Most hated EFC / Most beloved FC

I need to get my FC out more often :S

Gooply/Makdruid is always a thrill. Used to play with him on occasion before he faction-changed. Now, we see each other in game and it's a comp.
Thotfc is probably my most frustrating opponent as an FC that I've faced. The main reason is he rarely ever queues solo (well, at least I've not had the pleasure of seeing it, though im sure he does), meaning he's got that good-old DL support crew.

I totally support FC's deserving a little more credit at times and can certainly agree that a lot of people pin them as the reason the team loses. Just remember, it is a team game. A larger health-pool and some speed-boosts doesn't equate to invincibility.
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Being an FC in pugs means you get incredibly disrespected. Everyone feels like they can criticize your play and you frequently get false information. I have never FC'ed primarily but I've seen it at times - entire team yelling "go cap you idiot" only to result in you leaving team to take it alone and getting killed by 3 stealthers....then getting told how horrible you are that you died. This transcends the general trolling - people are just ignorant to FC's.

Whole different story when you're FCing with a premade group - there a good FC is incredibly important.

As far as who is best, dradform is best FC in this bracket by least when I played 29's last which really stopped around January 15.
How does goku get mentioned? No other druid is as easy to pop out of stealth, besides all he does is grab flag and sit on the saw blade wanking himself.

Well i guess if you are horde he should be your favorite EFC to see for an easy win.

I bet you landed in that ONE bg lmao. He likes to test glitches and trys to find new ones, unless you seen him sit in saw mill multiple times then you have the right to speak
One bg were an individual does something wrong, and not just this situation, shouldn't make judgment for that individual unless you've seen him play indefinitely
Any non resto or non worgen Druid Fc, any Gdruids who solo ques or any non Druid or BM Monks Fcs such as: Spewfeel and Oldspike.
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It's been so long I've forgotten the names of the good players, but my favorite fc was an ally Mage. He jumped off the horde roof with 4 horde literally on him, who also jumped when he did..... Only the Mage turned and blinked back to the safety of the now empty roof.

Now I like any fc who doesent sprint away from or LoS his healer.
i dislike any f2p fc leave it to the p2p.... specially when im there on my pally.... like can u not see my 8k+ hp dude?
Most hated FC is myself cause if I am having to FC that means something is severely wrong and we will probably lose lmao.
I bet you landed in that ONE bg lmao. He likes to test glitches and trys to find new ones, unless you seen him sit in saw mill multiple times then you have the right to speak
One bg were an individual does something wrong, and not just this situation, shouldn't make judgment for that individual unless you've seen him play indefinitely

Ive seen him sit in the saw mill 6 times in 3 difrent games over the course of a month. It's his favorite place to be when hes not getting poped out of stealth by thunderclap. Hell last night the moment he pickued up the flag one of the failed ot pays in the match said "bet hes getting on the sawblade"

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oh hey babe :*

jk kinda lol, sometimes that's what you do man. going from f2p to vet can make you less aware cuz now you have more stuff like health, gear, and consumables. popping speed pots won't make you any good mayne. it's just a crutch. I've never used speed pots on Rapido except from fishing dailies, but that's also because I'mm lazy asf and don't wanna farm mats. I feel like if I had them I'd not use them too much anyway, but I could be quite wrong.
Earlwing, of course. Tkatii awesome fcer, used to pug pretty much all the time. Lil, a fairly effective hunter fcer. Albinocow. Ploy. Bizzre plays a pretty good warlock fcer. Heard a lot about Bisonpower but haven't seen 'em play much, I remember seeing him in a game in cata but it's hazy.

Spew, who, usually I will call out in chat to not let him cross mid. As well as Lenny.

I mostly mentioned people I know strictly as fcers, not people who casually carry if need be.
How does goku get mentioned? No other druid is as easy to pop out of stealth, besides all he does is grab flag and sit on the saw blade wanking himself.

Well i guess if you are horde he should be your favorite EFC to see for an easy win.

1st off, that's no glitch, and I taught how to do that (kinda).
oh hey babe :*

jk kinda lol, sometimes that's what you do man. going from f2p to vet can make you less aware cuz now you have more stuff like health, gear, and consumables. popping speed pots won't make you any good mayne. it's just a crutch. I've never used speed pots on Rapido except from fishing dailies, but that's also because I'mm lazy asf and don't wanna farm mats. I feel like if I had them I'd not use them too much anyway, but I could be quite wrong.
I use pots to clutch in the game and get that last cap we need to win the game its not like im using pots right when they get off cd back to back like would you rather have people lose because they couldn't make cap in time, or would you rather have them speed pot to victory? and btw GG ;P
Attawalpa and Gokku, those speed-potting little fucks. Not even necessarily good.


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