@Snack @Trollguden , In my response i literally say u should wep swap and to do it when pushing or falling back... ie : "Of course u can do something like keep sp to wep at opening of mid, then swap to heartsong once either ur team gains some breathing room thru kills or u get pushed back and are already getting low on mana". If u are in a group with ppl u know will have correct positioning and protect u if need be, of course u can run much lower hp. But in pugs that generally isnt the case and for u to continue to keep the best positioning u would have to be moving back or overextending in to reach the players who push in too far or because ur frontline isnt pushed far enough up. MWs can only heal on the run if they already applied an enveloping mist before moving, so u can have ur heal on one target and thats it. Sometimes its better to hold ur bad positioning and continue to heal so ur team can push out of the bad positioning is currently has. If u run 3.6 hp u will have a tough time doing that. All i would take is a rog open and any oher source of dmg at the same time to global u before even a 450-500 enveloping mist ticks. Also if u get silenced, which no matter how good u are in a bg it does happen, u are much more likely to die even with rolls / cds. Holding 3 chi at all times to heal urself is a detriment to mw heals. First off it is impossible to always have 3 chi, second off u could use that chi to heal another teamate being focused and with a higher stam build choose to take the dmg knowing u can just outheal it in 3 seconds when u have the chi again.
A rounded mw generally gets ~230 sp with wep, 5.6k hp, 280 base mana regen, 20-22% haste. To run a 3.6k hp build u would be around 270sp i would assume (thats only around a 20% more healing) and slightly more mana regen and slightly more haste. Even at 200 sp once u get enveloping mist on a target that target will generally not die, having ur enveloping mist tick for 50-70 more isnt going to stop the burst comparatively. Ill say it again, what mw needs to concentrate on is its weakness, multitarget healing.