3x the damage of my destro lock cuz of pillar hugs, but in the end we rng them down and they dont get us below 80% once
Anyone know a good 70 EU server? Got kinda tired when i took rank 1 in one week, i need competition!
Don't know about your BG but on Cyclone lots of people are slacking on their mains etc - you should wait it out, more competition will prob come when people get more active!

Or you could transfer to Stormscale alliance and hang around Isle of Quel'Danas :D

Theres alot of good players waiting for the guardian vendor next patch (patchday today maybe? stuck at work) And with short queues in 2s it should keep you entertained.
Mhm we'll see what happens, but it's nice to have a backup plan if Trollbane fails.

And no, there were no patch today. );
masterjamie93 said:
Tis a bad question, all teams have their stregths and weaknesses, rank 1 in my BG, is resto druid, desert lock.
I lol'd.
claylol said:
Anyone know a good 70 EU server? Got kinda tired when i took rank 1 in one week, i need competition!
Go 85 then.
The best comp is the one that counters yours

rogue/shadowpriest is proly the best double dps team tho feral/druid demo lock is also quite gay

and lol at the person who say warrior/holy pally
Desert locks are pretty fucked up atm, cyclone has a pretty skilled and active 70 player base. Haven't seen a skilled priest but for the rest it's pretty much all there.

Feral/demo locks isn't that op at 70. Met a mage rogue team that was really really high skilled they only played a couple of games though they even had blue offset gear. Only team we had trouble surviving the burst I got out 2 times third time healthstone was bugged and i died during the 0.9 sec cd after rejuv whilst spamming switftmend :p Spriest is getting mind blast buffs though, and they are almost as hard to kill as a good mage rogue team that resets like a boss because of OP shadow healing.
Fire mage/spriest :D
Thats just spamdispell atm not even slightly hard

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