Quelfep said:how old are you, little one?
IM legit 12 yea r old twinke r and what?
Quelfep said:how old are you, little one?
SÃ xxon said:IM legit 12 yea r old twinke r and what?
SÃ xxon said:only go 2 numba 4
Rivfader said:Pssh I have a SS>ambush>evisc castsequence macro bound to mousewheel up and stealth to mousewheel down. That's all ya need brah.
Quelfep said:i knew it i wasnt fooled. little kid. you are pretty much a baby to me. cute little baby. bald head with lobster bib on. u so cut3 boi. little baby saxxon cute kid toddler in a toddler chair where i can ruffle ur cute curly hair
Mrcer said:Fosho mai shizzling nizzle! Du'et
curleypwnsu said:Ayy'aight fo'nizzle grizzle wizzle!!!