So, I have decided to roll a horde character, and I have only seen one or two decent mage/locks come out of either side (not counting 24's,) so I am going to try my hand at it. BUT, since I haven't seen very many at all, my outlook on them is bleek.
My questions are basically;
-If well geared (let's say 1100HP, 1900mana, no AGMs, no pocket heals,) which class would manage better? I know skill is a factor here, and this is a rather broad question since I'm not naming spec or skill level, but I'm only looking for opinions and/or which specs are better than others on both classes.
-I THINK my wife is making a hunter this time around (she played healer for all three of our last f2p toons, and said she wanted to try it.) So, would either of them function better with a hunter? I'll probably get some frost mage answers here, but if that's what you want to say, I want to hear it.
We will be rolling on a server with not too many f2p'ers on it (already have it picked,) so AGMs as well as chest farming are being considered if we make these our main f2p toons, so if anyone wants to add input on which would be better with AGMs, go ahead.
Also a couple of armory links would be amazing for horde locks/mages. I have only ever looked at Bizr, and if I go warlock, I'm pretty sure I will try and gear like him/her, but is there a better one?
Which of the pure dps clothies would be better as a whole? I will do both Pve and Pvp. But please read the whole thing, heh.
Apologies for the length, I tend to ramble when making decisions like this.
EDIT: Spelling. Don't tell the mrs. (she's a teacher.)
My questions are basically;
-If well geared (let's say 1100HP, 1900mana, no AGMs, no pocket heals,) which class would manage better? I know skill is a factor here, and this is a rather broad question since I'm not naming spec or skill level, but I'm only looking for opinions and/or which specs are better than others on both classes.
-I THINK my wife is making a hunter this time around (she played healer for all three of our last f2p toons, and said she wanted to try it.) So, would either of them function better with a hunter? I'll probably get some frost mage answers here, but if that's what you want to say, I want to hear it.
We will be rolling on a server with not too many f2p'ers on it (already have it picked,) so AGMs as well as chest farming are being considered if we make these our main f2p toons, so if anyone wants to add input on which would be better with AGMs, go ahead.
Also a couple of armory links would be amazing for horde locks/mages. I have only ever looked at Bizr, and if I go warlock, I'm pretty sure I will try and gear like him/her, but is there a better one?
Which of the pure dps clothies would be better as a whole? I will do both Pve and Pvp. But please read the whole thing, heh.
Apologies for the length, I tend to ramble when making decisions like this.
EDIT: Spelling. Don't tell the mrs. (she's a teacher.)