Mods please do not lock this thread too early. This is important.

You have a problem with using verbs as nouns. Respond instead of response, offend instead of offence, etc.
alright ill work on that. English isnt my first language.
Oh in that case my bad :p
i dunno needs a horde 2 sides to every story PoV.
Its like me getting on my 24+multiboxing.Sure i get beat in flags/whatever.But like this ap premade this morning i go 101-0 total of 4 huntards (every ap member dies at least 15-25 time s one ragequits some Highelf warrior ).In my eyes i won because i went 101-0 .In their eyes they won against a big bad 24 multiboxer 2-1.
Do i race and post on TI that i beat someone?No. Or actually geting to swing by the GY and farm this duopaladin and his 5 24s which everyone seems to hate.Thankfully his hunter left fast so i could get my hands on the rest of them quite effectively

The difference is you are a single rogue and i have to think for the whole team and have a bigger perspectiv/e/define the outcome of a bg

you're bad
i dunno needs a horde 2 sides to every story PoV.
Its like me getting on my 24+multiboxing.Sure i get beat in flags/whatever.But like this ap premade this morning i go 101-0 total of 4 huntards (every ap member dies at least 15-25 time s one ragequits some Highelf warrior ).In my eyes i won because i went 101-0 .In their eyes they won against a big bad 24 multiboxer 2-1.
Do i race and post on TI that i beat someone?No. Or actually geting to swing by the GY and farm this duopaladin and his 5 24s which everyone seems to hate.Thankfully his hunter left fast so i could get my hands on the rest of them quite effectively

The difference is you are a single rogue and i have to think for the whole team and have a bigger perspectiv/e/define the outcome of a bg

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If you wanted to bring something up, bring up the people who feel like they can Ban whoever they want if they have mod/owner in the channel.

+1 about this, sadly its also a story already told in other topic...


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I'm not really sure why you seem to think that the originals don't give newcomers a chance. There are tons of people on AP who do nothing but pug bgs and never talk in chat. On the other hand, there are newcomers such as Deflowering, for example, who have often become the life of the chat. You can't just reroll on AP and expect to be welcomed immediately as if you had been there the whole time. I play my 20s less than seldom nowadays, if you don't talk in chat, you might as well not exist to me.
I thought people to be amazingly welcoming on AP when I started there, I just happened to get distracted and wander away (and found someone who seemed to need some help...I like to think I played some part in Licholas not currently occupying a mental institution).

Most people I talked to there (yes, even the "old" ones) were inclusive and helpful. People aren't disrepected or excluded solely for being new. Negative attitudes toward individuals come from them making a bad first impression. If you treat this as a real community with real people when you join it, you'll probably get a lot more out of it. Have some tact, participate in conversations and get an idea of how things work. Being a part of a community is understanding how you can fit into and contribute to it. It is NOT installing the addon and saying "HI IM NEW HERE PEOPLE ENTERTAIN ME", or using it like trade chat.

Newcomers are only looked down upon if they change the culture of the community, bringing it away from what it used to be. I know its a lot to ask on the internet, but acting like there are people behind these names/characters can go a long way. Yes, communities are the people that make them up. However (unless you're a founding member), communities exists because of the people that came before you. Show some respect for that and you'll get the same. Showing respect is not worshipping/being entirely deferential to them. Its being a normal, considerate person and not disrupting/threatening the atmosphere they've created.
You overreact to pretty much everything people post in your threads, that's all I got to say.
Overreact? Nearly, if not every, thread he makes is trolled and flamed. Meanwhile, the administrators and moderators sit idly by, while he, for the most part, is left out to dry defending himself.

i've seen videos like
Brumble - 39 PvP (Part 1 of 3) - YouTube where the standards are far higher

you have to learn that people aren't looking for videos, they are looking for content. and the only thing you're doing by overreacting to negative criticism is attracting trolls like me to rub your jelly
Since when do you, or any other single person, speak for all viewers of his videos? Bad players, mediocre players, starved players and new players (people who don't play WoW) can all find a ton of value in his videos. That's not to say skilled players are excluded from enjoying them too. It is not for you, or anyone else, to tell him to stop because you don't appreciate his level of skill or difficulty of the situations he shows. It is the moderators' and administrators' jobs to ensure you don't and correct you if you do.
Someone is obviously butthurt from yesterday.
This is a trolling and offtopic post and the user should be reprimanded as such.
thing that i dont like about your videos is the content, not interesting. I disagree with there not been any good content possible out of the f2p bgs or arenas. For the most part your videos are about an alliance rogue's pov which means you will be showing matches against horde which would be fine BUT, when it comes to horde in the f2p bracket you are really facing inexperienced players. I dont mine watching one sided games unless one side is really doing something that just makes me lawl or drop my jaw to the ground (points a shirty). Watching your videos is like watching two soccer teams that are at the end of the ladder, the two sides are below average but one side is kicking the other's ass. Compare that to Fc Barcelona doing the same to a less than average team in which case barca is steamrolling yet at the same time doing it in a graceful manner and showing zero mercy as they make an example of the other team. Give us something that will wow us. Fighting nobodies and overpowering them is boring and uninteresting. Your video content is something anybody can experience by just queueing up as alliance. Show us something that is not easy to come by. Of coarse that something awesome will rarely be squaring of against horde.

