Most beloved fc in us = Twonkctybish. I never hated efcs because why would you hate them? Right? Except for those flag holders who uses flyhacks.
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Lol don't u just hate those male blood elf paladins missing a bunch of armor pieces running the flagfcs: jajas, they dont care if they have no gear and they do not drop flag even when told to they keep chasing their dream: winning the bg and i admire them for that
efcs: jajas: somehow they manage to get through mid without anyone stopping them, so respect to them
One of the most hated EFC i see lately is probly thotfc.
How does goku get mentioned? No other druid is as easy to pop out of stealth, besides all he does is grab flag and sit on the saw blade wanking himself.
Well i guess if you are horde he should be your favorite EFC to see for an easy win.
drad is in a different league than any other fc in this bracket.
I like Drad, but he seemingly goes the same way every time. For bg's it doesn't matter because no one notices, but in wargames it was much easier.