MGC vs. Static

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MGC is the Alliance equivalent to Static.
Kancers, nobody cares what you think. Go be mediocre and retarded somewhere else...Like Pluto, somewhere distant where you won't be able to breathe.
MGC is the Alliance equivalent to Static.

Only we don't try to slap other guilds in the face with our dicks on the forums
Kancers, nobody cares what you think. Go be mediocre and retarded somewhere else...Like Pluto, somewhere distant where you won't be able to breathe.

You quit the game but decide to post everyday all day on a twink forum?

So sad. So bad.
Haha dispel you won a practice ?? Like i know its once in a blue moon that you win at something in life but calm down with the dick slapping because we already went over what happened , & honestly you rejen was harder to beat : / sorry bud
Haha dispel you won a practice ?? Like i know its once in a blue moon that you win at something in life but calm down with the dick slapping because we already went over what happened , & honestly you rejen was harder to beat : / sorry bud

Do you play an orc hunter?
ok so why waste our time ?? Go on with your wow free life .. lol oh wait nvm your stuck on forums & even worse talking on a post about a game you werent even in
Angry no where near it actually happy <3 i get my daily dose of talking to two fags
btw i used to play with celmers rogue & you were cool , but then you became a jewboy
Celmer shut up your a curley dick rider.

It's ok, I understand this is a difficult time for you and your guild. However the 19 twinking community cares about you.
We are here to help you get through this obsticle in your life. Suicide is a serious isuue, but with the love and help from the fellow tinks. We can help you get through this.
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