Things i dont like about your videos:
Alliance pov
facing below average players
doing mediocre level game play
music( personally iam very picky so you can not gaf)
unnecessary content

Things i would like to see in your vids:
Horde pov
2-5 man where you cc and focus targets down in an orchestrated highly experimented manner
impossible stunts
fc all over the place for shits and giggles
narrating what you are doing or placing some graphics that highlight things like shadowstep magic with flag/kicks on healers/crits/chain cc
finishing a bg where all the dmg done is less than 2k but all the dmg went on the efc
sapping healers and speeeding up the camera (maybe with a timer that shows total time the healer was put under sap)
etc etc.
I am conflicted about your post. On the one hand you start out in the typical unappreciative fashion, like many others. However, on the other hand, you make very constructive criticisms of his videos. For the latter I thank and applaud you. I hope he takes some of your advice so he can become even better.
make your own?
This, this, this. Not specifically @Omgwtfsap in this case, but if you aren't satisfied with the quality and aren't going to help him achieve it.. Make your own videos!
You said "community" 24 times in one post
This is a trolling and offtopic post and the user should be reprimanded as such.
6. No one is disrespecting anyone, but an idiot is still an idiot no matter how long you're here. Be an idiot, and you'll be treated as such.
Anyways, this isn't worthy of an admins time as far as locking goes. Truthfully, this thread wasn't needed.

If you wanted to bring something up, bring up the people who feel like they can Ban whoever they want if they have mod/owner in the channel.

Unless someone is purposely trolling the AP F2P Community Channel or Spamming, then you can't ban them for just not liking them. If they aren't doing any harm, then put them on ignore; especially if they don't even know they are doing something wrong. I've had to unban probably more than 10 people so far since I've been back because of idiots who think they can ban whoever they want; I don't like reading PMs on TI about people being banned for no reason.
Are you kidding me? Dubbs especially, among many others, is constantly disrespected. I hope the irony isn't lost on anyone when you say no one is being disrespected yet you refer to him as an idiot. Maybe he is not the most skilled player in the bracket. I will even agree he has some debatable if not blatantly wrong ideas about this game.. That doesn't make him an idiot. It is your responsibility, as a community, to explain where he is mistaken and to help him become a better player. Or do you not care to help? If not, shut up. No one benefits from posts of that nature. Even if you truly consider someone an idiot, would you defend the idea that they should be ridiculed or persecuted for their level of intelligence? If so, I truly pity you.

As for the rest of your post which is off topic.. don't derail the thread. The original post had nothing to do with the going-ons of AP chat.
Dubbs this thread is super emo.

Every thing is fine on AP, just dont allow yourself to be engaged in drama. If somebody annoys me guess what...ignored.
This thread is not specifically about AP, it is about the f2p community.
Dubbs, as you know, I am not very good at being nice, so when you read this, realise im trying to be nice.

You overreact to EVERYTHING, Druiddroid has an awesome point, and you became defensive after the fact. Is 39 PvP the same as F2P PvP? No, but the QUALITY of the content your posting should be.
Regarding the general nature of your posts, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. You think it's funny or cute to say mean things to people? It just displays how unhappy you are. You're transparent. Grow up.

Where is this f2p youtube video quality control committee? Get the stick out of your.. well you know the rest.
no, 39s dont have to face anything higher, but by quality i mean quality in your clips. most of your videos are just showing the basics of what the class you're playing can actually do. putting in clips where you completely outplay a skilled opponent are fun to watch(do not get this confused with critting him for half hp and him dead)

for instance, as a feral druid (tauren) im 1v1 up against a hunter, who completely outclasses me in everyway. use what blizzard has given you to make the best decisions to bring him down(i.e instant trinket scatter, warstomp his disengage, then jump powershift his concussive shot) little things like that is what makes a good pvp video, not just killing a bunch of people with music in the background.
There, you came so close to actually giving quality feedback instead of slamming him. /golfclap
I'm not really sure why you seem to think that the originals don't give newcomers a chance. There are tons of people on AP who do nothing but pug bgs and never talk in chat. On the other hand, there are newcomers such as Deflowering, for example, who have often become the life of the chat. You can't just reroll on AP and expect to be welcomed immediately as if you had been there the whole time. I play my 20s less than seldom nowadays, if you don't talk in chat, you might as well not exist to me.
Again, he's not talking specifically about AP. Yes, certain personalities are more popular than others. I think it goes without saying that an alleged, vocal, bisexual, sexual and female personality would be popular. However, despite what any one person brings to the table for conversation, they do not warrant any more or less respect than less interesting or vocal personalities. There is this ridiculous notion flying around that there is not an elitist and largely older clique of players in this community, especially on AP. They are largely responsible for the ridiculing and ostracizing of new, lesser known or lesser skilled players. Ask any server but AP if this happens if you want to try to deny it.

