Minor Speed + Warrior

Orcgasm said:
If a pally HoFs out of it, this would be the only possible viable situation to use minor speed, and even then it is trivial due to the fact that pallies only have a stun to stop your movement, and it is simple to double back the other way and recharge.

Until you double back and they hand of reckoning you, leaving you in combat miles from your target.
orcgasm that theory is good logic, unfortunately cannot work for charge is only usable while "NOT" in combat and thus you cannot simply run out of the fight once its engaged unless your opponent sucks badly. thus minor speed is more important. though i'd not say more then 5 hit.

basically you are speaking as if you could charge forever, and if that was the case i'd agree, but its not the case, you cannot charge during the fight.
encorebroz said:
lol at this thread

i hope you don't make a warrior

Nice arguement, constructive info. You just can't prove me wrong, its ok.
What if they have minor speed too? Either way you won't catch up to them. If they don't have minor speed and aren't a warrior, they are probably bad. In either case, you would either LoS charge or reapply.
Kore nametooshort said:
What you going to do against that crafty shaman with GW or that mages frost armour or even another warrior

If you are hit with frost armor, you are still going to not be able to catch them, even with minor speed. The shaman part makes sense, but still involves them shifting out of GW to keep you in combat. The only time you would need to catch another warrior is if they are running away from you, and if they are trying to run away they should have hamstring on them. If they somehow don't, and you do, you can still easily catch them. If they turn around to hit you with ranged to keep you in combat, they stopped their movement and will get you close enough to get another hamstring. If they are turning around every 5 seconds to hit you with ranged, and they have minor speed, they are eventually going to stop just out of thrown range, giving you time to get out of combat, run into charge range, and reapply.
Orcgasm said:
If you are hit with frost armor, you are still going to not be able to catch them, even with minor speed. The shaman part makes sense, but still involves them shifting out of GW to keep you in combat. The only time you would need to catch another warrior is if they are running away from you, and if they are trying to run away they should have hamstring on them. If they somehow don't, and you do, you can still easily catch them. If they turn around to hit you with ranged to keep you in combat, they stopped their movement and will get you close enough to get another hamstring. If they are turning around every 5 seconds to hit you with ranged, and they have minor speed, they are eventually going to stop just out of thrown range, giving you time to get out of combat, run into charge range, and reapply.

So basically, don't have minor speed because if you just run straight at your target, eventually you'll either catch up with them, or you'll die.

How about because minor speed reduces the time it takes you to run the length of the field, so you can get back to the action faster should you die, you can get to where you are needed faster and you can keep up with all the other classes you might happen to be escorting (im thinking non-druid/shaman flag carriers, yes they still exist especially when re-picks are needed) during the course of a match that will invariably have minor speed.
Ardent said:
1. So basically, don't have minor speed because if you just run straight at your target, eventually you'll either catch up with them, or you'll die.

2. How about because minor speed reduces the time it takes you to run the length of the field, so you can get back to the action faster should you die,

3. you can get to where you are needed faster and you can keep up with all the other classes you might happen to be escorting (im thinking non-druid/shaman flag carriers,

4. yes they still exist especially when re-picks are needed) during the course of a match that will invariably have minor speed.

1. No, I never said that. If you are doing it right, they will either be running away from you allowing a charge, or will always have hamstring. If they are just staying on you it does not affect your time on target.

2. If their entire offense, your entire offense, and their entire defense are on the complete opposite side of the map, it sounds like a great game. That 8% is negligible.

3. If you charge in, like you should, you can beat the minor speed for the last 30 yards. If you are escorting someone, and they have speed, you will still be most likely hamstringing people behind them, and charging to those in front.

4. I bet dem shammiez just eat em up
encorebroz said:
you know theres ways of keeping someone in combat while not in melle range

A warrior who knows how to play should be able to keep himself out of combat for 5 seconds.
Orcgasm said:
A warrior who knows how to play should be able to keep himself out of combat for 5 seconds.

Not in every situation he cant.


ArthurianKnight said:
thus minor speed is more important. though i'd not say more then 5 hit.

Hit can be gotten from other sources, minor speed cannot.
Kore nametooshort said:
Not in every situation he cant.


Hit can be gotten from other sources, minor speed cannot.

But the speed isn't needed, why would you have to get it from another source? >.< Thats the thread.

I can understand situations where it can be useful (I have a few pairs of boots with speed on them too..) but you have to admit, most, if not all, of my arguments are sound.
Orcgasm said:
But the speed isn't needed, why would you have to get it from another source? >.< Thats the thread.

I can understand situations where it can be useful (I have a few pairs of boots with speed on them too..) but you have to admit, most, if not all, of my arguments are sound.

Your theorycraft for certain situations seems sound, but i think that like hit chance you will be fine most of the time, but you will eventualy have the movement equivalent of a missed shield bash that will leave you raging such as just missing a charge on an efc before he LoSes you by being just out of range or w/e. It would also give you less time inbetween a trinket and reapplying hamstring than you would have with minor speed.
If hunters didn't have such a small dead zone (I don't remember when they reduced it) then it wouldn't be a problem, otherwise go with speed
Hunters no longer have a "True" deadzone since the minimum Range for ranged attacks was reduced to 5 yards, or the maximum range of melee attacks. This was changed back during the Zul'Aman Patch (Nyhm makes mention of it on his "Just Loot It" song along with Zul'Aman and the Fear/DoT/Drain Mana nerfs).

Warriors still suffer from the 5-8 Deadzone between Melee and Charge/Intercept Range, taking advantage of this is still a key part of many class's Anti-Warrior tactics.

Now then, a major problem with Orcgasm's theory is that though it is possible to get out of combat and that one could theoretically back away from a target or LoS, many things make this increasingly difficult, primarily Tab/DoT Locks and Hunter Peripheral Multi-Shot attacks... not to mention Hunter Pets, I know that I sometimes sick a pet on a Warrior for the sole purpose of keeping them from Charging the target they desire any time soon... and I have a macro set up to switch to serpent sting my pets current target and switch back to my current target in case the Warrior in question attempts to Hamstring to break from combat with my pet.
Minor speed is way better than 7 stam for it's obvious reasons...

1.keeping up with the rest of your team or an enemy if they were to dodge/parry your hamstring while kiting you.

2. 7 stam or "70 hp" is easily taken down by the majority of dots/auto-attacks, making the extra 8% speed increase while slowed much more valuable

3. as a warrior, it is nice to have minor speed whenever you have those damn hunters that pet snare/stun and trinket at the same time AND have aspect of the monkey on...which makes getting a hamstring on them in time virtually impossible or difficult with their 35+% dodge...even with the expertise possibilities on gear it is still very possible to get dodged/parried

4. unless you have hamstring glyph, you would be screwed if another player had Minor speed and snares...they can just wait till they are out of "melee range" of you and keeping you in combat with a simple range instant attack or the common 10 yard radius debuffs...

The only classes that are viable to not have Minor speed to boots would be druid, shamans, and hunters...but even when they are indoors, this gives a window of opportunity for other classes to completely shutting them down, which makes this enchant better than 7 stam...

Oh and the whole thing about "los for 5 seconds then charge" is quite hard whenever you are trying to catch up to an efc while in mid or when he has a decent defense with him. Even if you were a NE, this wouldn't be commonly possible whenever almost every class at 19 can place a dot on you...breaking your shaowmeld and having the possibility of getting hit before exiting combat, the only way you could shadowmeld charge would be if you popped your agm or had a priest bubble on you

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