Fockin communist! We are living in a free world now"Too stoned to read"... insists he deserves right to unfiltered reply. C'mon, guy. Grow up a little and join society.
We are living in a free world nowWe can smoke/drink whatever we want.
Speech* Ur a crybaby, Just don’t be belligerently toxicMy guts are on fire! I want to spill it all out, but I cant... I was banned for 5 months last time when I tried to post a fockin "Thread"... Let us say whatever we think and dont ban us for shits, ffs...
I think the moderation team has been doing a fantastic job as of late
I scrolled this forum for about a week researching as much as I could before I asked a question, took a few days to get a response.
I watched a thread go to 4 pages VERY quickly arguing about who's more geared.
If anything more moderation, the egos are insane.
It’s the ones that are silent on those issues that may have truly best e-heroes.
that's probably because there's 40,000 threads asking about gear that nobody cares enough to reply to anymore when every bracket has bis lists and armories of bis twinks in other lists
whereas actual threads worth talking about are rare nowadays so everyone flocks there
just as an example im currently making a twink in a bracket ive not played since tbc and it took me under 2 mins to find my bis list without needing to open a thread
the problem is you, not the website