Minor Speed + Warrior

Crilicilyn said:
hunters are so not easy mode! try healing as a hunter its like srsly hard!

Mend pet, heal hut , and bandages, can pull out some pretty sick healing imo
what i hate about this place, is all the prejudice involved in thinking hunters are the very best class there is in game at any levels.

i do agree that fighting against 10 hunters in a BG can be a tedious task...

but so is fighting 10 warlocks if it would be hapenning, so is fighting 10 shamans, so would be 10 mages. have you tryed fighting a twinked priest with a druid FC fully twinked ? even a hunter does not hit hard enough for them to go down.

1v1 hunters can easily be beaten for its too hard to stay in range against mostly everyone. in BGs its even harder for there is bound to have at least one gaining on you and if you play XP-OFF then you are bound to hit pros who actually knows how to deal with you

yet most of you just say its easy, just like that because you choose to be a sheep that follows everyones leads. they all say its easy, so are you without even playing one. just a note for you guys who think its easy playing a hunter in XP-OFF BGs... there is only 2 reasons why twinking pros actually not do hunters, first being there is too many, second being they know you can't win a game by just having DPS !

that prooves hunters are not the all time best.

but go on, ignore this simple fact, ignore all of what i said. after all, sheeps are nothing without a master behind them.

as for the healing part, yeah well thats all good for little blue cow...

Mend Pet only heals pet, which is pretty much useless in BGs.

Heal HoT, i was a troll, not a blue cow who doesn't know what milk is.

Bandages, unfortunately, it does the same with others as well and thus is easy to stop after the first tick.
you think hunters are hard in xp bgs? bahahaha

if you're losing to everyone 1v1 its not because your class is underpowered yourue just bad
encorebroz, i could be mistaken, but saying "losing to everyone shouldn't be" and "none said they were op" kinda seem contradicting to me. so as long as you decide to be good with contradictions about the hunter class, i suggest you just dont add to this mess.

saying hunters cannot lose in 1v1 is something quite retarded to say because it implies that nobody can ever beat a hunter. like even the best of the best cannot do shit about it, which is quite untrue.

but i've started a hunter posting in a warrior and minor speed thread, that shouldn't have. so let's please go back on topic.

warrior + minor is probably a must !

hit rating can be good too, but you'd be missing on a quite good enchant for a warrior who just needs it. 7 stam and 7 agi are not even worth the consideration to me.

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