[Mists Of Pandaria] Curley's Rogue Guide

Rantcasey said:
Instant Poison vs Heavy Sharping Stone

which one is better and why

Instant poision is better because it offers more burst and accounts for around 15-20 percent of your overall DPS which is lead by white damage. Heavy sharpening stone would be more consistent damage but definitely less burst :) hope to have answered your question
For OH would using an Impish blade be a bad idea? I have shadowfang mainhand
curleypwnsu said:
Instant poision is better because it offers more burst and accounts for around 15-20 percent of your overall DPS which is lead by white damage. Heavy sharpening stone would be more consistent damage but definitely less burst :) hope to have answered your question

Yea thats what i was assuming. Thanks
I've been thinking a bit about the poison proccing.

It is said that 2x shadowfang is BIS. As I have been unable to procure those, I have 2xMc'Gowan's. All of which are very slow weapons.

But isn’t it better with a fast dagger in the OH now that we have poisons proccing? For example sentinel’s blade with 2 agi 2 sta 1,7 weapon speed, compared to shadowfangs 6 agi, 2,7 weaponspeed. Dps-wise one trades 4 agi with 1 sec faster weaponspeed (though with lesser max damage on the weapon itself). This seems to me to be a large potential for added poison-proccs, but perhaps the lower max dmg on the dagger makes this non-viable.

I can’t do the math, but I just think it’s a possibility that both combat and sub would benefit from having a slower weapon in the offhand.

On a side note: a combat specc would go for higher hit than a sub specc, as the OH damage is more important. Which means that for each hit you gain, you gain even more poison proccs. This sounds like a very good way to max ones dps (not that I have tried out the utility/ToT on sub, as BG’s for 19 twinks on Auchindoun,EU is dead ).

Thoughts on speccs and poisons in relation to curley’s (excellent) guide?
Henrettiette said:
I've been thinking a bit about the poison proccing.

It is said that 2x shadowfang is BIS. As I have been unable to procure those, I have 2xMc'Gowan's. All of which are very slow weapons.

But isn’t it better with a fast dagger in the OH now that we have poisons proccing? For example sentinel’s blade with 2 agi 2 sta 1,7 weapon speed, compared to shadowfangs 6 agi, 2,7 weaponspeed. Dps-wise one trades 4 agi with 1 sec faster weaponspeed (though with lesser max damage on the weapon itself). This seems to me to be a large potential for added poison-proccs, but perhaps the lower max dmg on the dagger makes this non-viable.

I can’t do the math, but I just think it’s a possibility that both combat and sub would benefit from having a slower weapon in the offhand.

On a side note: a combat specc would go for higher hit than a sub specc, as the OH damage is more important. Which means that for each hit you gain, you gain even more poison proccs. This sounds like a very good way to max ones dps (not that I have tried out the utility/ToT on sub, as BG’s for 19 twinks on Auchindoun,EU is dead ).

Thoughts on speccs and poisons in relation to curley’s (excellent) guide?

lol im from ur server :pP and i am in wsg every evening.. so i dont understand why you say that its dead? you know that battlegroups are merged right?? ??? ???
I have waited hours on end without anything happening, and I just took up this twink again. Havent played her since TBC.

Someone - perhaps that was you - contacted me ingame now and told me the same as you just did. Weird... I tried to turn xp back on and then off again, and if it still doesnt help I'm gonna contact a GM. Good to hear that it actually is working out after all though :)
Henrettiette said:
I've been thinking a bit about the poison proccing.

It is said that 2x shadowfang is BIS. As I have been unable to procure those, I have 2xMc'Gowan's. All of which are very slow weapons.

But isn’t it better with a fast dagger in the OH now that we have poisons proccing? For example sentinel’s blade with 2 agi 2 sta 1,7 weapon speed, compared to shadowfangs 6 agi, 2,7 weaponspeed. Dps-wise one trades 4 agi with 1 sec faster weaponspeed (though with lesser max damage on the weapon itself). This seems to me to be a large potential for added poison-proccs, but perhaps the lower max dmg on the dagger makes this non-viable.

I can’t do the math, but I just think it’s a possibility that both combat and sub would benefit from having a slower weapon in the offhand.

On a side note: a combat specc would go for higher hit than a sub specc, as the OH damage is more important. Which means that for each hit you gain, you gain even more poison proccs. This sounds like a very good way to max ones dps (not that I have tried out the utility/ToT on sub, as BG’s for 19 twinks on Auchindoun,EU is dead ).

Thoughts on speccs and poisons in relation to curley’s (excellent) guide?

"As of patch 3.1., the proc chance of Instant Poison and Wound Poison was changed to a PPM model, normalized for 1.4 speed weapons."

Weapon Speed no longer matters.

If you want higher poison procs, go asn, but that's all it has. Mutilate w/o a poison debuff is weak right now.

The reason Subtlety is better is simply because of the waylay/ShS.

In Combat, you have to stay on the player. Any snare/root will ruin you. You would need a partner to help you with that.
Beating hunters as a rogue,

Ambush > beat on them till they disengage

ShS disengage and kill

works most of the time
1v1 is usually easy as pie. They tend to get pesky when there are 2-3-4-5 hunters standing in a row playing artillery. Then they quickly nuke down any rogue ambushing one of them. Pug BG's are usually hard in those cases.

Good thing that goblin hunters only are able to use their rockets every 2 minutes :p.

I am glad I have escape artist <3
Some one needs to make a reply to this thread:

(Name here)'s guide to rogue for Curley.

Seriously - on hamcake land i saw X amount of people roll rgues for the 1st time and beat this trash - me included.

jus sayin'
Pewpewbbq said:
Some one needs to make a reply to this thread:

(Name here)'s guide to rogue for Curley.

Seriously - on hamcake land i saw X amount of people roll rgues for the 1st time and beat this trash - me included.

jus sayin'

cool when was i ever good at rvr i never was in 3.3.5 i was combat spec and never Q'ed for arenas i just played wsg

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