2. You mean to tell me I can't worship deadvulcano the frawshtey gawd?
3. Of course not. But where does that put you if you're gawd?
4. oh he means admins
5. A-Team #1 madcuzbad
6. No one is disrespecting anyone, but an idiot is still an idiot no matter how long you're here. Be an idiot, and you'll be treated as such.
7. wut? who cares?
8. ^
9. I didnt
10. Couldnt think of anything snappy for this one
11. Yeah you do.
i forget who u were. Were you the druid who geared as a F2P p2p but your race was worgen and I gave you so much crap for that until you faction changed(or maybe u made a new toon idk)?
Anyways, this isn't worthy of an admins time as far as locking goes. Truthfully, this thread wasn't needed.
If you wanted to bring something up, bring up the people who feel like they can Ban whoever they want if they have mod/owner in the channel.
Unless someone is purposely trolling the AP F2P Community Channel or Spamming, then you can't ban them for just not liking them. If they aren't doing any harm, then put them on ignore; especially if they don't even know they are doing something wrong. I've had to unban probably more than 10 people so far since I've been back because of idiots who think they can ban whoever they want; I don't like reading PMs on TI about people being banned for no reason.
Billow, you insensitive bastard. Y U NO PLAY NICE?
I'm not really sure why you seem to think that the originals don't give newcomers a chance. There are tons of people on AP who do nothing but pug bgs and never talk in chat. On the other hand, there are newcomers such as Deflowering, for example, who have often become the life of the chat. You can't just reroll on AP and expect to be welcomed immediately as if you had been there the whole time. I play my 20s less than seldom nowadays, if you don't talk in chat, you might as well not exist to me.
I made two points against Shft. One, I called into question his impartiality. Two, that in my opinion, he, other mods and
community leaders should take a stronger stance to defend Dubbs and players like him. I did not ask for Shft to be replaced as moderator.
The reason I called into question (I didn't accuse him) whether Shft is impartial is this. He liked Cer and Earl's posts in this thread while weighing in with his own post. Cer's post trivialized the original post. He took a shot in the dark to determine if Dubbs' was a player he had bullied into a race change. He was rude in that he indirectly calls Dubbs an idiot. He attacks the merit of the thread and then proceeds with an attempt at derailment. His post is a perfect example of the way Dubbs is bullied in an "acceptable" manner. Earl's post sarcastically sums up the entire thread mocking the idea of playing nice.
Shft's own post I interpreted as, if we don't like you, that's your fault. If you want to be an accepted member, be popular in chat (or on the forum). Anyone else "might as well not exist". What if Decem made a post of controversial value and people trolled her? You see where this is going?
I don't know Cer or Earl very well. I do know they are similar in that they are popular (especially on AP) and very skilled players. They have a strong elitist streak and target non-elites, usually for the butt of a joke. I was personally targeted by Earl the first time I tried to premade with AP on Activate. See this goes back a ways.
My mage was just below 1k hp, under geared. I was still new to the community and didn't know 1k was the minimum accepted health pool. I didn't know a lot of things. Someone invited me and I excitedly waited for things to kick(lol) off. A few minutes later, without a word I was kicked from the party and replaced. Surprised I asked for another invite and was ignored. I demanded to know what the deal was in chat and through whispers, of the people I knew to be a part of the premade. I was ignored for 5-10 minutes. Finally someone told me in a whisper that the premade thought I was under geared. I started asking questions in chat and eventually received some rude comment basically equating to, "lol get lost noob" from Acebull aka Earl. That response, after 15-20 minutes of my time being wasted without a word, really frustrated me. Replacing me with an explanation would have been a bummer but much easier to accept. For
months this left a very sour taste in my mouth when I thought of the "old school" on AP, especially Acebull.
Now imagine similar things happening to other new players over the existence of AP. It should be easy to see why there is an anti-AP anti-oldies mentality in the f2p community. There is a clique of players, where a few members snub new or uninformed players. Cer has many likeable qualities, chief in my mind being his ability to perform in and RUN a premade. Earl is quite a character, funny and is a great asset to any team in a BG. Shft does a ton to help this community, be it with his p2p, moderating or what have you. Also very skilled. All three are older players on AP. All three I consider to be a part of the aforementioned clique whose members play a large, to no role at all in offending people. An example of a large role being Felix and none being Yde. Despite these transgressions I really like AP's community
People in this thread stiring up drama for the sake of drama,
can't directly cite Shft's alleged bias because there is no
direct bias. It's just a slippery slope of relationships that is only natural to us as humans.
I don't think targeting someone for lack of skill or knowledge is right. It is detrimental to the community as a whole in that it causes rifts. A large number of the player bases on alternate servers are a direct result of those rifts. Imagine the state of things without the rifts. Veterans working toward a common goal of getting everyone else in the bracket to a minimum standard of skill. (See Deadvulcano's post on his blog about skill for more information about the definition). While completing that fantasy is almost certainly impossible, a strong and sustained attempt would bring about an immense positive change. It doesn't take much (relative) work to get players started on their way. Guides and stickies like Yde's should be shouted from the mountains at anyone unaware of their existence. More guides would be a great help. Break things down to the absolutely ridiculous. A little efficient effort can do loads for the community. If you care about your own backyard, it's not much of a trade.
Mean spirited jokes are much different than pointed jokes. Here's some real philosophical knowledge for you. Life is all about love. Love for your friends, your family, your community, your brothers and sisters around the world. There is nothing foolish in standing up for it. Everything else in life is secondary to love. Be good to each other. Start small, here, with this community; then let it extend throughout the rest of your life. You will be better for it in so many ways.
I swear that's my last novel, all the proof reading is giving me a headache. A little perspective goes a long way.
PS - I was (still am) unaware of how to report people on this website. When I called out the mods I did not think of that. That is a fantastic (although I'm realizing now, old) idea. So I now compel YOU to take a stronger stance against asshattery here on TI, in WoW and in life.
PPS - Shft I think you do a good job moderating and you are a strong asset for this community. Especially considering the workload.
tl:dr Jimmies rustled, Shft does good work, improve your community efficiently with positive actions