Monkeys, Spiders, and Birds, oh my!


Which do you think is best for PUGs? I love the idea of sending a monkey around to launch handfuls of caca at my opponents, but I never seem to see them in BGs.
Also, I've literally never seen a Hunter usin any other spec than Survival. Is there a reason for this? I realize that +15% stamina is pretty sexy, but it would seem BM has more control and Marks more damage. Just wondering!
By MM being not good, you guys mean its slightly under god-mode, right?

They're not saying it isn't good merely pointing out that aimed shot and MM talents cannot really hold a card to the instant massive damage of explosive shot plus the 15% stam boost
There is no correct answer to his question. It is a personal thing. You have to find the right pet that suits your gamestyle and not what others think are the best pets and just copy.
It's not personal, it's situational. Difference.
It's not personal, it's situational. Difference.

It's both actually. I can handle a caster with a spider for example and its good doable. The situation doesnt demand you use an anti caster pet. Its pretty bad if you just rely on those if you ask me, it shows you dont have skill with a hunter. This just makes it a personal choice that suits your play style. Dont forget that i play bm hunter so im not having alot trouble with wich pet i use. I guess spec also matters.
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I lol'd


Yes skill with hunter... not sure why you cant see that. Maby the reason you mention the said pets.

Maby you want to give an explenation instead of just mentioning some pets instead of making that kiddy "i lold" reply. Its personal and situational preference anyway.

Here is mine (for bm spec):

Take a cunning (or tenacity) pet, they have dash or dive. This way you can land a kill command very quickly or just chase one, efc for example or a running healer, way faster then any other talent/skill because they are slow and dont have dash or dive.
I use a wasp and bird (cunning pets). Wasp stuns for 2 secs wich is way better to have as base pet then any other simply because you dont have to switch your pet hardly situationally. In most situations you just dont have the time to change your pet then you can better use a pet wich has effect on both caster and melee.
Bird does the same special as a scorpid but it's way faster at your enemy because of dash/dive.
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Yes skill with hunter... not sure why you cant see that. Maby the reason you mention the said pets.

Maby you want to give an explenation instead of just mentioning some pets instead of making that kiddy "i lold" reply. Its personal and situational preference anyway.

Here is mine (for bm spec):

Take a cunning (or tenacity) pet, they have dash or dive. This way you can land a kill command very quickly or just chase one, efc for example or a running healer, way faster then any other talent/skill because they are slow and dont have dash or dive.
I use a wasp and bird (cunning pets). Wasp stuns for 2 secs wich is way better to have as base pet then any other simply because you dont have to switch your pet hardly situationally. In most situations you just dont have the time to change your pet then you can better use a pet wich has effect on both caster and melee.
Bird does the same special as a scorpid but it's way faster at your enemy because of dash/dive.

Fine here's my reasoning.

Scorpion can charge with a small root. And has the disarm like your bird.

The moth has an interrupt.

Personal reason don't mean shit.

And PLEASE don't start talking to me about skill as a hunter when you're saying most of the time you can't swap out your pet. It's 1 GCD. I know your better then that man comon :(

Fact of the matter is moth/scorpid are the best, however moth/bird is a close second, the charge is with the root is just slightly more desirable then a long sprint.
If you're using a Hunter pet ONLY for it's special ability then you're doing it wrong. that's not to say I don't use Spider to web melee so they don't rape my face, or pets with interrupts against heals (or stuns), but the point is if you truly know how to play Hunter the pet is secondary, personal choice AND situational. An example of this is go 1-v-1 against a melee or healer (or caster)with NO active pet, learn how to defeat them without the pet, THEN bring the pet back = pure win.

As a Hunter you need to learn to LoS (any class does really) and what abilities (casted) to interupt, when to pop trinket (or just eat the dmg for a few sec) etc. Learning to PvP is far superior to keyboard mashing just because the class is inherently OP at lower levels. And yes, MM is crap for PvP at lower levels, and not much better at higher levels any more.
Fine here's my reasoning.

Scorpion can charge with a small root. And has the disarm like your bird.

The moth has an interrupt.

Personal reason don't mean shit.

And PLEASE don't start talking to me about skill as a hunter when you're saying most of the time you can't swap out your pet. It's 1 GCD. I know your better then that man comon :(

Fact of the matter is moth/scorpid are the best, however moth/bird is a close second, the charge is with the root is just slightly more desirable then a long sprint.

Yeah very good explenation again why they are better then the pets i mentioned... not.

Dash > charge specially for bg. Maby equal for arenas. Dash/dive gives you more advantage then charge simply cause of the duration of the dash/dive, it lasts alot secconds. Specially for bm hunters. Catching people is what hunters do and goes way better with dash/dive because they can close a very long gap. You might want to think about that.

Now you are talking about 1 gcb... how will you use that in a fight where you are outnumbered.. you just stand there and switch pets while you die? in such a fight you dont have time to switch at all and a pet out wich has a special that can do something to all classes is way better. What you are talking about concerns 1v1 not bg'ing.

Lets say you have your moth up and there is a rogue ambushing you and more enemies are comming and you had your pet out for the caster in that group.. the special of the moth has no use at all because you have to deal with the rogue wich is on you with crip. Yeah really usefull if you have your moth up then.

It is very simple. Every seccond counts wich makes my bird alot faster at their target then a scorpid and will disarm alot sooner.

Moth special interrupts spellcasting, only spellcasting .. for 4 whole secconds it prevents them from casting.. but here we go again, my wasp will there be alot sooner with his sting and at that time you allready have the caster most of the time more then half down with all this burst from hunters, if not simply put up bm stun and make the final blow looking from bm spec and its not alot different for the other specs because of burst.

Im not saying those pets you mentioned are bad but there are better ones out there but dash/dive is the best ability your pet can have.
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