<masta ballerz> Now ''exclusively' recruiting

Swagasaur said:
Rumseys and first aid are fine, I don't even consider those consumables, everything else on the list I agree with other then part of the 2 class limit, I think it should be a 1 hunter limit in the premade. Everything else is fair game.

inb4 excuses & dodges
I've seen you guys out there, pretty decent so far. good luck with your recruiting.

If you want to get the good people on your team you may have to provide some incentive or pay for a transfer. You might also look around in games to see who you think is a game changer and recruit that person specifically.
Grabco said:
I've seen you guys out there, pretty decent so far. good luck with your recruiting.

If you want to get the good people on your team you may have to provide some incentive or pay for a transfer. You might also look around in games to see who you think is a game changer and recruit that person specifically.

I've been less then impressed with the general state of alliance so far, with 75% of the rogues having less then 1k health and red defias masks. Thanks for the kind words, my biggest concern right now is stacking up some healers because the alliance is MORE then lacking.
Just had the best game Ive experienced yet at 19, shout out to kamilta,Dora and Blamegame on a great job.
Grabco said:
I've seen you guys out there, pretty decent so far. good luck with your recruiting.

If you want to get the good people on your team you may have to provide some incentive or pay for a transfer.

our name isnt phauren jeeeez
Athylle said:
our name isnt phauren jeeeez

If this was facebook, I'd like this comment.
Decent players in this guild from what I've seen, but it seems like everyone is probably in highschool from the posts that I read, so I'd feel a little out of place.
Kalki said:
Decent players in this guild from what I've seen, but it seems like everyone is probably in highschool from the posts that I read, so I'd feel a little out of place.

You play world of warcraft, and you're deterred by highschool students? lolol
Kalki said:
Decent players in this guild from what I've seen, but it seems like everyone is probably in highschool from the posts that I read, so I'd feel a little out of place.

I could see how you would think that, given many of our forum personae and your having no other past contact with us. However, most of us are more mature in-game, and bring a professionalism in WSG. The guild does include some people in high school, but I'm 25 myself and our other members vary in age as well.

I'm not sure whether you were implying serious interest in the guild tempered by immature forum posts or just commenting on what you've seen, but good luck.
Athylle said:
I could see how you would think that, given many of our forum personae and your having no other past contact with us. However, most of us are more mature in-game, and bring a professionalism in WSG. The guild does include some people in high school, but I'm 25 myself and our other members vary in age as well.

I'm not sure whether you were implying serious interest in the guild tempered by immature forum posts or just commenting on what you've seen, but good luck.

Raped with maturity
Kalki said:
Decent players in this guild from what I've seen, but it seems like everyone is probably in highschool from the posts that I read, so I'd feel a little out of place.

I'm not quite sure who you are, but if you're playing in the 19 bracket, even if we were all high school students, it would likely be a welcome level of maturity compared to the rest of the bracket. If you were looking to join and meet the requirements, I assure you that the Takeadot posting in 39 threads and other online forums, is a polar opposite from the takeadot in game an in vent, as most people are, and on top of that, you won't find a group of more objective minded players.

Good luck in your search.
im still jenny from the block
from da block**
im still, im still*
I will fund ANY elemental shaman that meets the requirements of joining, come say hi or message me.

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