Minor Speed + Warrior

Distort said:
The only classes that are viable to not have Minor speed to boots would be druid, shamans, and hunters...but even when they are indoors, this gives a window of opportunity for other classes to completely shutting them down, which makes this enchant better than 7 stam...

Here's the various Travel Form upsides and downsides:

Ghostwolf - Turns the Shaman into a Ghost Wolf, increasing speed by 40%. As a Ghost Wolf, the Shaman is less hindered by effects that would reduce movement speed. Only useable outdoors.

Advantages: The Maintenance of 100% Speed while under slowing effects makes it less vulnerable to Ground Effect AoE Auras Than Druid Travelform... i.e. Earthbind Totem and Frost Trap. At 19, this is largely overlooked since Earthbind Totem is typically killed within seconds of one being dropped, and because Frost Trap is not yet available. Interesting not is that a Shaman is also able to attack while in Ghostwolf Form, while not all that potent, you can kill Totems an enemy Shaman decides to drop right in front of you as you run by without spending mana. While Ghostwolf is not as potent to Applied Movement Imparing Debuffs such as Conc Shot or Hamstring, it also doesn't require further expenditure of mana to have some effectiveness against them. Additionally, can be used effectively to move as an attacker rather than an FCer, especially against Hunters.

Disadvantages: Still vulnerable to Polymorphs, have to wait for debuffs to wear off to regain full speed bonus, vulnerable to roots, and requires spending talent points to make it usable in BGs. Lack of short cast heals make self healing a bit trickier than for Druids. Can't be used indoors. Has access to an Aura type snare ability. Edit: Can be dispelled /Edit.

Druid Travel Form: Shapeshift into travel form, increasing movement speed by 40%. Also protects the caster from Polymorph effects. Only useable outdoors. The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of Polymorph and Movement Impairing effects.

Advantages: Can remove any "Non-Aura" type Snare and Roots when you desire to and have the mana. Immune to Polymorphs. Combined with Druid HoTs, can effectively self heal while getting away. Has access to effective Rooting ability.

Disadvantages: It costs mana to take advantage of the reduced effectiveness of Snares and Roots against you, it is possible for a focused and efficient team to be able to drain your mana by forcing you to repeatedly shapeshift until you can shapeshift no more, at which point, snares and roots gain full effectiveness. Cannot be used indoors. Using this is at the expense of the mitigation available to the Bear.

Hunter Cheetah Aspect: The hunter takes on the aspects of a cheetah, increasing movement speed by 30%. If the hunter is struck, she will be dazed for 4 seconds. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.

Advantages: Can be used indoors. Costs no Mana. Hunter has a ranged, instant cast Snare to compliment it, as well as a melee ranged spammable snare... as well as 2 Instant Cast Damaging abilities and a .5 second casting one.

Disadvantages: Untalented, it's notably slower than Ghostwolf and Travel Form. Anything that does front load damage is effectively a snare against AotC. Vulnerable to Roots and Snares of all sorts... though why someone would waste a snaring ability on a Hunter with Cheetah on is beyond me.

The biggest advantage though is that "Can be used indoors" thing.
Distort said:
Minor speed is way better than 7 stam for it's obvious reasons...

Im not sure where people are getting that I think 7 stam is better from.
Conrose said:
Here's the various Travel Form upsides and downsides:

Ghostwolf - Turns the Shaman into a Ghost Wolf, increasing speed by 40%. As a Ghost Wolf, the Shaman is less hindered by effects that would reduce movement speed. Only useable outdoors.

Advantages: The Maintenance of 100% Speed while under slowing effects makes it less vulnerable to Ground Effect AoE Auras Than Druid Travelform... i.e. Earthbind Totem and Frost Trap. At 19, this is largely overlooked since Earthbind Totem is typically killed within seconds of one being dropped, and because Frost Trap is not yet available. Interesting not is that a Shaman is also able to attack while in Ghostwolf Form, while not all that potent, you can kill Totems an enemy Shaman decides to drop right in front of you as you run by without spending mana. While Ghostwolf is not as potent to Applied Movement Imparing Debuffs such as Conc Shot or Hamstring, it also doesn't require further expenditure of mana to have some effectiveness against them. Additionally, can be used effectively to move as an attacker rather than an FCer, especially against Hunters.

Disadvantages: Still vulnerable to Polymorphs, have to wait for debuffs to wear off to regain full speed bonus, vulnerable to roots, and requires spending talent points to make it usable in BGs. Lack of short cast heals make self healing a bit trickier than for Druids. Can't be used indoors. The Addition of a Shield allows for increased mitigation against physical damage over Druid's Travel Form. Has access to an Aura type snare ability.

and most important...can be dispelled! Now gogo and use what we have learnt!
to orcs defense ont he mouvement slowing effect is still good all by himself.

that 8% more speed will not stay 8% when you get slowed, it will be reduced by half and thus 4%. thats whats orcgasm speaks about when he says you'll be slowed so why bother.

but let me tell you this little situation orc...

you run after a guy, he has minor speed and you dont, you are exactly 30 yard away, your charge doesn't work, for the guy out runs you right there and that 30 yard away is already to far gone.

your charge is on a 30 second CD as well, its not as if you could keep spamming it, let's say you charge him and hamstring, he trinkets while you were hitting another button, because of his minor speed he's already out of your 5 yard limit for another hamstring, alkl this because of the global cooldown forcing you to wait a second before applying another hamstring.

then if the guy is anything but a melee like rogue... he can easily jump in a 360 degree and shoot you to stop your next charge because the 30 second at this point is not yet over and since right there he can keep you in combat you'd have lost many life points before even having another chance at getting to him.

that again is all by itself a situation in a 1 on 1 which is never, or rarely the case in BGs.

to mch situations makes minor speed a better choice for warriors and then having to depend on charge. i couldn't help to notice that all your arguments comes from soloing a 1v1 .

what would do in a situation where you were hitting a guy then got conced by a hunter who came his help. you're charge right there will never happen ever again. from your point of view, in this situation from what i understood of you saying it, is that you'd choose to die and then come back. but this situation happens all the times in a BG thus you'd be choosing to die like what... 15 times during a BG for the sole purpose of saying i have no chance against 2 if i cant charge ?

this is how i understand it.

