[Mists Of Pandaria] Curley's Rogue Guide

meadow ring of eluding

what about the meadow ring of eluding with 12 dodge rating and 1 agility for ring slots?
Something to note, you forgot the 19 shadow resist Undead receive and the 30, not 45 second shared cooldown with insignia. Also, cannibalize is something to be worth noting, since you can stealth, cannibalize for extra survivability.
Herb and Skinning > All This gives you 55 haste which will definitely increase your burst and Skinning will give you 3.03 crit.

As I understand I gain 3 crit rating from skinning at skill lvl 75 wont I get anymore form skilling up? Or do U mean 3,03% crit?
curleypwnsu said:
The days of dodge being a very viable stat is gone

i have 50% dodj how is that unviable
dozzer said:
As I understand I gain 3 crit rating from skinning at skill lvl 75 wont I get anymore form skilling up? Or do U mean 3,03% crit?

You get 9 crit rating which is 3.03 crit
Opinion said:
Something to note, you forgot the 19 shadow resist Undead receive and the 30, not 45 second shared cooldown with insignia. Also, cannibalize is something to be worth noting, since you can stealth, cannibalize for extra survivability.

Thanks forgot about that will add later today :)
had one more question for you.

what do u think of using engineering instead of skinning for second profession

you dont get the flat crit but instead you get

heavy bomb for 100 dmg plus 2 second incapacitate

exploding sheep with huge stealth detection radius

target dummy that distracts hunter/warlock pets

also you get the minor recombobulator or whatever trinket that heals for 200 and dispels polymorph effects if you are lacking 2 grand arena master trinks as human or 1 as any other race.
I like engy for premades, especially for the minor recombobulator to dispell polys. I would say that a rogue on O should use recombob, really your whole team should have it if there is a D mage since AGM becomes less useful on O in premades where you have a healer with you and their D doesn't really wanna kill you anyway. That is a decision for your offensive coordinator though.
Wittyscrub said:
Imo Vends charge > shitty boa mace.

;edit; since haste is completely useless.

i completely forgot about this item /fail thanks though if dwarf i said BOA mace is BIS depends .34 crit or 2 haste idk take your pick

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