Most OP 2s comp?

As Rogue and Resto Druid setup, 2x wtfprotholydins waddled out of the gate sporting 27k hp each... cost us 9 rating >.>
U actually lost to them? How did ur druid die? How?
Vapriest said:
Gotta be any type of lock/any healer bar priest for drain mana and epix survivability whilst stacking resi.

In terms of comps played excellent but not op - really struggling to see a how a decent fire mage muti rogue team would loose - there damage is insane! Alas - not seen one this season yet.

Because Fire Mages are one of the squishies classes/specs in the bracket/game? o_O
healer mage is much stronger (imo) then healer lock in this bracket... the control/burst disparity between mages and locks is just too great.
lonelybeaver said:
spriest / frost mage is amazing and by far the strongest comp.

healer / fire mage is strong.

Yeah, dpriest knowing how to burst is sexy too :p Fire mage healer works best with a purging/wind shearing shaman or a dpriest dispelling n offdpsing imo :)

lonelybeaver said:
healer mage is much stronger (imo) then healer lock in this bracket... the control/burst disparity between mages and locks is just too great.


Vapriest said:
use your cc's well as mage/rogue (fire/muti) and your target should die within a stunlock.

This assuming ur target is a dummy not losing using cooldowns healing and not having a teammate peeling? Right?
i went against 2 fire mages, they must both have had their procs because i died when they hit me with pyro blast at same time. 16k hp and the first one crit me for 14 the next got major overkill.
Gihipoxu said:
This assuming ur target is a dummy not losing using cooldowns healing and not having a teammate peeling? Right?

It's called making them use those cd's with your cc's you numpty, dear god, want me to explain it for you for your brain to compute? Lets say fire mage/rogue queues into resto shaman/prot pally(for the sake of arguments) Shaman would be the target of choice - due to pallies bubble + self heals. So the rogue would most likely sap the shaman to allow the mage to blink in and sheep the ret, he could trinket this or bubble, whils at the same time the rogue would open on the shaman, who likewise could trinket or bubble. At this point it is up the rogue/mage to use their cc's on what is trinketted and so forth. Lets say the paladin trinkets sheep, mage will most likely resheep whilst the rogue continues to stunlock. After the sheep the rogue will most likely blind the pally, which he can bubble or BoP, lets say he's not the greatest and bubbles, by this point, the shaman has had a 4 second garrote silence, followed by a 5 second kidney and most likely has dropped to around 40%, whatever cc or stun in any form onto him next, he will most likely trinket. It is at this point that the mage/rogue team would attempt to reset, providing he does trinket the next cc or stun. All of the above is a hypothetical situation - just for you dio (a situation not real but could happen)

Mage/rogue is an extremely viable comp due to its cc's, in the above situation the rogue/mage team has made the opposing team use all of their cd's bar NS whilst currently taking minimal damage, mage/rogue requires a fair amount of skill to co-ordinate effectively - LoS'ing a good mage/rogue team is extremely difficult - only druids can really manage this due to travel form spam, they have the cc's to stop a teammate peeling and forcing cd's out of both players (which seeing as you're rank 1, i would expect you to know that but hey). Seriously getting on my nerves the lack of understanding you're demonstrating in all of the posts you're making - i'm wasting my own time having to explain everything out to you because you cannot deduce what one is saying.
Vapriest said:
It's called making them use those cd's with your cc's you numpty, dear god, want me to explain it for you for your brain to compute? Lets say fire mage/rogue queues into resto shaman/prot pally(for the sake of arguments) Shaman would be the target of choice - due to pallies bubble + self heals. So the rogue would most likely sap the shaman to allow the mage to blink in and sheep the ret, he could trinket this or bubble, whils at the same time the rogue would open on the shaman, who likewise could trinket or bubble. At this point it is up the rogue/mage to use their cc's on what is trinketted and so forth. Lets say the paladin trinkets sheep, mage will most likely resheep whilst the rogue continues to stunlock. After the sheep the rogue will most likely blind the pally, which he can bubble or BoP, lets say he's not the greatest and bubbles, by this point, the shaman has had a 4 second garrote silence, followed by a 5 second kidney and most likely has dropped to around 40%, whatever cc or stun in any form onto him next, he will most likely trinket. It is at this point that the mage/rogue team would attempt to reset, providing he does trinket the next cc or stun. All of the above is a hypothetical situation - just for you dio (a situation not real but could happen)

