
Do you have them?
Are they similar to any of your twinks in class/faction or even race?
I myself have a 90 rogue in addition to my 19 (i have a total of 5 rogues on my server), but my worgen priest is unique on my acc in both race and class.
How's about y'all?
My main has been warrior since late vanilla
I twink priests, but my main is a mage. I really just wanted the portal ability, because I'm too lazy to take the boats and stuff. :p But she ended up being really fun, so I'm happy with the class choice.
I play a rogue at 90, and back when 85 was max level I played a mage too. I'm just too lazy to level the mage to 90 as well.
My main is a disc priest and I do not have a priest twink and do not have any plans of making one. Disc starts to work out pretty good now btw. ;)
Been playing lock since TBC.
Only really started twinking cause i wanted to play melee but dont have the patients to level to max again :p

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