Mop Changes, by me, myself, and I


This is mainly class changes, not revamps

With the ptr up, i may falll behind on updating this
I hope everyone keeps playing, even if balance goes to hell( relativly speaking)

I will try to post for all classes, but i will start with those i play
If i miss somthing, let me know and il try to edit it it( Note, this guide may be missing something, and i may not be able to keep it up to date)
Mop.wowhead has some of the most recent stuff
Aslo read mmo-champion for info
Cross realm zones are coming to wow, you can grp, and talk, quest with friends from certian othre realms, rp to rp, pvp to pvp, pve to pve
This might mean massive crossrealm gatherings for f2p's

General changes
Everyone has +200HP ( base??)
All damage has been increased
E.G., drain soul ticking for 200 per non execute range every second
Spell Penetration has been replaced by PvP Power on existing items.!!!
30% BASLINE RESIL, means everyone takes 30% less dmg from players+ pvp boa's
Talents redisigned
warlocks are getting heavily revamped, and to me it seems that they will be best for pressure/utility/cc, but losing mose of burst potential( i will x-fer mine to the ptr when its up to see for myself)

Base mana is MAX mana,Intil Does Not inrease it
pet Battles are not acessable to f2p's(gld cap)
Hunter buffs :(

(will add more as i remember)

Basline disentalngement
new spec spells
Boomkin form(yay)
Feral charge
No 30% movespeed in cat( only 15%)
No mangle slow
No clearcastng/insect swarm
Savage roar as feral
Feral spec can no longer tank
420% dmg on both mangle, and shred, shred gets +20% if behind, ill stick with manlge
Astral communion is beast!!!
New 4th spec to tanking

No gouge/sprint
Sub gets Hemo
Mut gets envenom
Combat gets RvS
NO ShS for sub
No longer need to buy poisins
Cool new t15 talents
Keep 30% base dodge, good for the now dodgeable huntards

No fort: (
Disc gets no CD bubble
No mind blast, moved to lvl 21
SW;P deals instant dmg
Disc gets mana = to 150% of spirit on PW:S asorb/dispell
Holy fire is dics spec only, at 18

Destro no longer has a disorient on conflag
Locks bring the only f2p stam buff!
Meta for demo 16%?? dmg bonus, only use is for the demonic leap , but meta has a 10 sec cd before you can leap again
Passive DF gen allows 100% meta uptime ooc
Destro mana gen is 225mp5 IN COMBAT
Voidie gets a disarm
No felguard/Rain of fire( Rof is replaced by a AoE drain life,talented into it)
Soul link is a tier 45?? talent
demo get HoG, a aoe with 2 charges, and a 30% snare
Conflag is a 30% snare with 2 charges, only if target is immolated
Curse of tongs added to CoE( the new CoWeak)

New abilitys, a strike at 18 for fury and arms( fury's REQUIRED a OH wep, byebye 2H fury)
Rage is onyl generated in battle stnace from white attacks, and the spec specials you get at 10 also gen 3-8 rage(averageish)
Stance specific req's GONE!!
CHARGE in combat!!
A few new abilitys, and TC has no rag cost for prots
No shouts

New arcane revamp, To long to type, but its basically the same, but no missles till 24
Fire can get instant pyro's ( 2X in a row crits)
Fire ball, ACB, frostbolt are now spec specific
Frost fire bolt is the new lvl 1 spell, and keeps the 40% snare for FB
No Evo
They Get Arcane explosion at 18, instant aoe spell( now i gotta lvl a mage)
24's will 2-4 shot with icelance/shatter combo's
Moving 0.1% Scorch is a t15 talent(can trigger instant pyro's)
No impvd blink/arcane missles

Can be dodged
Get find hidden at lvl 4
Lose 15% stam for sv ones
KC is BM only
No deadzone :(
No melee weps, ranged stats increased to compensate
a few more op'd tier one talents( web on DEing, or 10 sec off DE, etc)
Can pick pets spec

Resto's will be gaining so healing buffs including a magic dispell( no more HM)

No Earth shield, but resto gains ripdite
Instant Ghost wolf, but the antisnare is a glyph in mop
Ele keeps 250% dmg on crits
Nothing special for enh
Ele gains fulmination( gain a lightning shield orb off some spell hits)
Nice DR cd's / or bubble totem in tier 15

Pally Gains a Magic dispell( defensive)
Full bubble replaces HoP
Uncertian if Holy will be a viable healer in mop, maybe onyl good for dp((edited, i was missing the 400% mana increase tht holy spec gets over ret/prot)
Prot gains 2 Aoe's
Prot/Ret NO LONGER BENEFIT FROM SP, instead they get 50% AP as SP, so drop those intillect legs ppl, and they regen 6% mana per 2 sec in combat
No Aura of armor
HoJ still exists :(
Only holy keeps exo, under a new name, with slightly nerfed dmg 30-50?? dpc

Monks= op'd blizz pet, nuff said.

Hunter + gnome = puntable Kill on sighters
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6 second cooldown on shield, but like you said disc gets it without a cd.
..i personally wouldn't attempt to cover all the classes as (even if you got all the changes, which you don't), you'll loose track in a beta patch or two. pick a class or two and go with those. saying something like "new spec spells" just doesn't help anyone.
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fuck.. i forgot about locks losing soul link,
although we get snare, i dont know. we are fucked i think
Will the new undead racial proc off dot ticks? I would like someone from a PTR to confirm
priests lose renew moved to level-26
only disc has holy fire at level-18
mind blast is moved to level-21

paladins lose exorcism moved to ret-spec only at level-46+

some imo are rather game changing whether playing 14's, 19's 20's and 24's

saw a video about 4 days ago on frost mages, water elemental was shown moving and ranging targets at the same time, rather than being like a totem that stands still when casting. not sure if it was a glyph or high level talent or available at level-10 for a frost mage?
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so with these changes. which melee class do you think has the best chance of beating a hunter 1v1?
so with these changes. which melee class do you think has the best chance of beating a hunter 1v1?
A rogue
30% basline resiel
30% basline dodge
+ pvp boa's for anothjer 10% resi
idk is assin / or sub will be better
Gonna be dang hard to kill a good one
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A rogue
30% basline resiel
30% basline dodge
+ pvp boa's for anothjer 10% resi
idk is assin / or sub will be better
Gonna be dang hard to kill a good one

but without shadow step and sprint rogue wont even get close to a hunter... with there 15 sec disengage and there SC and pet web
I had a druid changes thread, but with the beta being so young i decided it wasnt worth my time to keep up with it. Thanks for putting this up^^

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