Minor speed is better in a situation where multiple opponents are involved.

and even if slowed...

100% - 50% = 50%

108% - 50% = 54% <-- This is still faster and thus gaining you range.

the argument about if i have it and he does too will not make me catch him is true, but in this case... if he has and you dont you won't have a single chance at catching him at all. except when you'll be able to charge and that is only once every 30 seconds. not to mention you have to be out of combat which takes another 5-6 seconds to accomplish.

i say its taking a very big risk for such a small deal.
i dk why any1 would suggest the 7 stam period too. Stamina doesn't increase your dmg output at all like ALL the other enchants do. And lol orcy, u started the thread.
ArthurianKnight said:
then if the guy is anything but a melee like rogue... he can easily jump in a 360 degree and shoot you to stop your next charge because the 30 second at this point is not yet over and since right there he can keep you in combat you'd have lost many life points before even having another chance at getting to him.

Even Rogues have a "Kite the Warrior" option with making use of the 5-8 deadzone between Warrior Melee and Charge Range to A: Regen Energy for another 2-3 Second ability burst session; and, B: Restealth for another opener. If a Warrior tries using T-Clap to keep the rogue from going into stealth, it's that much less rage used to deal respectable damage to the Rogue when they move in for another burst session.
Crilicilyn said:
i dk why any1 would suggest the 7 stam period too. Stamina doesn't increase your dmg output at all like ALL the other enchants do. And lol orcy, u started the thread.

I never said 7 stam was better. I said minor speed was unnecessary. Which it still is.
this has no meaning then, i thought this was about argumentations and from what i can see, whatever reason we will give you to understand that for a warrior minor speed is better will just not change your mind.

some of your points are logical and valid "IF" we make abstraction of the real combat experience. on the battlefield its a completely different story though. minor speed for a warrior is too usefull !

Cril: i was more refering to the fact that rogues dont even have a need to run away from warriors to begin with and thus have no need to even stop dpsing the warrior down.
ArthurianKnight said:
Cril: i was more refering to the fact that rogues dont even have a need to run away from warriors to begin with and thus have no need to even stop dpsing the warrior down.

I'm not sure how useful 5-8 kiting is for 10-19, especially with Dismantle as part of their arsenal now, but I remember all through Classic and TBC making use of 5-8 for restealthing, or regenning Energy for another burst whilst at the same time not giving them the opportunity to regen Rage through damage dealt or received. Resulting in a Energy Generated vs Rage Generated balance in my own favor. I haven't had to do it since Wrath began because Rogues have so many cooldowns now, it's hard not to kill a warrior 1v1 before you've run through Vanish, Evasion, Dismantle and the cooldown time buying Gouge.
Minor Speed isn't useless.

-You ll get faster from A to B (for example in wsg).

-If you try to escape combat fe in arena slowing your opponent and going for los you ll be faster out of sight.

-You can't catch up with ppl you cant land harmstring on and have minor speed. fe a rogue in evasion and you can't get behind him just walks away (sure with jumping and turning and all this stuff, otherwise it would be stupid ..)

-If you r slowed you still get some bonus and can get (even if its just a bit) faster to your opponent (here fe a mage or sth like that).

So i dont know why your saying Minor Speed is useless, it's just a small advantage but it is a advantage. And minor speed vs no-minor speed is out of question, if your opponent isn't totaly retarded.
nzxer, i played a a hunter before we got AOTC without minor speed and seriously, i wasn't missing anything !

having it has pros and cons, not having it for anything else has pros and cons.

the benefits unfortunately are most likely opinion based and not facts !

just like those saying 7 stam is useless, when you consider a stam stacking build, 7 stam becomes quite better. so saying its useless, is just that an opinion. same for minor speed, saying anything else is useless is strickly an opinion nad brings no fact to the table.

for a warrior i'd choose minor speed any day, for its just beter to equal those with it.

thats what i think !
ArthurianKnight said:
nzxer, i played a a hunter before we got AOTC without minor speed and seriously, i wasn't missing anything !

you're a hunter, you could just slap on toughened leather chest with some shitty enchant and a full fang/defias set and still burst down anything with ~1000 hp in a few secs
ArthurianKnight said:
nzxer, i played a a hunter before we got AOTC without minor speed and seriously, i wasn't missing anything !

having it has pros and cons, not having it for anything else has pros and cons.

the benefits unfortunately are most likely opinion based and not facts !

just like those saying 7 stam is useless, when you consider a stam stacking build, 7 stam becomes quite better. so saying its useless, is just that an opinion. same for minor speed, saying anything else is useless is strickly an opinion nad brings no fact to the table.

for a warrior i'd choose minor speed any day, for its just beter to equal those with it.

thats what i think !

ya i bet, read where i said youre bad
oh well at least i tryed, i guess noobs can't be explained to !

you're just too focused on things that aren't even a fact.

play a few twinks "XP-OFF" with a hunter, see for yourself how hard it can be !

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