100% GCD Hacker
Here's a couple of the best assassination rogues world:
realhirnfrost - Viewing Profile - Arena Junkies
Mirlol - Viewing Profile - Arena Junkies
I'm not sure why their gear is blue... maybe it scales to the best? I don't play endgame so not sure. It's possible they bought a boost too...
They run 1.8 but they also don't have a choice. Fast OH is how it's always been and for melee damage it's still supported as the best. Assassination is weird at this level because Mut is your burst, not Envenom. Envenom just refreshed your SnD really, the damage is horrid. When I was looking at it a huge chunk of my damage was melee, hence why I go fast OH. I think it's close enough it's up to the user.
Capt and I have been trying assas at 20, imo im never gonna play it since the dmg and playstyle are shitty, but ik some rouges who are going assa. I dont like it since you have to go 2 much crit for my liking, deviate scale belt is pretty nice though (oh wait its gfd guess it doesnt count [MENTION=17026]SPQR[/MENTION] ), Silver embossed is also pretty good, i like sentinals or screwdriver for oh, tov mh, ally is great for assas because of eyepatch. (prob wont play it since i like the glass cannon, lots of damage combat spec, but assas will have its place, i highly doubt it will be better than combat, especially with combat recieving buffs as well, but I enjoy to see spec diversity)