who in the right mind would want blazing speed over a insta poly on a healer when u push for kill on EFC just dont be a idiot and over extend even if u do u dont need blazing speed just blink back to group
i'd think skype would fix an issue like that. you could also have announcement macros for targets you set to focus (most likely your poly targets)Even if POM is good, it's not viable with the comp you choose the 2 boomkins will obviously break all your polys.
Rejuv for all GCD instead of dot ?
So your boomkins = 0 damage if you don't let them do their job... what should they do instead ? Rejuv for all GCD instead of dot ?
So your boomkins = 0 damage if you don't let them do their job... what should they do instead ? Rejuv for all GCD instead of dot ?
i'd think skype would fix an issue like that. you could also have announcement macros for targets you set to focus (most likely your poly targets)
Friend. Just because they dot one less player doesn't mean it will result in doing 0 damage. Cannabis made a perfect point, and I think most boomkins in the right mind would rather burst EFC than dot up every healer when going for a flag return.
Plus, I agree with Dorygon. PoM shouldn't be used for polymorphing unless their healers give you an opportunity to.
did u even read what i said ROFL
Okay you don't get it ! I re explainif your boomkins don't dot every single target, you want to know what's gonna happen ? The opponent healers gonna put a boomkins or 1 or your mage as focus and they will see on who they cast so they just gonna pre heal everytime... If boomkins dot all target sometimes you have a door open to burst 1 target when they are busy heal someone who dropped mid HP or 3/4 HP cuz of DOT (moonkins / serpents stings)
POM< Speed in term of CD also.
Say EFC has 6-8 stacks and you land a kill on one of the the enemies' healers. A great opportunity to get a return, thus capping the flag afterwards. Are you going to put every player in your team to focus EFC, coordinating burst to get a return, or are you going to keep tabdotting? You don't get it. PoM doesn't have to be used in order to get a polymorph off. It can be used to do more damage too.
The question is if you're going to fuck up often enough to take advantage of the short CD of blazing speed.
10 x 2 x1 = 20 sec to dot everybody, since healers are 40 meter far away from there ranged DPS the FC also you have to dot 5 people so 10 secs and dot durations is 15 sec so you have 5 sec to get a starsurge and maybe 1-2 wrath or 1 moonfire on 1 ranged or the EFCif he got gripped by BM and bump in a worst position by shaman.
except that and restealth get strsurge + 1 cast on EFC i don't know which kind of BM let you hit his FC.
The Mid strat is a very strong concept and really really hard to counter if you have a Defense in the base. If one team does it, it almost forces the other team to do it aswell. Making you play on their terms. I have been thinking alot about this, mainly because I truly dislike the midstrat. It caters to range classes to be able to do as much damage as possible, often making the games come down to the last minute.
What does the mid strat do for games?
Makes Range classes the only class option you want as dps
Makes for the highest possible numbers for those range classes
Makes it alot easier to GY farm (contain if you must)
I begin thinking about the strat as a whole and It leads me to wonder why do we do this? Yes it is effective, yes if your team is full of Ranged, Heals, and a strong FC it will cater to your strengths. But its leading people that would rather play other classes to have no choice and play a class that is good in Mid. Which in my opinion is what is wrong with this bracket, why people almost have to roll a OP class to survive and help there team win.
Why cant twinks roll what they want to roll and still have a chance at winning? people will say, you can roll what ever you want to roll, but if you do your putting faith in the hands of your other twinks to roll OP classes so you actually have a chance at winning. Due to the Mid Strat.
Can anyone think of a counter to the Mid Strat?
First of all, are you sure the global cooldown of your abilities is 1 second? Or why 10*2*1? I know I'm kind of arguing against myself here, but want to know if there's any particular reason other than that you aren't aware of the GCD.
This discussion isn't about the total damage a balance druid can do. This is about if it's worth it for mages to spec PoM over blazing speed. But if the enemies are one healer down I don't think it matters if they see you cast starsurges on their FC or not, they are probably going to spam their heals on him nevertheless.
The discussion was about mages speccing PoM over blazing speed in order to get a fast polymorph on a healer when pressuring and going for a kill on the EFC. You tried to counter that (in vain, unfortunately) by saying balance druids should always have dots up on every target and therefor polymorphing is useless.
The only legitimate argument I've seen from you so far is that they can trinket the polymorph. Is forcing a trinket bad, though?