As a moderator of twinkinfo you have a responsibility to treat players fairly and equally. Every player in this community "exists" as much as any other. You are supposed to be a role model. Instead I see you favoring, even supporting, the exact people who are stunting the growth of this community. Too often are Dubbs' threads specifically targeted, trolled, flamed and derailed with snide, sarcastic and off topic comments. If the users exhibiting these behaviors are not being reprimanded because of your relationship with them, then you are unworthy of your position. You are not alone in this. As a moderator you should be impartial. Everyone deserves the same treatment. He has as much a right to post his videos as anyone else. Your focus should be on the behavior and interaction between users, not who the users are. I would also say that your impartial stance on the forum should translate in-game as well. In my opinion, you should be setting a better example for the "originals".


Now I'll speak about the f2p community as a whole. I think we can all agree that raising the skill of the players in the community is desirable. I won't get into the people who have no interest in getting better and just want to faceroll unskilled players. They can just roll 24 like the rest. How can you raise the strength of the community, so you can actually, I don't know, pug? I'll tell you how you can't. Excluding, degrading, whining or complaining about unskilled players. You have to help them to learn. You have to invest in the player base. The number of players isn't fixed either. New players will constantly be joining, especially because it is the trial bracket.

So Activate, how are we supposed to help all these nubs? Well you use the tools available to you. You make them easy to access and understand. I just happen to be posting on one of those tools right now. Something I used to do was hit my macro in every BG I joined directing my team mates here, to TI. I explained that I wanted them to play and gear better, that TI would help them to do that. With one press of a button that new or oblivious player is now headed in the right direction. Even without specifically contributing to the content here, you can do a lot to help your community.

As far as the content here, keep up the good work. Write more guides, makes them easy to understand. Realize that every player isn't a genius and they will be in your pugs whether you help them or not. It's time for the f2p community to step up. Simply hiding in your corner and running premades cuzdabads is not a solution. At least in my mind. You need to be positive. You can be extremely helpful even with a minimal amount of effort.

@Dubbs I appreciate everything you do to grow this community. I appreciate that despite the beating I've witnessed you take here, you are undaunted and continue with your good work, with a positive attitude. I would like to see you ask for and be open to more advice. I'd like to see you become one of the top skilled players in this bracket and see that reflected in your consistent video content.

Inb4 whiteknight

tl;dr Be nicer, teach noobs, mods mod, this ain't /b/

Fading back into the shadows now..
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but you veinte, are always pissed off and overreact to things. you sound really mad and unhappy with everything you say on TI recently.
My rl is a big fucking mess right now, sue me.
But since i have noticed that you didbt really like me
I have two reasons for this:

1. Oversensitivity. You care too much of what people think of you, and it's reflected in the way that you react to everything. You take so many random, harmless comments on your videos as personal attacks it's not even funny anymore.

2. Stubbornness. You refuse to listen to the opinions of other people, yet try to make others hear your opinions. Also, your response to people who would like to see something different/new​ from your videos is "don't watch them then, I'm not going to change."
Overreact? Nearly, if not every, thread he makes is trolled and flamed. Meanwhile, the administrators and moderators sit idly by, while he, for the most part, is left out to dry defending himself.
I was more referring to the harmless comments that he took to be "pathetic, malicious personal attacks." Also, part of the reason his threads get trolled so much is that he's an easy target. He overreacted to everything from day 1, and hasn't changed at all.
My rl is a big fucking mess right now, sue me.

I have two reasons for this:

1. Oversensitivity. You care too much of what people think of you, and it's reflected in the way that you react to everything. You take so many random, harmless comments on your videos as personal attacks it's not even funny anymore.

2. Stubbornness. You refuse to listen to the opinions of other people, yet try to make others hear your opinions. Also, your response to people who would like to see something different/new​ from your videos is "don't watch them then, I'm not going to change."

I was more referring to the harmless comments that he took to be "pathetic, malicious personal attacks." Also, part of the reason his threads get trolled so much is that he's an easy target. He overreacted to everything from day 1, and hasn't changed at all.