Mage/rogue is an extremely viable comp due to its cc's, in the above situation the rogue/mage team has made the opposing team use all of their cd's bar NS whilst currently taking minimal damage, mage/rogue requires a fair amount of skill to co-ordinate effectively - LoS'ing a good mage/rogue team is extremely difficult - only druids can really manage this due to travel form spam, they have the cc's to stop a teammate peeling and forcing cd's out of both players (which seeing as you're rank 1, i would expect you to know that but hey). Seriously getting on my nerves the lack of understanding you're demonstrating in all of the posts you're making - i'm wasting my own time having to explain everything out to you because you cannot deduce what one is saying.

Didn't read the whole thing cause I know its full of dumb shit i will have to correct.

Only noob healers die of a fire mage rogue setup, I understand u struggle. Played against a mage rogue who's skill was far beyond urs, only team we had nice matches against, too bad they don't queue anymore or their mmr is too low.

Btw remember when u said ur 60% win rate was all cause of DCs? xD good times we had :D miss ur whispers
Luls, was 82% and still is in the team we gave to my old 2s partner that's including 20-25 dc losses. Can kinda tell by the disproportion we had in our personal win/loss, despite me doing 15-3 with a paladin before sky joined, he had overtaken me in losses cause of my bad net :D dumb shit you'll have to correct - care to take the time and do that instead of being a lazy retard and avoid everything i state to counter everything you say. Arguments are symbiotic not hypodermic - go google those terms and learn something knew for the day.

P.S 1600 mmr > 2300 mmr for skill in your opinion yes?
Vapriest said:
>>>learn something knew for the day.<<<

P.S 1600 mmr > 2300 mmr for skill in your opinion yes?

U guys never had 2.3k haha we tanked u down from 2.2K to 2.090 or something it was sad to see... If u wanna base skill on mmr on the otherhand, u can take a look at our 2.5K and just feel bad?

And yes those 1.6K mage rogue guys had a lot more skill then u 2, just rofld at ur boyfriend btw, he died like 4 times with a personal healer haha :D Lost in the end though, my team was full of 10k hp 200 resi nubs getting oneshotted but they have more skill then me amirite cuz less resi rite? :DDDD
Before we got completely outskilled by you two, we were 2350 mmr, had a 50 or so win streak at 2.2k+ mmr. As i''ve stated numerous times before, you two ar ethe only comp we have never beat cause you completely counter us and blatantly outskill us hard. My boyfriend - sorry but i didn't realise all 2s partners were madly in love, he is my friend yes and if you didn't stack resi and if lifebloom didn't heal when dispelled you would get destroyed so /meh.
Vapriest said:
Before we got completely outskilled by you two, we were 2350 mmr, had a 50 or so win streak at 2.2k+ mmr. As i''ve stated numerous times before, you two ar ethe only comp we have never beat cause you completely counter us and blatantly outskill us hard. My boyfriend - sorry but i didn't realise all 2s partners were madly in love, he is my friend yes and if you didn't stack resi and if lifebloom didn't heal when dispelled you would get destroyed so /meh.

A druid would get destroyed without having hots? That's new :OO For the rest I am very satisfied by this post, Thanks bro :)
So ur saying I can only cast healing touch and regrowth then cuz if u spam dispell my lifebloom wont even tick and id oom in 1 minute spamming rejuv for the instant 15%? Why dont u only heal with greater heal and heal next match and ill use regrowth and healing touch? Maybe u have a chance i dont know?

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