Most OP 2s comp?

Hahhahaahha yes ima spam lifebloom while u spam dispell magic so i dont get any heals at all its good use of wasting my globals on ehm nothing :D Nice logics vapriest, ur the man!
Give up, dropped on your head when a baby much? I think my 7 year old cousin understands me better than you :< Rather worrying. My logics are: you wouldn't have AS much of a chance if lifebloom DID not heal when dispelled, i.e it still heals like renew - but did not heal when dispelled. With resi and that covering all your hots - rather hard to nuke any druid. /peace out retard.
Yeah lets waste globals on noheals cuz disspelled instantly ALL together now :D
hard to tell whether you're trolling or not but,

"If Lifebloom completes its duration or is dispelled, it will bloom and immediately heal the target and refund mana equal to half the mana it cost to cast the spell. "
lonelybeaver said:
hard to tell whether you're trolling or not but,

"If Lifebloom completes its duration or is dispelled, it will bloom and immediately heal the target and refund mana equal to half the mana it cost to cast the spell. "

Old tooltip, doesn't give back mana (it used to cost tons and give half back now its rlly nothing) but yeah it heals on dispell, vapriest thinks we shouldn't be having this mechanic so he could just spam dispell and let his teammate kill me in a silence. Just to let druid die to any team with a shaman or priest in it plus a silence or interrupt.

Don't worry he reasons like this all the time, can't win = other classes op faceroll omfgwtf nerf my class underpowered Q.Q
lonelybeaver said:
hard to tell whether you're trolling or not but,

"If Lifebloom completes its duration or is dispelled, it will bloom and immediately heal the target and refund mana equal to half the mana it cost to cast the spell. "

Its just stupid cheap now, so you can spam it on the target they are dispelling.
Balroy said:
Its just stupid cheap now, so you can spam it on the target they are dispelling.

They could buff it slightly so that u slowly oom while casting it every global imo. Looking forward to nourish with the 30% haste on it then it might actually be worth casting every once and a while
lonelybeaver said:
healer mage is much stronger (imo) then healer lock in this bracket... the control/burst disparity between mages and locks is just too great.

Agreed. Frost mages survivability, cc and burst dmg is unmatched by any other class at present.
Ohaider said:
Frost is boring, anyway, most op 2s is double resto druid 700 resil dur. :D

And how will u not play 45 minutes every game? And lose 15 ratingz every time u do :/

I got killed I even got oomed by a warrior once I don't consider myself immortal
Gihipoxu said:
And how will u not play 45 minutes every game? And lose 15 ratingz every time u do :/

I got killed I even got oomed by a warrior once I don't consider myself immortal

THATS THE FUN OF IT. people will queue against you, time will run out every time resulting in draws, you'll make people rage, and never lose. and ofc you're not immortal.

Ohaider said:
THATS THE FUN OF IT. people will queue against you, time will run out every time resulting in draws, you'll make people rage, and never lose. and ofc you're not immortal.


Do it. U would not even get to queue, because ur mmr will end up being 1 or 0, and u can not queue against the standard 1500 unless u wait for 1 hour each game. I want to see u do it :) Or roll druid lock on cyclone, we beat plenty mirrors. We killed their druids.
Sub rogue/frost mage has good cc and major burst, and games are quite short. Both the rogue and the mage can get most cooldowns back with cold snap/prep and reset/go for a kill in the first 5-10 secs of combat.
Rogue mage has a very high skillcap, wouldn't say its op. Retards wouldn't play it decently

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