Rarely do I disagree with you but I'm gonna have to here. Rl should stay in rl imo. You shouldn't take it out on other people even those deemed oversensitive. That goes for everyone. I will agree he can be stubborn with opinions. But not that he should be trolled, for that or any other reason, here on TI. Whether he is an easy target or not, it isn't cool to attack someone who is putting forth a consistent effort for the ultimate benefit of the community, despite that the effect is obviously up for debate. The passive support of this behavior by moderators is wrong. The community bashing of him is wrong. If you can't focus on helping him because of a lack of desire or ability to get through to him, leave it alone.

Hope things get better for you.
My rl is a big fucking mess right now, sue me.

I have two reasons for this:

1. Oversensitivity. You care too much of what people think of you, and it's reflected in the way that you react to everything. You take so many random, harmless comments on your videos as personal attacks it's not even funny anymore.

2. Stubbornness. You refuse to listen to the opinions of other people, yet try to make others hear your opinions. Also, your response to people who would like to see something different/new​ from your videos is "don't watch them then, I'm not going to change."

I was more referring to the harmless comments that he took to be "pathetic, malicious personal attacks." Also, part of the reason his threads get trolled so much is that he's an easy target. He overreacted to everything from day 1, and hasn't changed at all.
maybe i probably am stubborn i admit. But i am not sensitive at all i tell you lol. If i was sensitive, why would i still be making videos with all these hate? because i dont care about haters and i am not sensitive about hating comments. I just try to make trolls realize that they are trolls... if you know what im saying. But since you mentioned stubborn, you are stubborn too veinte lol. You said that priests can beat hunters most of the time. I disagree with that. since you disagree with me, that makes you stubborn too veinte.
I'm not really sure why you seem to think that the originals don't give newcomers a chance. There are tons of people on AP who do nothing but pug bgs and never talk in chat. On the other hand, there are newcomers such as Deflowering, for example, who have often become the life of the chat. You can't just reroll on AP and expect to be welcomed immediately as if you had been there the whole time. I play my 20s less than seldom nowadays, if you don't talk in chat, you might as well not exist to me.
I told you not to think about me saying this to you. I was talking about F2P community in general and not only AP but I am not new to AP anymore. I, individually have no problem with AP because i dont plan to make friends anyway. I just enjoy my game while producing videos to make me and my viewers happy while making this community better. I have my awesome friends on my home server Norgannon and thats enough ingame friends for me anyway. I posted this thread because it is the truth and it should be like that, its not because im not satisfied with this community only for me, its for everyone
Rarely do I disagree with you but I'm gonna have to here. Rl should stay in rl imo. You shouldn't take it out on other people even those deemed oversensitive. That goes for everyone. I will agree he can be stubborn with opinions. But not that he should be trolled, for that or any other reason, here on TI. Whether he is an easy target or not, it isn't cool to attack someone who is putting forth a consistent effort for the ultimate benefit of the community, despite that the effect is obviously up for debate. The passive support of this behavior by moderators is wrong. The community bashing of him is wrong. If you can't focus on helping him because of a lack of desire or ability to get through to him, leave it alone.

Hope things get better for you.
I wasn't justifying attacking him, just pointing it out as a probable cause. Rl does stay in rl, but it has changed who I am and how I react to everything, not just on TI or in dubbs's threads. I don't like his videos, so I don't watch them. Simple as that.
You said that priests can beat hunters most of the time. I disagree with that. since you disagree with me, that makes you stubborn too veinte.
The difference is that nobody agreed with you, but many people agreed with me. In my time spent on this website I have changed my opinions many times based on what people post, but I have yet to see you do the same thing. That is why I say you are stubborn.
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I wasn't justifying attacking him, just pointing it out as a probable cause. Rl does stay in rl, but it has changed who I am and how I react to everything, not just on TI or in dubbs's threads. I don't like his videos, so I don't watch them. Simple as that.
hopefully everything gets better veinte.
and dont watch my vids

The difference is that nobody agreed with you, but many people agreed with me. In my time spent on this website I have changed my opinions many times based on what people post, but I have yet to see you do the same thing. That is why I say you are stubborn.

oh? You will have to admit this one. About 5months ago or so. No one said skilled hunters can be beaten. You do remember right? No one. But suddenly i dont know why but people started to think that hunters can be beaten... Answer to this question. I know you are a good priest and all but did you really face a hunter that wants to beat you? Felix is a good hunter and you said you beat him... so waht? he probably didnt try as you know. As a Warlock, i beat him in a duel barely because he probably didnt really try. (i have a video too) And hunters should have 2 moths to beat priests but most hunters use scorpid or bird to disarm because its more fun in bgs or etc. Does disarm work good on priests? no so 2 moths is a must. Did you face a skilled hunter that is trying with 2moths as a pet? probably no right? Thats the reason why i disagree with you.
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I can't believe every person reading this thread hasn't liked Activate's novel. I hope everyone reads through it all, it was the shit.
to be honest, i couldnt understand all of it because Activate's English is too advanced for my foreign English :(

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